Dego Strange

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Write in this thread all the inconsistencies and bullshit of the XCU and I try to solve and explain the various holes. The more difficult the holes the less the explanations will be founded ... But at least we try.

Question: Xavier and Magneto first met when they were 17 but don't mention it in X-Men: First Class?
There is no foundation for this, but I think that sometime after Magneto's second betrayal, a still-suffering Charles reunited with Mistica. Knowing how much Xavier suffers the loss of his "sister" and she also unwittingly limits her actions because of her memories, I think Professor X has erased from his and Raven's memories all the moments together they have had since they were together since they ar at First Class. This created damage to Xavier's mind, making his first meeting with Lensherr confusing.
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Question: Deadpool was born before 1973, so he should be in his 70s/80s?
Answer: That's his mutant father, Thomas "Wade" Wilson, in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Question: Colossus is bigger and sounds Russian in Deadpool?
Answer: Chernobyl caused his mutation to manifest unnaturally as a baby in the Original Timeline, per Days of Future Past promotional material. In Deadpool, he can make himself much bigger due to his mutation being natural. He emigrated to America and gained an accent in the Original Timeline.

Question: They don't age?
Answer: Quicksilver's speed might have some form of cell regeneration that also slows his aging to a degree. Apocalypse's attempt to take Xavier's power paused Xavier's physical age. When Apocalypse showed Magneto his true potential, it slowed his age to an extent. As for Xavier aging between 2018 and 2023, perhaps he was killed sometime between those years and transferred his consciousness into his brain dead twin brother's body as he had done in the previous timeline.

Question: Jubilee's age?
Answer: She was frozen by Stryker in the 1970s. When she is freed, she's still a kid.

Question: Angel is an adult in 1983 and a child in 1996?
Answer: Different dude with the same powers.

Question: Emma Frost is younger in 1979 than in 1962?
Answer: They confirmed Emma Silverfox is a completely different character.

Question: Juggernaut is bigger in Deadpool 2?
Answer: His powers are enhanced due to the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak in Deadpool 2.

Question: Xavier has working legs from 1979 to 1986?
Answer: He took Beasts serum to regain his legs, became addicted to it in 1973 so he lost his powers, then began taking healthy doses for serveral years so that he could keep his powers before his body became immune to it.

Question: Phoenix Force in Apocalypse?
Answer: Nope, that was the Phoenix from X-Men: The Last Stand, which is actually just a darker side of Jean. Dark Phoenix shows the real cosmic entity.

Question: Wolverine has adamantium claws in Days of Future Past after they were destroyed?
Answer: Magneto helped repair them. Alternatively, Wolverine's healing factor changed the molecular structure of his adamatium into adamatium beta like the comics. This form of adamatium might be able to heal very slowly, though I'm unsure.

Question: Xavier and Magneto first met when they were 17 but don't mention it in X-Men: First Class?
Answer: They briefly met when they were 17 but forgot about it, meeting years later for the second time in X-Men: First Class. Alternatively, this could be early signs of dementia, since Charles suffers from it in 2029.

Question: Magneto helped build cerebro, but in First Class it was all Beast?
Answer: He helped upgrade the newer version seen in the Original Trilogy.
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Question: Xavier and Magneto first met when they were 17 but don't mention it in X-Men: First Class?
Answer: They briefly met when they were 17 but forgot about it, meeting years later for the second time in X-Men: First Class.
I agree on everything except for the penultimate answer which in my opinion is too risky unless I have forgotten something. Otherwise I would have another answer which I will now add to the main post
I see it like how Tony Stark met yinsen in 1999 yet doesn't remember him in 2008 (2009 if you follow the wiki).

Charles and Erik met when Charles was 17 in 1949, but it was brief, possibly a few days, and they only realised much later in life. 13 years later, they meet in X-Men: First Class and don't remember that prior meeting.

Memories are very flawed. It is likely someone would forget that type of thing pretty easily.
Vedo come Tony Stark abbia incontrato Yinsen nel 1999 ma non lo ricorda nel 2008 (2009 se segui la wiki).

Charles ed Erik si incontrarono quando Charles aveva 17 anni nel 1949, ma fu breve, forse pochi giorni, e si resero conto solo molto più tardi nella vita. 13 anni dopo, si incontrano in X-Men: First Class e non ricordano quell'incontro precedente.

