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This is the timeline of the Blade film series and its tie-in material set in Earth-26320 of the Marvel Multiverse. This includes the Blade Trilogy, Blade: The Series, the Blade video game tie-ins and the comic book tie-ins. Earth-42222 is a divergent timeline to the events of Blade (1998) and acts as a "What If...?" branch, showing what would have happened if La Magra was unleashed.
Note: Blade and Blade II timecodes are the blu-ray releases. Blade: Trinity and Blade: The Series timecodes are the DVD releases.

Page 1

BLADE- You're the RZA, aren't you? What do you want?
RZA- It's our job to hunt vampires...You know what? You half-bloods have no place in this...
Page 2

RZA- I'm gonna hunt you down...Day Walker!
BLADE- Hmmm... that's great.
Page 3

BLADE- Come anytime...
RZA- You don't have to tell me. I intend to.
Page 4

BLADE- But first...
RZA- Oh...I'm gonna have to clean up your friend first.
Page 5

Page 6

RZA- Acho!
Page 7

RZA- Nice work…Day Walker.
BLADE-…and you. RZA...
Page 8

BLADE- We have a common enemy. Vampires, we're gonna have to wait until they're gone before we can play this game. It's not too late.
RZA- Fine...But when the time comes, I will kill you. Don't forget...
BLADE- Oh...I'm looking forward to it.
Timeline Reasoning
Blade: The Series 1x09 flashbacks state 1899.
Blade: Sins of the Father flashbacks state 1926.
Blade begins with Erik Brooks birth, and the date 1967 is given on-screen.
Blade: The Series 1x07 has flashbacks to Eric Brooks' childhood. The date 1977 is given on the first flashback. The flashbacks also feature Whistler meeting Eric for the first time. It seems that Whistler was looking for Eric for 3 years after he ran away.
The Blade video game is a prequel to the film. This is due to releasing before Blade II and having Whistler in the story. It takes place on New Years Day.
Blade: Cybercomic is set before the film.
Blade: Sins of the Father takes place leading up to to film. It teases the conflict between Blade and Deacon Frost, so narratively I believe it makes sense to take place in the same year.
Blade is set in 1998 due to being 2 years before Blade II.
Darkhold: Blade #1 is set in an alternate timeline where Deacon Frost successfully used La Magra to turn the human population into vampires. It is set two years after Blade.
Blade II is set 20 years after Whistler found Blade on the streets in 1980.
The Blade II video game is a sequel to Blade II. There is a poster for "Exploitika 2002" in the subway level.
Blade: Nightstalking is set shortly before and during Blade: Trinity: Extended Version.
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version is set shortly before Blade: The Series due to a reference in the latter to the notes on Summerfield's inhaler version of the serum to counteract Blade's thirst being destroyed. This implies that Blade has been suffering with the regular serum, so it makes sense if the gap isn't too long.
Blade: The Series features an offhand reference to Blade: Trinity. Starr's grave states May 28, 2006. A newspaper in the pilot states November 12, 2006.
Blade = B8312F
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:13:09 - 0:14:36)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:16:18 - 0:18:42)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:20:05 - 0:20:48)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:23:58 - 0:26:25)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:27:58 - 0:28:56)
Blade: Sins of the Father #1 (pg. 1-5, 19)
Blade: Sins of the Father #1 (pg. 19)
Blade Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:01:37)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:06:36 - 0:09:19)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:31:32 - 0:31:45)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:14:31 - 0:16:17)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:17:18 - 0:23:37)
Blade: Nightstalking #1 (pg. 7)
January 1
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 1: Shipping Area
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 2: Docks
