Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers Discussion


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
I'm probably the only one watching this (look for subbed versions, they're out there) and as much as I hate to admit it I'm really enjoying this. Part of it is nostalgia for the toy-centered, cliche, horribly drawn out, and childish animes of my youth, part of it is seeing bad guys like Diamondback and Diablo teamed up with all the other bad guys, and part of it is the over-the-top character designs. I also kind of secretly hope the toy catches on because I keep finding myself wanting them. Is anyone else watching this?
I've never heard of this but "Disk Wars" - wasn't that a comic as well?
this looks like aa Marvel/Digimon hybrid. definitely an interesting looking spin.
The anime is definitely a Pokemon/Digimon/Marvel hybrid. The actual game itself is kind of like Pogs.
You might be thinking of the mini Identity Disk.

Maybe it was Mini Identity Disk.

Or Mini Identity Disk Wars.

Or Ultimate X-Mini X-Disk X-Wars.
I hate that it took eight episodes for them to finally get all the character together again, but man was it awesome finally having all the Avengers together again. Especially to fight Loki. Loved how Hulk threw Diablo into Whirlwind XD Next couple episodes are going to be nuts!
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I hate that it took eight episodes for them to finally get all the character together again, but man was it awesome finally having all the Avengers together again. Especially to fight Loki. Loved how Hulk threw Diablo into Whirlwind XD Next couple episodes are going to be nuts!

You're the only one on the boards watching this (just like I seem to be the only one to have watched the awesome sci-fi series Farscape).
You're the only one on the boards watching this (just like I seem to be the only one to have watched the awesome sci-fi series Farscape).

Been meaning to get to Farscape. My friends love it. I was kind of hoping someone was/would be. It's gotten more interesting with a curve ball of having the registration act be created and passed so they're definitely adding more stuff to the toy centered stuff.
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