I ricordi sono molto imperfetti. È probabile che qualcuno dimentichi quel tipo di cose abbastanza facilmente.
I entered my answer in the post. I also like your version.
Actually, another idea for Xavier. Xavier's age was stunted by Apocalypse, but he was killed sometime between 2018 and 2023. He transferred his consciousness into his brain dead twin brother like in X-Men: The Last Stand, thus he looks like Patrick Stewart again. Can't believe I never thought of that before. :D
Actually, another idea for Xavier. Xavier's age was stunted by Apocalypse, but he was killed sometime between 2018 and 2023. He transferred his consciousness into his brain dead twin brother like in X-Men: The Last Stand, thus he looks like Patrick Stewart again. Can't believe I never thought of that before. :D
Can you explain it better?
In X-Men: The Last Stand, Jean kills Xavier. Xavier transfers his consciousness into his brain dead twin brothers body in the After-Credits scene.

In the Revised Timeline, Xavier doesn't seem to age for whatever reason. We could say that this Xavier who hasn't physically aged as much as the Original Timeline version dies and, similar to his counterpart, transfers his consciousness into his brother to survive.

His brother would age just like he did in the Original Timeline. That's why in 2018, he looks like James McAvoy while in 2023 he looks like Patrick Stewart.
In X-Men: The Last Stand, Jean uccide Xavier. Xavier trasferisce la sua coscienza nel corpo dei suoi fratelli gemelli cerebralmente morti nella scena After-Credits.

Nella linea temporale rivista, Xavier non sembra invecchiare per nessun motivo. Potremmo dire che questo Xavier che non è fisicamente invecchiato tanto quanto la versione Original Timeline muore e, come la sua controparte, trasferisce la sua coscienza in suo fratello per sopravvivere.

Suo fratello sarebbe invecchiato proprio come nella linea temporale originale. Ecco perché nel 2018 assomiglia a James McAvoy mentre nel 2023 assomiglia a Patrick Stewart.
This is Awesome
Write in this thread all the inconsistencies and bullshit of the XCU and I try to solve and explain the various holes. The more difficult the holes the less the explanations will be founded ... But at least we try.

Question: Xavier and Magneto first met when they were 17 but don't mention it in X-Men: First Class?
There is no foundation for this, but I think that sometime after Magneto's second betrayal, a still-suffering Charles reunited with Mistica. Knowing how much Xavier suffers the loss of his "sister" and she also unwittingly limits her actions because of her memories, I think Professor X has erased from his and Raven's memories all the moments together they have had since they were together since they ar at First Class. This created damage to Xavier's mind, making his first meeting with Lensherr confusing.
I like this better. Xavier has dementia in 2029 so memory issues might have been a factor 30 years prior.
Question: Deadpool was born before 1973, so he should be in his 70s/80s?
Answer: That's his mutant father, Thomas "Wade" Wilson, in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Question: Colossus is bigger and sounds Russian in Deadpool?
Answer: Chernobyl caused his mutation to manifest unnaturally as a baby in the Original Timeline, per Days of Future Past promotional material. In Deadpool, he can make himself much bigger due to his mutation being natural. He emigrated to America and gained an accent in the Original Timeline.

Question: They don't age?
Answer: Quicksilver's speed might have some form of cell regeneration that also slows his aging to a degree. Apocalypse's attempt to take Xavier's power paused Xavier's physical age. When Apocalypse showed Magneto his true potential, it slowed his age to an extent.

Question: Jubilee's age?
Answer: She was frozen by Stryker in the 1970s. When she is freed, she's still a kid.

Question: Angel is an adult in 1983 and a child in 1996?
Answer: Different dude with the same powers.

Question: Emma Frost is younger in 1979 than in 1962?
Answer: They confirmed Emma Silverfox is a completely different character.

Question: Juggernaut is bigger in Deadpool 2?
Answer: His powers are enhanced due to the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak in Deadpool 2.

Question: Xavier has working legs from 1979 to 1986?
Answer: He took Beasts serum to regain his legs, became addicted to it in 1973 so he lost his powers, then began taking healthy doses for serveral years so that he could keep his powers before his body became immune to it.

Question: Phoenix Force in Apocalypse?
Answer: Nope, that was the Phoenix from X-Men: The Last Stand, which is actually just a darker side of Jean. Dark Phoenix shows the real cosmic entity.

Question: Wolverine has adamantium claws in Days of Future Past after they were destroyed?
Answer: Magneto helped repair them. Alternatively, Wolverine's healing factor changed the molecular structure of his adamatium into adamatium beta like the comics. This form of adamatium might be able to heal very slowly, though I'm unsure.