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 3: Buddhist Temple
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 4: Garage
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 5: Museum
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 6: Storm Drains
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 7: City Limits
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 1
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 2
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 3
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 4
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 5
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 6
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 7
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 8
Blade: Cybercomic #1
Blade: Sins of the Father #1 (pg. 6-47)
Blade Chapter 1 (0:01:37 - 0:02:03)
Blade Chapter 2 (0:02:04 - 0:03:05)
Blade Chapter 3 (0:03:06 - 0:06:49)
Blade Chapter 4 (0:06:50 - 0:09:49)
Blade Chapter 5 (0:09:50 - 0:11:00)
Blade Chapter 6 (0:11:01 - 0:13:46)
Blade Chapter 7 (0:13:47 - 0:16:57)
Blade Chapter 8 (0:16:58 - 0:19:32)
Blade Chapter 9 (0:19:33 - 0:22:50)
Blade Chapter 10 (0:22:51 - 0:23:44)
Blade Chapter 11 (0:23:45 - 0:27:27)
Blade Chapter 12 (0:27:28 - 0:31:04)
Blade Chapter 13 (0:31:05 - 0:33:02)
Blade Chapter 14 (0:33:03 - 0:35:01)
Blade Chapter 15 (0:35:02 - 0:39:19)
Blade Chapter 16 (0:39:20 - 0:40:46)
Blade Chapter 17 (0:40:47 - 0:44:31)
Blade Chapter 18 (0:44:32 - 0:47:34)
Blade Chapter 19 (0:47:35 - 0:50:10)
Blade Chapter 20 (0:50:11 - 0:54:00)
Blade Chapter 21 (0:54:01 - 0:57:09)
Blade Chapter 22 (0:57:10 - 0:58:08)
Blade Chapter 23 (0:58:09 - 1:01:32)
Blade Chapter 24 (1:01:33 - 1:05:21)
Blade Chapter 25 (1:05:22 - 1:08:59)
Blade Chapter 26 (1:09:00 - 1:12:45)
Blade Chapter 27 (1:12:46 - 1:14:50)
Blade Chapter 28 (1:14:51 - 1:19:15)
Blade Chapter 29 (1:19:16 - 1:23:38)
Blade Chapter 30 (1:23:39 - 1:24:59)
Blade Chapter 31 (1:25:00 - 1:27:56)
Blade Chapter 32 (1:27:57 - 1:31:32)
Blade Chapter 33 (1:31:33 - 1:34:34)
Blade Chapter 34 (1:34:35 - 1:37:00)
Blade Chapter 35 (1:37:01 - 1:40:33)
Blade Chapter 36 (1:40:34 - 1:54:02)
Blade Chapter 37 (1:54:03 - 1:55:12)
Darkhold: Blade #1, "The Last Drop" [Earth-42222]
Blade II Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:05:02)
Blade II Chapter 2 (0:05:03 - 0:08:44)
Blade II Chapter 3 (0:08:45 - 0:10:58)
Blade II Chapter 4 (0:10:59 - 0:17:00)
Blade II Chapter 5 (0:17:01 - 0:23:12)
Blade II Chapter 6 (0:23:13 - 0:27:49)
Blade II Chapter 7 (0:27:50 - 0:28:36)
Blade II Chapter 8 (0:28:37 - 0:30:03)
Blade II Chapter 9 (0:30:04 - 0:33:27)
Blade II Chapter 10 (0:33:28 - 0:52:03)
Blade II Chapter 11 (0:52:04 - 0:55:23)
Blade II Chapter 12 (0:55:24 - 0:58:13)
Blade II Chapter 13 (0:58:14 - 0:59:13)
Blade II Chapter 14 (0:59:14 - 1:03:29)
Blade II Chapter 15 (1:03:30 - 1:08:14)
Blade II Chapter 16 (1:08:15 - 1:14:29)
Blade II Chapter 17 (1:14:30 - 1:18:51)
Blade II Chapter 18 (1:18:52 - 1:22:00)
Blade II Chapter 19 (1:22:01 - 1:32:08)
Blade II Chapter 20 (1:32:09 - 1:38:02)
Blade II Chapter 21 (1:38:03 - 1:46:23)
Blade II Chapter 22 (1:46:24 - 1:48:28)
Blade II Chapter 23 (1:48:29 - 1:49:14)
Blade II Mission 0: Tutorial
Blade II Mission 1: The Exchange
Blade II Mission 2: Horror Stories
Blade II Mission 3: The Blood Club
Blade II Mission 4: Nth Phase
Blade II Mission 5: Cover up
Blade II Mission 6: Acid Rain
Blade II Mission 7: DeLancey Street Subway
Blade II Mission 8: City Sewers
Blade II Mission 9: The Big Bang
Blade II Mission 10: Quarantine
Blade II Mission 11: The Blood Donors
Blade II Mission 12: The Jaws of Doom
Blade II Mission 13: The Escape
Blade II Mission 14: Project: Vorpal
Blade II Mission 15: Into the Mountain
Blade II Mission 16: The Energy Stores
Blade II Mission 17: Out of the Fire
Blade II Mission 18: The Blood Sucker
Blade II Mission 19: The Core
Blade: Nightstalking #1 (pg. 1-14)
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:09:25 - 0:09:28)
