Saga by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples (SPOILERS)

Can't believe I'm the 1st one back. 13 was solid. A prequel to 12 more or less. The Will has turned into my favorite character and I'm thinking of dressing like him when I go to Dragoncon in Atlanta in a few weeks. I'm wondering if there will be anyone else dressed like a Saga character. Oh Slave Girl has a name now.
If you do so make sure to post pictures.
Can't believe I'm the 1st one back. 13 was solid. A prequel to 12 more or less. The Will has turned into my favorite character and I'm thinking of dressing like him when I go to Dragoncon in Atlanta in a few weeks. I'm wondering if there will be anyone else dressed like a Saga character. Oh Slave Girl has a name now.

Sophie is my daughter's name. Disturbing!

This was a good refresher issue - I hadn't had a chance to read the last couple to catch back up on things before this came out.

I like where things are going with Marko's mom. The overbearing mother in law!
I can't deny how good this is...but I also can't help but be bored by it at the same time.

Trying to get thru the first 2 TPBs was more like a chore than a pleasure.
I can't deny how good this is...but I also can't help but be bored by it at the same time.

Trying to get thru the first 2 TPBs was more like a chore than a pleasure.

Wow. I can't even comprehend this. There is SO much going on and the characters are so engaging. This is one of the only books I DON'T get bored by.
Ugh I know. I was the same with "Fables"... but I love it now. Hopefully "Saga" will be the same.

Maybe you're just not "in the mood" to read it at the moment? I get like that with what I read and watch. I may love it, but if I'm not in the mood to read/watch, I get that feeling of choring through and that's not fair on the material.
Maybe you're just not "in the mood" to read it at the moment? I get like that with what I read and watch. I may love it, but if I'm not in the mood to read/watch, I get that feeling of choring through and that's not fair on the material.

I think that could be it. I haven't read any new comics aside from Invincible, Fables and Walking Dead in a while and nothing really interests me anymore.

I went to the store hoping to find the 2 volumes of Image's GLORY...and instead found SAGA.

It's BKV so I have no doubt I'll give SAGA another chance down the line but right now I'm just so meh to it...
This was one of the better issues maybe in the last 3. A lot of set up on this one. I have a favorite moment that I won't spoil here. I'm a sucker with stories with heart. Tell me if you know the part I'm referring to.
This was one of the better issues maybe in the last 3. A lot of set up on this one. I have a favorite moment that I won't spoil here. I'm a sucker with stories with heart. Tell me if you know the part I'm referring to.

Sophie and the Lying Cat? Cause I just want a regular fix of them in one page stories like that.
Yes that page. It would be cool to see these two form some bond and maybe let Lying Cat kind of become her best friend.
The Sophie/Lying Cat thing was sweet. I hope she overcomes her past. What a horrible background.
This was another great issue. The Sophie/Lying Cat scene was nice. I also loved the baby being puked on, but that's probably my frat boy sense of humor shining through (strange, since I hate frat guys).

I do think it was awkward to start #12 as occurring after #13-14, though. Maybe it'll pay off by arc's end (other than the "surprise twist" of them hiding upstairs when Prince Robot shows up).
I'm in the same boat right now. Then I wrote a review of it. I really love this series and I may break down eventually and check out Y or Ex machina.

Please do yourself a favor and read both. Y is probably my favorite comic book ever, and Ex Machina is great as well. Between those and Saga, BKV is one if my all time favorite writers. I still really need to read Pride of Baghdad though.
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It's so weird that people on this site still haven't read Y the Last Man or Ex Machina. Where have you been and what have you been reading instead?