Comic Series Idea: Beckoning of Aetherius


Feb 4, 2021
Hello everyone. I am new here, and glad to join the community. This is my first post. Seems like this is the place for sharing comic story ideas.

I have an idea for an Indie comic series, that is a sci-fi fantasy, with superheroes, that focuses on questioning the meaning of who and what we are as authentic individuals. The idea is that you can't be a hero without first embracing your true self.

My hope is that this series helps readers who feel a little negative about humanity, to remember that we're all human, and should work together to help build a bright future.

For instance, the first chapter is about two women debating about what it means to be an authentic person. It is later revealed that they are both Feminists with opposing views, but with shared goals. This series isn't about Feminism. It instead has moments that bring up hot topics that make the characters feel more believable and relatable. So that when the sci-fi fantasy aspect happens, their experiences not only feel more real, but it's from their very specific, personal experiences.

The first Chapter is done. I'm currently building an audience and would love to get your thoughts on what I have so far.

You can read the full here for free here:

If you like this chapter, and you'd like me to finish the rest of the series, you can support me by:
- Giving a positive review of this chapter, here.
- Tell your friends about the book.
- Share the links to the book.
- Buy the physical book or ebook.

You can buy the physical copy, here:

If you're interested in T-shirts and other Merch, go here:

Below are some images from the book, pages and some artwork.
Thanks and Cheers!





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To those who read this, I'm announcing that I'm cancelling the comic series.

I just learned that in my first full month of having my comic on sale, only sold 3, lol. It was worth a try.

I had a lot of fun writing this, creating the art, promoting it and meeting so many great people. My hope was to see if I could reach a big enough audience, but it appears that either I failed at reaching them, or this audience doesn't exist.

I learned a very valuable lesson which is understanding what I'm good at, versus what I'm terrible at. I clearly suck at writing and story telling, so no more of that haha! I will keep the art and links up for everyone who enjoys the visuals. I will also probably continue posting more concept art from the comic.

Hello those who read this. I am announcing that I have UN-CANCELLED this comic series! I've been told by fans on different platforms that they like the first chp2 and want it to continue, so I'm working on chp2 now. I'll post more of it here when I get further along.
Hello, I just read your book for free right now and the storyline is interesting, the drawings are very good and you have a unique style I like it! I think is a good and interesting idea your comic subject, and it matches the times that we are living now. I think it could become quite popular comic if you'd keep doing it.

Hello, I just read your book for free right now and the storyline is interesting, the drawings are very good and you have a unique style I like it! I think is a good and interesting idea your comic subject, and it matches the times that we are living now. I think it could become quite popular comic if you'd keep doing it.

Omg thank you SO MUCH! I really appreciate your kind words. I so glad you like the book! About it potentially becoming popular. I'm thinking of doing a kickstarter for it very soon. If Kickstarters are still a valid option, I'll do that and see if it helps with popularity.
That's a good idea. Anyway we always have to start from somewhere, experiment and trying is the only way to do it :)
I really think it could be something! :)
It's also because your work has unique style; it looks like comic style with a little bit of manga style on it mixed. The emotional face expressions style and the big eyes like the manga but at same time it has the american style on it is a good mix. And the story is very interesting instead of being only super heroes fighting the evil it shows a more deeper concern in society that is very important to point at and in the end real heroes are the ones who have their own thoughts and ideas, (being one self), because let's face it it's difficult nowadays.
Is a nice job, good luck to you!
It's also because your work has unique style; it looks like comic style with a little bit of manga style on it mixed. The emotional face expressions style and the big eyes like the manga but at same time it has the american style on it is a good mix. And the story is very interesting instead of being only super heroes fighting the evil it shows a more deeper concern in society that is very important to point at and in the end real heroes are the ones who have their own thoughts and ideas, (being one self), because let's face it it's difficult nowadays.
Is a nice job, good luck to you!
That's awesome of you to say, thank you so much Sonia! One big reason why I wanted to create this comics series is for reading comments and having discussions like this. Specifically your point about showing a deeper concern in society, and how real heroes have their own thoughts and ideas. And you're right, it is extremely difficult nowadays when it comes to having your own opinions on matters that make sense to you as an individual. It seems difficult simply being an individual lately.

