Young Justice Animated Series (spoilers)

But Avengers got like 22 episodes...

On Wikipedia it shows the avengers cartoon as being 26 episodes.

You keep saying this, but where has it been said season 1 has only 3 episodes left?

I think I may be wrong.

I got my info from this link.

They only list the September episodes and when I read it, I thought that was going to be it for this batch. I read somewhere else that season two starts in Q1 and assumed it wasn't an actual season two but just the second batch of 13 episodes.

A good example of the 13 episode season is Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. The 26th episode of JLU was Epilogue which was intended to cap off the DCAU, but the show still had such good ratings that 13 more episodes were ordered, that's why the last batch of episodes feel like added on filler.

The 13 episode season has something to do with syndication.
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It's 26 episodes for season 1 and 20 for season 2.

It is all detailed here.

The reason for the very long delay is that most of the second half of season 1 was still being animated. That's like releasing a comic mini series when nothing past issue 3 has been completed. Wait, that sounds familiar...
Why is Red Arrow wearing Ultimate Hawkeye's costume?

But Avengers got like 22 episodes...

Err, Avengers:EMH has 26 episodes for season 1 and season 2 will also have 26 episodes.
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So, the new episode.

It was good. Not great, but good. And I think it's because I've realized that every single episode ends with the same thing: revelations about the Light's plans and how the team hasn't put much of a dent in them.

The most interesting bit was how they're setting up Riddler for something important.
Kind of lengthy post, but I feel like rambling.

I'm guessing Red Tornado's a red herring for the real mole, and I do like that Captain Marvel is sticking around. One wonders how much drama that's going to cause when they find out he's a kid. And I have no idea why they have a wolf now, but let's see where that goes.

This week's episode was just a really fun brawl, and it was great watching the team take on villains that are above their weight class and still come out like champions, as well as the League fighting across the globe alongside other heroes.

I don't really like this version of Joker. I did like his little fourth wall moment and and how they took some stuff from the Heath Ledger incarnation design and presentation wise, but he's not really funny.

And now we know who's on the Light's council. Most of them weren't hard to see coming, though Klarion was a surprise. Are we seeing the Sheeda show up? Because that would rock.

Also, we're getting Zatanna next episode, and she's the kid's age. Cool!

OK, ramble done.
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Zatanna was amazing. Love the little relationship building up between her and Dick. I hope we get to see more of her. Would love her on the team permanently.

And when are we getting Wonder Girl?
Yes. They didn't have the rights for her when they started producing the show (same reason Wonder Woman hasn't shown up yet), but they said she'd be joining the cast sometime during the first season,
Word is Donna will appear in the season finale and/or the Invasion 2-parter.

I still loved Babs and Bette's cameo in Home Front, I wonder if they'll be in costume later (plus with Bette, we may see an animated Kate).
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I also just got what Dick said to Artemis about "We'll laugh about this one day" since no one on the team knows he's Robin due to Batman forbidding from revealing such info.

I'm still thinking Artemis is the mole. It was Sportsmaster that revealed there was a mole after all.

Also, i loved the Icon and Rocket cameo in the Injustice League episode.
How many secrets can be in one episode.

Abel's House of Secrets.
Mal in the old Superboy costume.
Bumblebee dressed up as bumblebee.
Miss Martian posing as Marvin the Martian.

Personally, I don't like Secret as a one off ally. She was crucial in the first Young Justice comic series afterall.
Yeah. I would have liked it if they left the door open for her joining the team rather than just making her a pure ghost thing.