Question: Xavier and Magneto first met when they were 17 but don't mention it in X-Men: First Class?
Answer: They briefly met when they were 17 but forgot about it, meeting years later for the second time in X-Men: First Class.

Question: Magneto helped build cerebro, but in First Class it was all Beast?
Answer: He helped upgrade the newer version seen in the Original Trilogy.
There are various other characters with age problems. For example the other X Men not mentioned and William Stryker. I was thinking that the other X-Men, being all present in the battle of Apocalypse, had been "contaminated" by its power, while for Stryker I have no functional ideas other than a simple recasting.
Regarding the inconsistent aging, I just go with the idea that most mutants in the FoX-verse age "gracefully", with fifty-somethings still being able to pass as thirty somethings with little effort. Basically, they age in the same way that celebrities want you to believe they age.

The exceptions would be Xavier and Magneto, who obviously age much quicker in the original timeline. I basically attribute this to A) Xavier's aging is "sped-up" by his more constant use of Beast's power suppressant and B) Magneto's advanced aging is due to whatever experiments or torture is happening in captivity.

Other minor characters with inconsistent aging or presentations I chalk up to actually being different characters who share a mutant name out of a sense of heritage I.e. the Toad in DOFP is the father of the Toad in the first X-Men movie, the Caliban in Apocalypse is the father of the Caliban in Logan.

The Trask in X-Men 2 has to be a relative of the Trask in DOFP, no other ways about it.

For the life of me, I can't figure out Strykers aging, I dont get how he goes from a young looking Josh Helman to obviously middle-aged Danny Houston in a couple of years, especially as the revised timeline has him basically not aging between the 70s and 80s. Its the one case where I have to throw my hands up and accept its just a quirk of casting
I have two hypotheses. The first one is that there are at least 2 separate timelines that don't mix. So there is Timeline 1:
  1. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  2. X-Men
  3. X2
  4. X-Men: The Last Stand
  5. The Wolverine
Then, there is another timeline that has a different history, and different births but has a few similarities, like the look of the characters in the 2000s.
  1. X-Men: First Class
  2. X-Men: Days of a Future Past
  3. X-Men: Apocalypse
  4. X-Men: Dark Phoenix
  5. The New Mutants
So, The Wolverine could happen in this timeline before DoaFP so Xavier doesn't need to have a twin to bring his consciousness.
Deadpool is a bit tricky because it breaks the 4th wall, takes place in the 2000s, and features the '80-'90s X-Men actors.
Logan I think it happens on another Earth, like officially.

My second hypothesis is a bit farfetched, but it goes like this. When Kitty Pryde began use her time traveling powers in 2023, changing the present, it damaged the timeline (like Barry Allen during Flashpoint) and a lot of stuff changed, so that when Wolverine went back to 1963 it wasn't the timeline of the X-Men trilogy anymore, but of First Class. So it would be a single timeline but with this order:
  1. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  2. X-Men
  3. X2
  4. X-Men: The Last Stand
  5. The Wolverine
  6. X-Men: First Class
  7. X-Men: Days of a Future Past
  8. X-Men: Apocalypse
  9. X-Men: Dark Phoenix
  10. Deadpool (maybe)
  11. Deadpool 2 (maybe)
  12. The New Mutants
So these are my theories, what do you think?? Does it fix all the contradictions? Is it missing something?
Xavier literally transfers his consciousness canonically. That's not speculation. That's something that happens in X-Men: The Last Stand's post-credits scene. Xavier also appears in The Wolverine post-credits teasing Days of Future Past, so Days of Future Past is definitely the same timeline. The timelines diverged in 1973, they are the exact same prior to that.

Deadpool breaking the fourth wall has never meant anything. It just means that Wade has existential awareness that his reality is fictional within Earth-1218 (our reality). He is still a real person within his world. It all happened. It's just that it happened exactly as we wrote it to happen coincidently and Wade is aware of that. The Marvel Appendix, as well as dates within the film, place Deadpool 2 in 2018.

Logan being a different universe is a fan-misconception. The films themselves, particularly X-Men: Apocalypse, Deadpool 2 and The New Mutants, tie-in with Logan. The Essex Corporation is a running plot-thread tying those movies together. The New Mutants literary has footage from Logan. The Appendix designates Logan as occurring in Earth-17315. Since we know that Fox considers Logan to be part of the Revised Timeline, then the Revised Timeline is Earth-17315. The Appendix does not contradict this at all.

