Young Justice Animated Series (spoilers)

Having never read any of the comic series, it doesn't bother me as it does to you guys. I enjoyed the episode. Marvin the Martian was a nice touch.
I'm kinda baffled as to why suddenly Artemis was trying to get into Kon-El's pants. Is this the inevitable turn from Young Justice to Everybody Loves Kon-El?
I'm kinda baffled as to why suddenly Artemis was trying to get into Kon-El's pants. Is this the inevitable turn from Young Justice to Everybody Loves Kon-El?

Didn't she flirt with him back when she first showed up though?
Didn't she flirt with him back when she first showed up though?

Pretty sure she did.

Also: It'll be something to help jumpstart the Wally/Artemis relationship. They'll come together in their mutual disappointment, unaware of their real feelings for eachother. That's what I bet, at least.
Is this show any good?

Infinitely better than the old Teen Titans, not as good as Avengers: EMH.

My problem has to be the fact that it reeks of "season 1 Greg Wiseman" (rematch season 1 Gargoyles, season 2 W.I.T.C.H., etc). The "Xanatos Gambit" is strong in this show.
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Infinitely better than the old Teen Titans, not as good as Avengers: EMH.

My problem has to be the fact that it reeks of "season 1 Greg Wiseman" (rematch season 1 Gargoyles, season 2 W.I.T.C.H., etc). The "Xanatos Gambit" is strong in this show.

:D I understood 7% of your words.
:D I understood 7% of your words.

If I followed her words correctly, Greg Wiseman loves to set things up. It's evident in Gargoyles, which culminated in the Xanatos Gambit.

I believe.

Sorry, I tend to follow animation creators, the way others follow actor/directors. Houde nailed it perfectly. Greg Wiseman is notorious for spending the whole season building up conspiracies/evil plots, then executing them at the end of the season. His season twos tend to be far and away better.

Re: Xanatos Gambit, definition is here. You'll see that it's evident 100% in The Light.
I just got caught up on this. It's quite enjoyable.

I feel like I would have liked this version of the Joker a lot if I hadn't immediately recognized the voice as Brent Spinner (Data from Star Trek: TNG)
I just got caught up on this. It's quite enjoyable.

I feel like I would have liked this version of the Joker a lot if I hadn't immediately recognized the voice as Brent Spinner (Data from Star Trek: TNG)

Yeah, i'm still not sold on Spiner as Joker, I kinda wish they'd gone with John DiMaggio.
Jaggyd said:
Infinitely better than the old Teen Titans, not as good as Avengers: EMH.

My problem has to be the fact that it reeks of "season 1 Greg Wiseman" (rematch season 1 Gargoyles, season 2 W.I.T.C.H., etc). The "Xanatos Gambit" is strong in this show.

That's about right, yeah. Same with Spec Spidey.

"Season 3 Weisman" is of course, his shows not getting a third season or.....Whatever the Goliath chronicles was.
did anyone catch the season 2 episode last night?

I don't know whether to be really mad or really happy at what they did....