I feel like, and this is just my opinion, that stories that get a bit more into questioning the actual identity of a hero is missing in media today. Well, I see a small amount, but I don't think it's enough. Like for instance, we get stories about characters getting powers, and a surface level idea of who the character is, but what tends to be skipped is who that character is based on their sex, class, race, religion, attractiveness, etc , all the things that just about all people base a huge part of their identity on. And depending on the social constructions that they believe about themselves, will effect crucial decisions they make.

Anyway, I can talk about that for hours. I just think things like this make characters a bit more real.

Again, thanks for liking my work Sonia!
Yes, I think I understand what you mean.. if we are both talking about the same thing which I think we are then I too would talk about it for hours because is really a concern and I feel that is getting worse every time. I personally think that the social media has something to do with it as well, meaning like us normal people (society), being polluted in our minds, in so many ways that one has to be strong no to let that happen to one self and to know who we really are, and yeah in super hero movies too off course, looks all a little shallow and it's only about super powers, and special effects for entertainment...Nobody really cares anymore about real things or deepness so much anymore..

And the most important thing goes unnoticed... The personal thought, the real person inside, the experiences that makes them the super heroes that they are, as individuals that have their own thoughts to make the crucial decisions like you say should be there! Something inspiring that would be great, instead of just one more fight or one more movie..

It seems sometimes that super heroes portray the roll of being society's puppets, with a lot of expectations from people.

And I can see that in movies today though ( or at least I think that I see it in that way).. It worries me a little sometimes, that is why is very important to us to try to be ourselves as individuals. We could all fall in a deep hole of delusion and never know who we really are or how to get out!

Well nice to talk to you too Metheena, your thoughts are always welcome!

Have a great day!
Yes, I think I understand what you mean.. if we are both talking about the same thing which I think we are then I too would talk about it for hours because is really a concern and I feel that is getting worse every time. I personally think that the social media has something to do with it as well, meaning like us normal people (society), being polluted in our minds, in so many ways that one has to be strong no to let that happen to one self and to know who we really are, and yeah in super hero movies too off course, looks all a little shallow and it's only about super powers, and special effects for entertainment...Nobody really cares anymore about real things or deepness so much anymore..

And the most important thing goes unnoticed... The personal thought, the real person inside, the experiences that makes them the super heroes that they are, as individuals that have their own thoughts to make the crucial decisions like you say should be there! Something inspiring that would be great, instead of just one more fight or one more movie..

It seems sometimes that super heroes portray the roll of being society's puppets, with a lot of expectations from people.

And I can see that in movies today though ( or at least I think that I see it in that way).. It worries me a little sometimes, that is why is very important to us to try to be ourselves as individuals. We could all fall in a deep hole of delusion and never know who we really are or how to get out!

Well nice to talk to you too Metheena, your thoughts are always welcome!

Have a great day!
Hi Sonia! Sorry it's been a while since I replied. I've been putting together a Kickstarter for Chapter 2 of the Indie Comic. I was wondering if you would be interested in help supporting it? Here's a link to it:

You and two other people are who I've had the deepest conversations with about this story, and more importantly, how most characters and stories are not deep enough anymore, and that some people like you and I would like to see more meaningful content. I'm hoping that there is a large enough audience who wants this, because then I can move forward with Chapter 2 and the rest of the series.

Your point that "the most important thing goes unnoticed... The personal thought, the real person inside, the experiences that makes them the super heroes that they are, as individuals that have their own thoughts to make the crucial decisions that should be there". This is very important to me, and I hope it is for a large enough number of people out there.

I was talking about this to a friend this morning, about how if this doesn't work out...if the Kickstarter fails, it will signal to me that most people really just want superficial, surface level stories. That would be sad to see, but I understand if that's the reality of it. But I'm hoping it's not. We'll see.

Do you have a movie, TV series, or book that had deep characters and story that you really connected with and learned from? One movie for me like this is American Beauty. The ending reminded me that we should not let problems drag out too long, or one day something dreadful can happen that will remove the chance for you to fix problems with someone you love. I loved how that film was directed, and how the story was written. What about you? What story did you connect with deeply?

Hi everyone. I want to announce that I have new work done for this series that you can see in this link here: