Captain America: Civil War News/Rumors discussion

Spider-Man Confirmed For Captain America: Civil War

Marvel Studios has officially confirmed that Tom Holland's Spider-Man will appear in Captain America: Civil War.

During their interview Marvel Studios executive Kevin Feige, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed that Tom Holland, who was just announced as Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures' new Spider-Man, is heading to Captain America: Civil War's set.

"Holland will report immediately to the set of the currently shooting Captain America: Civil War, which Marvel has scheduled for a May 6, 2016, release and in which the newest Spider-Man will make his first onscreen appearance," The Reporter's Gregg Kilday wrote.
Spider-Man Confirmed For Captain America: Civil War

Marvel Studios has officially confirmed that Tom Holland's Spider-Man will appear in Captain America: Civil War.

During their interview Marvel Studios executive Kevin Feige, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed that Tom Holland, who was just announced as Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures' new Spider-Man, is heading to Captain America: Civil War's set.

"Holland will report immediately to the set of the currently shooting Captain America: Civil War, which Marvel has scheduled for a May 6, 2016, release and in which the newest Spider-Man will make his first onscreen appearance," The Reporter's Gregg Kilday wrote.

It's so weird...someone in my office just screamed like an excited little girl.

It's so weird...someone in my office just screamed like an excited little girl.


He obviously doesn't have the self-control and composure to be working in an office environment. Fire him.
He obviously doesn't have the self-control and composure to be working in an office environment. Fire him.

You misunderstand. I have an office to myself.

William Hurt on playing Thunderbolt Ross again:
I loved playing Ross the first time because I was able to try and create an ego as big as the monster he was chasing. And one that was as warped too. [Ross in Civil War] is different because it's a different style. It's a more modernized style. And what they've done is they've taken a character who was the Ross from the older film and made a new version. This is a much newer Ross. A much different Ross. And I liked that a lot. I haven't had a lot of time to understand it, but I'm doing the best I can. And they haven't fired me yet.
You misunderstand. I have an office to myself.

William Hurt on playing Thunderbolt Ross again:

Cool. I like Hurt's description of his portrayal of Ross in the first film. Adds a cool Jekyll and Hyde duality for both himself and Bruce Banner (the far more obvious J/H analogue in the film).

I also like that he's changed. I can see his failure in the first film leaving an indelible impression. Will be interesting to see how the character has adapted in this world now full of heroes... and the Hulk once again on the run after AoU...
You misunderstand. I have an office to myself.

Oh, I understood completely.

I'm not trying to sound like I'm 2 kewl for this movie or anything, but what are you (not only speaking to Cap about this) excited about? I love Spider-man but the movies have been so bad and the comic isn't really so great - I think it's fatigue or something; I just feel "meh" about this. Maybe it's that I never felt like Spider-Man belonged in or around the Avengers in the first place.
Oh, I understood completely.
How do you suggest I fire myself?

I'm not trying to sound like I'm 2 kewl for this movie or anything, but what are you (not only speaking to Cap about this) excited about? I love Spider-man but the movies have been so bad and the comic isn't really so great - I think it's fatigue or something; I just feel "meh" about this. Maybe it's that I never felt like Spider-Man belonged in or around the Avengers in the first place.
Well, I agree that the comics have generally been lacklustre for a while, but I really thought Spider-Verse was pretty cool. And Ultimate Spider-Man has always been at least decently good. And this incarnation of Spider-Man is (I assume) going to be pretty much Ultimate Spider-Man on screen. The previous movies, ASM 2 and SM 3 were terrible, SM 1, 2, and ASM were pretty good. ASM was a bit formulaic, but it made me care about the characters. That said, I am hoping for MUCH more with this one.

I'm excited that Marvel can use Spider-Man again. I'm excited because I trust they'll do a much better job than has ever been done. I'm excited because keeping Peter Parker as a kid is an interesting way to differentiate him from the other heroes. It's a new direction for the MCU (and a tried and true direction thanks to Ultimate Spider-Man). Spider-Man isn't just going to be big hero #27 on the Avengers roster. He's going to be the wide-eyed kid who probably shouldn't be there with them because he's a kid. It allows for a different kind of Spider-Man movie than we've seen so far.

Maybe you're right and it will be another lacklustre movie. Or maybe it will be flat out terrible again. But I trust that Marvel will help Sony get him right this time and make it fresh enough that we'll really enjoy it.
Kevin Feige has dropped some info on why Black Panther is in Civil War

It is a role that he is still in the beginning phases of taking on, it's a mantle he is only beginning to take on because his father is older.

The reason we introduced him in Civil War is because we needed a third party. We needed fresh eyes who wasn't embedded with the Avengers and who has a very different point of view than either Tony or Steve. We said, 'We need somebody like Black Panther… why don't we just use Black Panther?' That's how it went in the development process.

Today, pre-Civil War, post-Ultron I think he and his father are saying, 'A bunch of vibranium just got out of here and wreaked a lot of havoc. Maybe we can't stay behind these borders anymore, maybe we have to stick our heads out and make at least an attempt to be a part of the rest of the world right now, while at the same time protecting our people.' That's sort of where we meet him in Civil War
Looks pretty awesome. Great to have another full masked character in these movies. I know Spider-Man will be masked but there really hadn't been a masked hero outside of Iron Man/War Machine. And forgot about Ant Man for a second there.
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This is looking like the movie Joss Whedon hyped before Age of Ultron came out. Dark, serious, full of heart and character driven.
Good god just when I was starting to get out of Cape things. This looks so much better than Batman v Superman

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