The All About TV Shows: Thrice time's the charm.

No, it's everyone versus the Dominators who are coming to Earth to take the metahumans or something like that. It's a definitive team up, not a versus approach.

Oh! That's much better! Huh, how are all the shows this season? I'm waiting for all five shows (LoT, Arrow, Supergirl, Vixen, Flash) to end to binge.
Oh! That's much better! Huh, how are all the shows this season? I'm waiting for all five shows (LoT, Arrow, Supergirl, Vixen, Flash) to end to binge.

They're still cheesy, but they have their charm and strong points, mainly just their aspects of fun. Supergirl and Flash are still the better shows, while Arrow and LoT are the weaker shows, but Arrow has improved noticeably this year over Seasons 3 and 4, mainly because it's refocused itself on street level crime away from the magic and mysticism of the past couple seasons. They're still unfortunately treating Green Arrow like a poor man's Batman, but otherwise it's substantially improved to point I actually look forward to it again (plus am liking the new team of vigilantes like Mr Terrific and Ragman). The Oliver as mayor stuff is meh so far, but the flashbacks are fantastic this season focusing on his infiltration of Russian bratva (and Dolph Lundgren as Kovar in last night's and upcoming episodes' flashbacks was impressive). LoT is fun, if cheesy, but is worth watching for Ray Palmer alone.

It's not Emmy-winning television, never will be, but has improved on its failings in most ways and is reliably simply a lot of fun. There's a lightness and optimism to the shows that's completely lacking from the DCEU films (even the totally darkest of the shows Arrow).
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Have they fixed the Felicity (Arrow)/James (Supergirl)/Iris (Flash)/plotting (all, but especially LoT) problems? Because that's really what's stopping me from staying with them.
Have they fixed the Felicity (Arrow)/James (Supergirl)/Iris (Flash)/plotting (all, but especially LoT) problems? Because that's really what's stopping me from staying with them.

Felicity is still there, but not dating Oliver so way less focus on them. James is now trying to break out of sidekick role and becoming DCCW version of Guardian. Iris is still Iris, but so far less focus has been paid to the Barry/Iris relationship except for second episode this season. LoT has improved some. It's still got its problems, but like I said is worth watching just for Ray Palmer.
Felicity is still there, but not dating Oliver so way less focus on them. James is now trying to break out of sidekick role and becoming DCCW version of Guardian. Iris is still Iris, but so far less focus has been paid to the Barry/Iris relationship except for second episode this season. LoT has improved some. It's still got its problems, but like I said is worth watching just for Ray Palmer.

Anything is worth watching for Brandon Routh. Except Dylan Dog, you should never watch Dylan Dog.
Apparently Cloak and Dagger have been cast.

The show is supposed to air winter 2018 on Freeform (whatever that is).

You would hate Freeform. It's like The CW only worse. Freeform used to be ABC Family, but now it caters to "diversity". For some reason a running theme in a lot of their shows involve incest. Not in an Arrested Development or Always Sunny where it's there to clearly make you uncomfortable at how awkward the characters get, but where it's just kind of casually thrown in there. In Pretty Little Liars it's revealed that two characters that dated in high school are actually brother and sister. Then there's Shadowhunters which has the main characters not care that they're brother and sister, they're in love darnit! That's another reason I'm pretty disgusted with this show being a romance between Cloak and Dagger. They're pretty much brother and sister in the comics and no, I don't care that there are versions where they date. Ultimate Cloak and Dagger sucked and missed the point of the characters entirely.
How so? Their origin starts with them dating

I was being sarcastic. It was not a surprise that it missed the point of the characters entirely.
I've slowly been making my way through the 2003 4Kids TMNT show. Today Iwatched all 12 episodes of the Ninja Tribunal season (season 5). That was some weird, crazy stuff. Teenage Mutant Ninja Dragon Avatars!

Also, there was going to be 13 episodes this season, but they never made episode 6 b/c Fox pulled the plug on it b/c it was too dark. They were going to reveal that Hun and Garbageman were conjoined twins, but someone cut them apart and threw Garbageman in the trash. Wowzers.
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