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent" (0:00:45 - 0:01:13)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:06:30)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 2 (0:06:31 - 0:12:26)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 3 (0:12:27 - 0:16:33)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 4 (0:16:34 - 0:18:01)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 5 (0:18:02 - 0:21:51)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 6 (0:21:52 - 0:25:58)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 7 (0:25:59 - 0:32:57)
Blade: Nightstalking #1 (pg. 1, 15-22)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 8 (0:32:58 - 0:39:26)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 9 (0:39:27 - 0:43:48)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 10 (0:43:49 - 0:48:45)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 11 (0:48:46 - 0:51:57)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 12 (0:51:58 - 0:55:44)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 13 (0:55:45 - 1:05:41)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 14 (1:05:42 - 1:14:42)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 15 (1:14:43 - 1:18:37)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 16 (1:18:38 - 1:24:53)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 17 (1:24:54 - 1:29:39)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 18 (1:29:40 - 1:37:21)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 19 (1:37:22 - 1:41:51)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 20 (1:41:52 - 1:46:12)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 21 (1:46:13 - 1:49:11)
Blade: Day Walker vs Vampire Hunter #1
Blade: Blood Thirsty
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:00:00 - 0:02:49)
May 27
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:02:50 - 0:05:02)
May 28
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:05:03 - 0:09:24)
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:09:29 - 0:15:46)
June 11
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:15:47 - 0:33:45)
June 12
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:33:46 - 0:49:09)
June 13
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:49:10 - 1:19:08)
June 14
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (1:19:09 - 1:24:30)
Blade: The Series 1x03, "Death Goes On"
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent" (0:00:00 - 0:00:45)
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent" (0:01:13 - 0:40:58)
August 2
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines" (0:00:00 - 0:27:37)
August 3
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines" (0:27:38 - 0:38:21)
August 4
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines" (0:38:22 - 0:39:57)
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:00:00 - 0:08:03)
August 5
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:08:04 - 0:23:30)
August 6
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:23:31 - 0:29:19)
August 7
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:29:20 - 0:41:46)
August 8
Blade: The Series 1x07, "Delivery" (0:00:00 - 0:16:46)
August 9
Blade: The Series 1x07, "Delivery" (0:16:47 - 0:39:11)
August 12
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:00:00 - 0:06:36)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:09:20 - 0:14:30)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:16:17 - 0:17:17)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:23:38 - 0:31:31)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:31:46 - 0:39:32)
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw" (0:00:00 - 0:02:31)
August 13
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw" (0:02:32 - 0:33:22)
August 14
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw" (0:33:24 - 0:40:10)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:00:00 - 0:13:08)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:14:37 - 0:16:17)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:18:43 - 0:20:04)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:20:49 - 0:23:57)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:26:26 - 0:27:57)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:28:57 - 0:40:12)
Blade: The Series 1x11, "Hunters"
Blade: The Series 1x12, "Monsters"
Blade: The Series 1x13, "Conclave"
Blade: Trinity: Alternate Ending
March 14
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:06:56 - 0:11:12) [Earth-199999]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:49:20 - 0:50:39) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:11:13 - 0:17:40) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:01 - 0:28:28) [Little Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:29 - 0:28:40) [Age of Apocalypse Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:25 - 0:29:28) [Age of Apocalypse Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:41 - 0:28:47) ["Patch" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:22 - 0:29:24) ["Patch" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:34 - 0:29:35) ["Patch" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:56 - 0:29:03) [Old Man Logan Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:04 - 0:29:10) [Crucified Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:29 - 0:29:33) [Crucified Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:11 - 0:29:21) ["Classic" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:36 - 0:29:37) ["Classic" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:48 - 0:28:55) ["Henry Cavilline" Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:38 - 0:29:57) ["Henry Cavilline" Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:58 - 0:32:00) ["Failed" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:28:56 - 1:29:30) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:30:13 - 1:57:00) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:00:00 - 0:06:55) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:26:53 - 0:28:00) [Earth-17315]
End of Time
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:34:29 - 0:49:19) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:50:40 - 1:15:25) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:30 - 1:15:33) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:42 - 1:15:48) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:58 - 1:15:59) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:02 - 1:16:03) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:05 - 1:16:06) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:10 - 1:28:55) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:29:31 - 1:30:12) [The Void]
Temporal Limbo
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:17:41 - 0:26:52) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:32:01 - 0:34:28) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:26 - 1:15:29) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:34 - 1:15:41) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:49 - 1:15:57) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:00 - 1:16:01) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:03 - 1:16:04) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:07 - 1:16:09) [Time Variance Authority]
Viewing Order
Blade (PlayStation)
Blade (Game Boy Color)
Blade: Cybercomic #1
Blade: Sins of the Father #1
Darkhold: Blade #1, "The Last Drop"
Blade II
Blade II
Blade: Nightstalking #1
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version
Blade: Day Walker vs Vampire Hunter #1
Blade: Blood Thirsty
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon"
Blade: The Series 1x03, "Death Goes On"
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent"
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines"
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within"
Blade: The Series 1x07, "Delivery"
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice"
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw"
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons"
Blade: The Series 1x11, "Hunters"
Blade: The Series 1x12, "Monsters"
Blade: The Series 1x13, "Conclave"
Blade: Trinity: Alternate Ending
Deadpool & Wolverine
Note: Blade and Blade II timecodes are the blu-ray releases. Blade: Trinity and Blade: The Series timecodes are the DVD releases.

