Ultimate Comics Spider-Man/Miles Morales Discussion (SPOILERS)

Haven't read the latest issue yet. Anyone else think this is coming out slow compared to the other ultimate titles?

Anyway, this is a new Venom. I've been wondering how this could be since the suit and Eddie were last seen being taken to Latveria. Then I remembered the suit Peter had that was originally Eddie's was removed and secured in S.H.I.E.L.D. when the Ultimates took Peter down. Now, Maria Hill said she was ex S.H.I.E.L.D. and maybe she took a sample of that suit for her own purposes and it drove her mad. Now she's after Spider-Man.

Why would she have, though? I dunno, I'm not seeing it in her - it would be a pretty out-of-left-field reveal if she ended up being in the suit.

I realized recently that it could be Norman Osborne, and then I got really really angry at the thought because it immediately followed a sort of mental congratulations that I was giving Bendis for not making Norman Miles' first major supervillain.
I've been wondering how this could be since the suit and Eddie were last seen being taken to Latveria.

I do NOT remember that.

Now, Maria Hill said she was ex S.H.I.E.L.D. and maybe she took a sample of that suit for her own purposes and it drove her mad. Now she's after Spider-Man.


I would seriously consider dropping the book if that was the case. That's the kind of thing that sounds like Bendis trying desparately to come up with an interesting idea, like Gwen as Carnage or MJGoblin. He seems to have this book a little more grounded and I hope it stays that way.

Also, I really, really like the look of this Venom.
I've been wondering how this could be since the suit and Eddie were last seen being taken to Latveria.

I do NOT remember that.

The Beetle took it. I'm assuming that he's referring to the Ultimate Spider-Man Game (which Bendis did say is cannon.) Where the Beetle was taking samples of Villains (such as The Sandman and Venom.) and taking them to the Latverian Embassy.
The Beetle took it. I'm assuming that he's referring to the Ultimate Spider-Man Game (which Bendis did say is cannon.) Where the Beetle was taking samples of Villains (such as The Sandman and Venom.) and taking them to the Latverian Embassy.

Nah, not the game. War of the symbiotes arc. Beetle captured Brock on the last page. The arc where Brock absorbed Carnage out of Gwen.
Nah, not the game. War of the symbiotes arc. Beetle captured Brock on the last page. The arc where Brock absorbed Carnage out of Gwen.

Ah, yeah. I forgot that last page where the Beetle was fling off and said, "Please tell my lord that I am in receipt of the package. I am on my way to the home country. The lords bless Latveria."
This is disappointing. I liked how a lot of Miles's life and experience mirrored Peter's. I would've liked to have seen something remenescent of Peter's in that regard, too.

I kind of thought his relationship with Ganke was a good twist on all that, actually.
Isn't this sort of reminiscent of Peter's original thing with Gwen?

Which part? Ganke? I don't think so - Ganke is a confidant and good friend. It seems more similar to what MU peter had with MJ. Sort of.
Which part? Ganke? I don't think so - Ganke is a confidant and good friend. It seems more similar to what MU peter had with MJ. Sort of.

I was referring more to Peter and Gwen's romantic relationship, but now that I think about it I can't really remember if they had one. It's been a long time since I read the early portions of USM, so I may be way off base. I do remember MJ was jealous of Gwen moving in with Peter and Aunt May, so that's probably why I'm leaning towards that.
I agree that Ganke was more like what Peter had with MJ, minus romantic stuff. It was indeed a nice twist on the formula, but there's no reason that the dynamic can't continue with Katie-Kate in the mix.

I am kinda disappointed that the time skip is next issue, though. I wanted a fallout issue. It would be nice to see Miles dealing with the grief of losing his mother.
Do we know what this jump in time is supposed to be accomplishing? Why is it necessary?
I was referring more to Peter and Gwen's romantic relationship, but now that I think about it I can't really remember if they had one. It's been a long time since I read the early portions of USM, so I may be way off base. I do remember MJ was jealous of Gwen moving in with Peter and Aunt May, so that's probably why I'm leaning towards that.

Gwen and Peter didn't date until after Gwen died and came back. The second or third time MJ and Peter broke up, he started dating Gwen but it didn't really last long. They sort of had a brother and sister thing going on before that, and once she moved in with Peter & Aunt May she found Peter's Spider-Man stuff pretty quickly.

So we're skipping one year? So Miles is only going to be 14 still. That shouldn't make that much of a difference in his maturity or personality. Although having a year to process that his mom died because a monster came after Spider-Man will probably make a difference.

I'm also interested in the team aspect that's going to be coming into the book again. I really enjoyed it when Bobby, Johnny, and Gwen lived with Peter and now it's going to be Cloak, Dagger, Bombshell, Spidey, and Kate Bishop, Ganke, and Gwen. That should be fun.
Gwen and Peter didn't date until after Gwen died and came back. The second or third time MJ and Peter broke up, he started dating Gwen but it didn't really last long. They sort of had a brother and sister thing going on before that, and once she moved in with Peter & Aunt May she found Peter's Spider-Man stuff pretty quickly.

Ah, that's right. Thanks for clearing that up, I'd completely forgotten.

So we're skipping one year? So Miles is only going to be 14 still. That shouldn't make that much of a difference in his maturity or personality. Although having a year to process that his mom died because a monster came after Spider-Man will probably make a difference.

I'm also interested in the team aspect that's going to be coming into the book again. I really enjoyed it when Bobby, Johnny, and Gwen lived with Peter and now it's going to be Cloak, Dagger, Bombshell, Spidey, and Kate Bishop, Ganke, and Gwen. That should be fun.

Interesting, I enjoyed that larger cast/team aspect as well. I'd even love to see Aunt May introduced on a more regular basis attempting to help Miles, and maybe act as a surrogate mother figure for him after his mom's death, and as a way for May to honor Peter's memory.
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If the time jump is only a year that's not so bad. He can't not be Spiderman to long but still needs a timeframe to deal with his grief. I was worried he was going to go from a young teen to his 20's. That would be a mistake.
Ok 23 was a year later and really had no affect on the comic. I like how Miles and his dad are closer now. That should add to conflict later for him keeping his secret from him.