Earth-10005 - Original Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2002 - X-Men
2002 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past

Branches 1973

Earth-66250 - Cable's Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2068 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Prologue/2068 scenes)

Branches 2018

Earth-41633 - Deadpool 2 Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut

Branches 2018

Earth-17315 - Logan/Venessa Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Prologue/Credits)
2018 - The New Mutants
2024 - Deadpool 3
2029 - Logan

The continuity that can be solved should be done within those parameters in my opinion.
Xavier literally transfers his consciousness canonically. That's not speculation. That's something that happens in X-Men: The Last Stand's post-credits scene. Xavier also appears in The Wolverine post-credits teasing Days of Future Past, so Days of Future Past is definitely the same timeline. The timelines diverged in 1973, they are the exact same prior to that.
Ok, but I'm saying that yes, the films are connected, but in practice, First Class can't happen in the same timeline of Origins and the original trilogy. That's why I have those two theories. The one that fits this case more is my second theory, which says that Kitty Pryde interfering with the timeline changed it as The Flash did in Flashpoint. Any other explanation has to invent something for every single contradiction. This one just adjusts how time travel affects the timeline and fixes most of them. So it goes like:

Earth-10005 - Original Timeline
1979 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
2002 - X-Men
2002 - X2: X-Men United
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2013 - The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition
2023 - X-Men: Days of Future Past

Branches 1973

Earth-66250 - Cable's Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2068 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Prologue/2068 scenes)

Branches 2018

Earth-41633 - Deadpool 2 Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut

Branches 2018

Earth-17315 - Logan/Venessa Lives Timeline
1962 - X-Men: First Class
1973 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1992 - X-Men: Dark Phoenix
2016 - Deadpool
2018 - Deadpool 2: Super Duper $@%!#& Cut (Prologue/Credits)
2018 - The New Mutants
2024 - Deadpool 3
2029 - Logan
If things are already substantially different, then it's a huge coincidence that Wolverine ends up in any situation in which he has to alter events in the past. By the very nature of the time travel that was established, it doesn't make sense that time would already be different prior to the movie because they share identical events as far as any of the characters are concerned. Xavier and Magneto remember First Class in the future scenes for instance. The present day of 1973 is the exact same leading up to Wolverine's arrival.

First Class can and does happen in the same timeline as the original films. There isn't anything stopping that really, just small inconsistencies that can be explained.
Having returned to my X-Men phase, I come back to this thread

Note* For now, I only place First Class in the revised Timeline. I consider the film canon as the Nexus event happened later, but I want to think about it.
EARTH - 10005
Original Universe
EARTH - 17315 Branch created by Days of Future Past
EARTH - 66250 Deadpool becomes unnaturally aware of future events and, willy-nilly, his choices will be influenced by this, creating an offshoot
EARTH - 41633
Branch created by Cable's time travel
EARTH - 838
Branch created from Deadpool's time travel(s) at the end of Deadpool 2

1973 - 1979 EARTH - 10005

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X2 Prequel Comics: Wolverine
X2 Prequel Comics: Nightwing
X2: X-Men United

X-Men: The Official Game

X-Men: The Last Stand

The Wolverine: Extended Edition

2017 - 2018
The Gifted Season 1
The Gifted Season 2

X-Men: Days of Future Past

1962 EARTH - 17315
X-Men First Class: Hidden Hand
X-Men: First Class

X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men: Apocalypse


Deadpool: No Good Men Reed

The New Mutants


1985 EARTH - 66250

Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2

1985 EARTH - 41633
Deadpool 2

1985 EARTH - 838
Deadpool 2

Dark Phoenix

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
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The Gifted is set on Earth-17372, not Earth-10005. If you're gonna place Deadpool before Dark Phoenix despite the Marvel Appendix placing it in 2018, might I suggest 1982-1984, 1985 based on the Year of the Dog?

1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1984 - Deadpool
1985 - Deadpool 2
1992 - Dark Phoenix
2025 - Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
The Gifted is set on Earth-17372, not Earth-10005. If you're gonna place Deadpool before Dark Phoenix despite the Marvel Appendix placing it in 2018, might I suggest 1982-1984, 1985 based on the Year of the Dog?

1983 - X-Men: Apocalypse
1984 - Deadpool
1985 - Deadpool 2
1992 - Dark Phoenix
2025 - Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
I don't know how you see it, but I see that I marked The Gifted in 10005.

For Deadpool I had shot some random dates to get the point across hahaha, so yours fits

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