Page 1

BLADE- You're the RZA, aren't you? What do you want?
RZA- It's our job to hunt vampires...You know what? You half-bloods have no place in this...
Page 2

RZA- I'm gonna hunt you down...Day Walker!
BLADE- Hmmm... that's great.
Page 3

BLADE- Come anytime...
RZA- You don't have to tell me. I intend to.
Page 4

BLADE- But first...
RZA- Oh...I'm gonna have to clean up your friend first.
Page 5

Page 6

RZA- Acho!
Page 7

RZA- Nice work…Day Walker.
BLADE-…and you. RZA...
Page 8

BLADE- We have a common enemy. Vampires, we're gonna have to wait until they're gone before we can play this game. It's not too late.
RZA- Fine...But when the time comes, I will kill you. Don't forget...
BLADE- Oh...I'm looking forward to it.
Timeline Reasoning
Blade: The Series 1x09 flashbacks state 1899.
Blade: Sins of the Father flashbacks state 1926.
Blade begins with Erik Brooks birth, and the date 1967 is given on-screen.
Blade: The Series 1x07 has flashbacks to Eric Brooks' childhood. The date 1977 is given on the first flashback. The flashbacks also feature Whistler meeting Eric for the first time. It seems that Whistler was looking for Eric for 3 years after he ran away.
The Blade video game is a prequel to the film. This is due to releasing before Blade II and having Whistler in the story. It takes place on New Years Day.
Blade: Cybercomic is set before the film.
Blade: Sins of the Father takes place leading up to to film. It teases the conflict between Blade and Deacon Frost, so narratively I believe it makes sense to take place in the same year.
Blade is set in 1998 due to being 2 years before Blade II.
Darkhold: Blade #1 is set in an alternate timeline where Deacon Frost successfully used La Magra to turn the human population into vampires. It is set two years after Blade.
Blade II is set 20 years after Whistler found Blade on the streets in 1980.
The Blade II video game is a sequel to Blade II. There is a poster for "Exploitika 2002" in the subway level.
Blade: Nightstalking is set shortly before and during Blade: Trinity: Extended Version.
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version is set shortly before Blade: The Series due to a reference in the latter to the notes on Summerfield's inhaler version of the serum to counteract Blade's thirst being destroyed. This implies that Blade has been suffering with the regular serum, so it makes sense if the gap isn't too long.
Blade: The Series features an offhand reference to Blade: Trinity. Starr's grave states May 28, 2006. A newspaper in the pilot states November 12, 2006.
Blade = B8312F
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:13:09 - 0:14:36)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:16:18 - 0:18:42)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:20:05 - 0:20:48)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:23:58 - 0:26:25)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:27:58 - 0:28:56)
Blade: Sins of the Father #1 (pg. 1-5, 19)
Blade: Sins of the Father #1 (pg. 19)
Blade Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:01:37)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:06:36 - 0:09:19)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:31:32 - 0:31:45)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:14:31 - 0:16:17)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:17:18 - 0:23:37)
Blade: Nightstalking #1 (pg. 7)
January 1
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 1: Shipping Area
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 2: Docks
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 3: Buddhist Temple
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 4: Garage
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 5: Museum
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 6: Storm Drains
Blade (PlayStation) Mission 7: City Limits
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 1
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 2
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 3
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 4
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 5
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 6
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 7
Blade (Game Boy Color) Level 8
Blade: Cybercomic #1
Blade: Sins of the Father #1 (pg. 6-47)
Blade Chapter 1 (0:01:37 - 0:02:03)
Blade Chapter 2 (0:02:04 - 0:03:05)
Blade Chapter 3 (0:03:06 - 0:06:49)
Blade Chapter 4 (0:06:50 - 0:09:49)
Blade Chapter 5 (0:09:50 - 0:11:00)
Blade Chapter 6 (0:11:01 - 0:13:46)
Blade Chapter 7 (0:13:47 - 0:16:57)
Blade Chapter 8 (0:16:58 - 0:19:32)
Blade Chapter 9 (0:19:33 - 0:22:50)
Blade Chapter 10 (0:22:51 - 0:23:44)
Blade Chapter 11 (0:23:45 - 0:27:27)
Blade Chapter 12 (0:27:28 - 0:31:04)
Blade Chapter 13 (0:31:05 - 0:33:02)
Blade Chapter 14 (0:33:03 - 0:35:01)
Blade Chapter 15 (0:35:02 - 0:39:19)
Blade Chapter 16 (0:39:20 - 0:40:46)
Blade Chapter 17 (0:40:47 - 0:44:31)
Blade Chapter 18 (0:44:32 - 0:47:34)
Blade Chapter 19 (0:47:35 - 0:50:10)
Blade Chapter 20 (0:50:11 - 0:54:00)
Blade Chapter 21 (0:54:01 - 0:57:09)
Blade Chapter 22 (0:57:10 - 0:58:08)
Blade Chapter 23 (0:58:09 - 1:01:32)
Blade Chapter 24 (1:01:33 - 1:05:21)
Blade Chapter 25 (1:05:22 - 1:08:59)
