Batman/Superman news and rumors

**** yes!!!! God Nolan's couldn't fight a dog and people would just fall over for no reason! NINJA BAT FIGHT!!!!

That's one of the things I liked about the Nolan films.
Wait... what?

Not the people falling over for no reason, but that the suit wasn't perfect and it limited his movements. It's armor; it would be idiotic if it didn't affect movement.
Not the people falling over for no reason, but that the suit wasn't perfect and it limited his movements. It's armor; it would be idiotic if it didn't affect movement.

Seems antithetical for someone trained specifically in ninjutsu.

This is where I'd have preferred a slightly more comic book like approach to his suit in the Nolan films. I know they were going for a realistic approach overall but... some techno-babble fictional polymer that acts like armor but is still flexible and agile, like a thick cloth but bulletproof for smaller caliber bullets at least, and possibly on larger caliber if a glancing blow. That would've worked.

I don't know, the armor thing never worked for me. It makes sense from a defensive standpoint to a degree, but also works against it in the sense of severely limiting movement and agility, something that is a key aspect of Batman's fighting style and abilities.

I love the Nolan trilogy, but that aspect and it's negative limitations on his movement always bugged me.
The trailer at the start of star wars looks so cool and I love how doomsday looks
2 new tv spots


I liked them still love the "Do you bleed?" line
the second as we have a 1 vid limit

I love Affleck's Batman voice. So much better than Bale's.

Also, he just called Superman "son". Lol. This is why people love Batman... he's got balls to spare.

I 100% Agree i also love its computerized so it'll be more consistant as loved bal in begins, couldn't understand him as much in sequels lol also imbnot loving lex but i'm intrested to give him a try
I thought my post came in, guess I closed out before I sent it. Now I get to look all contrarian. I don't like the digital voice. My favorite thing is when Bruce is doing a voice. Bale WAY overdid it, but Daredevil had a great voice. I also like that they're marketing secret identites, Marvel doesn't have that so it's good contrast.
I also like that they're marketing secret identites, Marvel doesn't have that so it's good contrast.

Me too. that is one aspect of marvel films and arrow/flash/supergirl i hate. either no secret identity or all main cast find out.
I thought my post came in, guess I closed out before I sent it. Now I get to look all contrarian. I don't like the digital voice. My favorite thing is when Bruce is doing a voice. Bale WAY overdid it, but Daredevil had a great voice. I also like that they're marketing secret identites, Marvel doesn't have that so it's good contrast.

I get where you're coming from, but from a logistical standpoint him adopting the voice leaves his identity far more open to discovery through voice analysis (some of his villains are tech savvy enough to try such a thing, Riddler included). Him using some type of high tech encrypted voice digitalization thing makes a lot of sense in that regard.

Plus, he doesn't sound like an idiot as Bale did in sequels, lol. Dude was always out of breath.

I agree about the secret identities thing, though. Course, we know
both Batman and Supes discover each other's identities in this film
Yeah I was impressed. I do think Terrio's rewrites of BvS will result in a pretty decent film.

I must have missed his name in the credits, swore they were just by Gage. Can't seem to open the page now, but it could just be my internet. Based on these comics I guess Terrio has a good handle on how these characters should be written, that could still be Gage guiding him though. Either way Lex is going to be pretty fun
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I must have missed his name in the credits, swore they were just by Gage. Can't seem to open the page now, but it could just be my internet. Based on these comics I guess Terrio has a good handle on how these characters should be written, that could still be Gage guiding him though. Either way Lex is going to be pretty fun

I meant in terms of Gage building on what's presented in Batman v Superman. Presumably he saw the film (or at least a rough cut and read the script) before writing these, and built the stories contained within around that. The comics were wholly written by Gage, Terrio had nothing to do with them, I just meant whats presented in the comics likely echoes whats presented in the film.

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