Star Wars General Discussion (dedicated to Houde)

Speculation that this is related to Rogue One. I also saw Bleeding Cool speculate that it could be a Dr. Aphra series. I don't think she is interesting enough to carry her own series.

I don't think she's making it out of Darth Vader alive, especially with how last issue ended.
Speculation that this is related to Rogue One. I also saw Bleeding Cool speculate that it could be a Dr. Aphra series. I don't think she is interesting enough to carry her own series.

From a marketing standpoint a Rogue One related series (perhaps focused on Jyn Erso before or after the RO film) seems likely, but it really could be any number of things. Like wyo mentioned to me in email, we'll probably find out at NYCC in few weeks.
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I just received and email informing me that Kabam is shutting down the Star Wars: Uprising servers on November 17th. I know DIrishB and played, but I'm not sure if anyone else did.
I just received and email informing me that Kabam is shutting down the Star Wars: Uprising servers on November 17th. I know DIrishB and played, but I'm not sure if anyone else did.

Yup got the same one.

Surprised it took this long.

Kabam built a really impressive mobile game, then killed it due to long stretches without updates, poor communication, and insanely horribly and repetitive grind aspect to upgrade gear which robs the game of any fun.

Honestly, Kabam is at fault. Horrible oversight, almost complete lack of any communication, etc.

This was a game that could've gone on for years and benefitted from the yearly SW film releases through tie-in marketing/promotions/events. The development team just didn't know how to make premium purchases worthwhile, thus robbing the game of a lucrative premium currency spending base.

Just dumb moves, one after the other, on Kabam's part. Really dumb, amateurish moves. It seemed obvious to those playing after about 6 months that they were intentionally trying to kill the game due to lack of updates/new content.

My last goal is to try to get at least one of the 6-8* Heroic Raid gear pieces so have to 8*.

Getting my Lightsaber to 8* would take like a year, and to 9* would take like 2-3 years, so that's not happening (and a perfect sign of how unrealistically insane Kabam were with their upgrade requirements).
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The Rebels premiere was on the Disney XD app this morning, not sure if it still there, but it's great. I don't want to post spoilers, but expect a lot of changes.

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Lucas Film is in the process of deciding the direction of the Star Wars franchise after episode IX. Options include ending the Skywalker saga and exploring other parts of the Star Wars universe through stand-alones that build into a big ensemble movie ala Marvel.

Personally, I think they should remake the prequels.

Given the Saga films are and always will be the centerpiece of the Star Wars series, it's most likely they'll continue it with at least one more trilogy after Ep IX. Lucas originally planned to do twelve saga films anyway, so they'll likely take same approach despite not necessarily following his story ideas for the sequel trilogy.

Then again if the Anthology films are financial successes (which in all likelihood they will be), Disney may not hold to that approach and simply do exclusively spin off films after Episode IX.

I do think former is more likely, though.
Lucas Film is in the process of deciding the direction of the Star Wars franchise after episode IX. Options include ending the Skywalker saga and exploring other parts of the Star Wars universe through stand-alones that build into a big ensemble movie ala Marvel.

Personally, I think they should remake the prequels.

I want the saga films to stop. Maybe get it up to 12 if Lucas is involved, but the Skywalker story should have never continued without him

That's a terrible idea and you should ashamed of yourself.

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