Blade Chapter 26 (1:09:00 - 1:12:45)
Blade Chapter 27 (1:12:46 - 1:14:50)
Blade Chapter 28 (1:14:51 - 1:19:15)
Blade Chapter 29 (1:19:16 - 1:23:38)
Blade Chapter 30 (1:23:39 - 1:24:59)
Blade Chapter 31 (1:25:00 - 1:27:56)
Blade Chapter 32 (1:27:57 - 1:31:32)
Blade Chapter 33 (1:31:33 - 1:34:34)
Blade Chapter 34 (1:34:35 - 1:37:00)
Blade Chapter 35 (1:37:01 - 1:40:33)
Blade Chapter 36 (1:40:34 - 1:54:02)
Blade Chapter 37 (1:54:03 - 1:55:12)
Darkhold: Blade #1, "The Last Drop" [Earth-42222]
Blade II Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:05:02)
Blade II Chapter 2 (0:05:03 - 0:08:44)
Blade II Chapter 3 (0:08:45 - 0:10:58)
Blade II Chapter 4 (0:10:59 - 0:17:00)
Blade II Chapter 5 (0:17:01 - 0:23:12)
Blade II Chapter 6 (0:23:13 - 0:27:49)
Blade II Chapter 7 (0:27:50 - 0:28:36)
Blade II Chapter 8 (0:28:37 - 0:30:03)
Blade II Chapter 9 (0:30:04 - 0:33:27)
Blade II Chapter 10 (0:33:28 - 0:52:03)
Blade II Chapter 11 (0:52:04 - 0:55:23)
Blade II Chapter 12 (0:55:24 - 0:58:13)
Blade II Chapter 13 (0:58:14 - 0:59:13)
Blade II Chapter 14 (0:59:14 - 1:03:29)
Blade II Chapter 15 (1:03:30 - 1:08:14)
Blade II Chapter 16 (1:08:15 - 1:14:29)
Blade II Chapter 17 (1:14:30 - 1:18:51)
Blade II Chapter 18 (1:18:52 - 1:22:00)
Blade II Chapter 19 (1:22:01 - 1:32:08)
Blade II Chapter 20 (1:32:09 - 1:38:02)
Blade II Chapter 21 (1:38:03 - 1:46:23)
Blade II Chapter 22 (1:46:24 - 1:48:28)
Blade II Chapter 23 (1:48:29 - 1:49:14)
Blade II Mission 0: Tutorial
Blade II Mission 1: The Exchange
Blade II Mission 2: Horror Stories
Blade II Mission 3: The Blood Club
Blade II Mission 4: Nth Phase
Blade II Mission 5: Cover up
Blade II Mission 6: Acid Rain
Blade II Mission 7: DeLancey Street Subway
Blade II Mission 8: City Sewers
Blade II Mission 9: The Big Bang
Blade II Mission 10: Quarantine
Blade II Mission 11: The Blood Donors
Blade II Mission 12: The Jaws of Doom
Blade II Mission 13: The Escape
Blade II Mission 14: Project: Vorpal
Blade II Mission 15: Into the Mountain
Blade II Mission 16: The Energy Stores
Blade II Mission 17: Out of the Fire
Blade II Mission 18: The Blood Sucker
Blade II Mission 19: The Core
Blade: Nightstalking #1 (pg. 1-14)
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:09:25 - 0:09:28)
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent" (0:00:45 - 0:01:13)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:06:30)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 2 (0:06:31 - 0:12:26)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 3 (0:12:27 - 0:16:33)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 4 (0:16:34 - 0:18:01)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 5 (0:18:02 - 0:21:51)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 6 (0:21:52 - 0:25:58)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 7 (0:25:59 - 0:32:57)
Blade: Nightstalking #1 (pg. 1, 15-22)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 8 (0:32:58 - 0:39:26)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 9 (0:39:27 - 0:43:48)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 10 (0:43:49 - 0:48:45)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 11 (0:48:46 - 0:51:57)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 12 (0:51:58 - 0:55:44)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 13 (0:55:45 - 1:05:41)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 14 (1:05:42 - 1:14:42)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 15 (1:14:43 - 1:18:37)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 16 (1:18:38 - 1:24:53)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 17 (1:24:54 - 1:29:39)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 18 (1:29:40 - 1:37:21)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 19 (1:37:22 - 1:41:51)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 20 (1:41:52 - 1:46:12)
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version Chapter 21 (1:46:13 - 1:49:11)
Blade: Day Walker vs Vampire Hunter #1
Blade: Blood Thirsty
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:00:00 - 0:02:49)
May 27
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:02:50 - 0:05:02)
May 28
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:05:03 - 0:09:24)
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:09:29 - 0:15:46)
June 11
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:15:47 - 0:33:45)
June 12
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:33:46 - 0:49:09)
June 13
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (0:49:10 - 1:19:08)
June 14
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon" (1:19:09 - 1:24:30)
Blade: The Series 1x03, "Death Goes On"
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent" (0:00:00 - 0:00:45)
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent" (0:01:13 - 0:40:58)
August 2
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines" (0:00:00 - 0:27:37)
August 3
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines" (0:27:38 - 0:38:21)
August 4
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines" (0:38:22 - 0:39:57)
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:00:00 - 0:08:03)
August 5
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:08:04 - 0:23:30)
August 6
