Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Official suit and logo for the movie revealed.

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It's an actual pic. That's Reynolds in the costume.
If the eyes change shape then Marvel better do that for Spider-Man.
You better ban me then. Because that my number one want. That and webpits.
It was sewn into his costume and made it so he could glide.
And yes, the webbing clogs all of your pores so you just can't sweat at all.
Huh... I didn't know Spidey could glide...
Um... that means all those criminals Spidey webs from head to toe are likely dying from heat stroke or suffocation. Yikes.
Here's even more set photos. As you can see the eyes will be CGI to show emotions.
This is going to be E's favorite movie ever because of CGI mask squinting.