All About Movies Thread: 8 Tweets & a Funeral.

I think it was Police Story 2 that was his first movie that was translated into English and released as Jackie Chan's First Strike.

I freakin' love that movie!
Just got done seeing Interstellar. I didn't like it. At all. There are some parts with some pretty cool, original special effects and the performances are all pretty good. That said, it was way too long, the science was ridiculous (bordering on comically nonsensical), and it was just plain boring a lot of the time. I'm sure some people will love it and think that it's really deep, but, to me, it was largely nonsense wrapped in several layers of pretension. It was wholly original though.
Just got done seeing Interstellar. I didn't like it. At all. There are some parts with some pretty cool, original special effects and the performances are all pretty good. That said, it was way too long, the science was ridiculous (bordering on comically nonsensical), and it was just plain boring a lot of the time. I'm sure some people will love it and think that it's really deep, but, to me, it was largely nonsense wrapped in several layers of pretension. It was wholly original though.

Did you like The Prestige?
Did you like The Prestige?

Yeah. If anything, I'd say this is closer to Inception though, only to a more extreme degree. While I enjoyed inception, I didn't love it, like many people did. I will say that the last 20 minutes or so of this movie made a solid push at redeeming the rest of the movie, but by that point I think I was just too out of the movie. I'm sure some people on here will love it, and will think I'm crazy, but I just didn't enjoy it or think it was as smart as it seems to think it is.
Jackson and del Toro you magnificent bastards! I can't wait to see these.
Jackson and del Toro you magnificent bastards! I can't wait to see these.

I like the first two better than the theatrical cuts. They include a subplot about what happened to Thorin's father Thrain, who had the last of the seven rings of power given to the dwarves. I'm looking forward to the conclusion of that.
Once that comes out on BluRay, I'm sitting down and marathoning all the Extended Editions of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies. That'll take at least an extended weekend, I'd imagine.

Yeesh. I did that with just the LOTR extended editions a few years back. I was pretty fried by the middle of Return of the King.
Yeesh. I did that with just the LOTR extended editions a few years back. I was pretty fried by the middle of Return of the King.

Keep in mind I'm an experienced marathoner of media for the various timelines I do. I spend a good 3 days a week after work watching (usually 3-5 hours at a time) or reading media related to the various timelines I do. Occasionally I might even spend a lazy Sunday afternoon doing so if the weather is lousy and me and the gf don't have plans.

I can marathon with the best of them, lol. But even I would need to stretch it out across 3 days, a couple per day (even that would be a good 6-7 hours). Yeesh.
Keep in mind I'm an experienced marathoner of media for the various timelines I do. I spend a good 3 days a week after work watching (usually 3-5 hours at a time) or reading media related to the various timelines I do. Occasionally I might even spend a lazy Sunday afternoon doing so if the weather is lousy and me and the gf don't have plans.

I can marathon with the best of them, lol. But even I would need to stretch it out across 3 days, a couple per day (even that would be a good 6-7 hours). Yeesh.

Oh, I thought you meant straight. That would be something like 18 hours. I did a marathon once that was that long (for LOST season 1). It wasn't worth it at all.

Such a terrible idea.
i posted about it in 2016 thread. anyone see goosebumps ? holy **** its like so nostalgic in a great way. slappy is great. i even liked jack black , i never like his acting.

Looks fun :)
Just got back from seeing "Hacksaw Ridge." This was an amazing movie. Say what you may about Mel Gibson. But the man known how to make movies. This is exactly the kind of movie we need making it's rounds in this day and age. If you're not a fan of gory war flicks. You might want to pass on this. They don't hold back. But, it is a truly inspirational movie. So you might want to give it a thought before you decide.
Someone told me that JK Rowling said this would be five films long?


Just got back from seeing "Hacksaw Ridge." This was an amazing movie. Say what you may about Mel Gibson. But the man known how to make movies. This is exactly the kind of movie we need making it's rounds in this day and age. If you're not a fan of gory war flicks. You might want to pass on this. They don't hold back. But, it is a truly inspirational movie. So you might want to give it a thought before you decide.

Yeah, I'm interested in seeing it, but I've heard it's more gory than any war film ever made. I'm not sure I can handle that.
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing it, but I've heard it's more gory than any war film ever made. I'm not sure I can handle that.

The biggest part of the gore is at the beginning of the battle. It tones down a little as it goes on. Plus everything moving a mile a minute when everyone starts firing. It can be ruff at times but that's war. The story overall makes it worth it. Andrew Garfield and Vince Vaughn do very good job in this.