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:23:31 - 0:29:19)
August 7
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within" (0:29:20 - 0:41:46)
August 8
Blade: The Series 1x07, "Delivery" (0:00:00 - 0:16:46)
August 9
Blade: The Series 1x07, "Delivery" (0:16:47 - 0:39:11)
August 12
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:00:00 - 0:06:36)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:09:20 - 0:14:30)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:16:17 - 0:17:17)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:23:38 - 0:31:31)
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice" (0:31:46 - 0:39:32)
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw" (0:00:00 - 0:02:31)
August 13
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw" (0:02:32 - 0:33:22)
August 14
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw" (0:33:24 - 0:40:10)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:00:00 - 0:13:08)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:14:37 - 0:16:17)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:18:43 - 0:20:04)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:20:49 - 0:23:57)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:26:26 - 0:27:57)
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons" (0:28:57 - 0:40:12)
Blade: The Series 1x11, "Hunters"
Blade: The Series 1x12, "Monsters"
Blade: The Series 1x13, "Conclave"
Blade: Trinity: Alternate Ending
March 14
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:06:56 - 0:11:12) [Earth-199999]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:49:20 - 0:50:39) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:11:13 - 0:17:40) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:01 - 0:28:28) [Little Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:29 - 0:28:40) [Age of Apocalypse Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:25 - 0:29:28) [Age of Apocalypse Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:41 - 0:28:47) ["Patch" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:22 - 0:29:24) ["Patch" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:34 - 0:29:35) ["Patch" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:56 - 0:29:03) [Old Man Logan Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:04 - 0:29:10) [Crucified Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:29 - 0:29:33) [Crucified Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:11 - 0:29:21) ["Classic" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:36 - 0:29:37) ["Classic" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:28:48 - 0:28:55) ["Henry Cavilline" Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:38 - 0:29:57) ["Henry Cavilline" Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:29:58 - 0:32:00) ["Failed" Wolverine Universe]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:28:56 - 1:29:30) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:30:13 - 1:57:00) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:00:00 - 0:06:55) [Earth-17315]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:26:53 - 0:28:00) [Earth-17315]
End of Time
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:34:29 - 0:49:19) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:50:40 - 1:15:25) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:30 - 1:15:33) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:42 - 1:15:48) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:58 - 1:15:59) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:02 - 1:16:03) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:05 - 1:16:06) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:10 - 1:28:55) [The Void]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:29:31 - 1:30:12) [The Void]
Temporal Limbo
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:17:41 - 0:26:52) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (0:32:01 - 0:34:28) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:26 - 1:15:29) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:34 - 1:15:41) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:15:49 - 1:15:57) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:00 - 1:16:01) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:03 - 1:16:04) [Time Variance Authority]
Deadpool & Wolverine (1:16:07 - 1:16:09) [Time Variance Authority]
Viewing Order
Blade (PlayStation)
Blade (Game Boy Color)
Blade: Cybercomic #1
Blade: Sins of the Father #1
Darkhold: Blade #1, "The Last Drop"
Blade II
Blade II
Blade: Nightstalking #1
Blade: Trinity: Extended Version
Blade: Day Walker vs Vampire Hunter #1
Blade: Blood Thirsty
Blade: The Series 1x01/1x02, "House of Chthon"
Blade: The Series 1x03, "Death Goes On"
Blade: The Series 1x04, "Descent"
Blade: The Series 1x05, "Bloodlines"
Blade: The Series 1x06, "The Evil Within"
Blade: The Series 1x07, "Delivery"
Blade: The Series 1x08, "Sacrifice"
Blade: The Series 1x09, "Turn of the Screw"
Blade: The Series 1x10, "Angels and Demons"
Blade: The Series 1x11, "Hunters"
Blade: The Series 1x12, "Monsters"
Blade: The Series 1x13, "Conclave"
Blade: Trinity: Alternate Ending
Deadpool & Wolverine
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