The Post-Flashpoint DC Comics Reboot

Re: DC Nation

Has this ever happened before?

DC To Publish Only One Comic At The End Of August

Doesn't seem like a real great idea.

I get if it was just comics that are in the DC mainstream universe, I mean don't they have other kinds of comics they con get out so they don't see a huge dip in sales?

I guess they figure the publicity will make up for a week's worth of sales. Being fettered to Warner Bros. makes it a safer bet than it would otherwise be. It's not like they're cutting back on the books being published that month, just that they'll be more tightly compressed into the earlier weeks. It will affect sales, but they must figure the hype of "Everything's going to change" will provide a substantial boost to early September sales.

It's a fifth week anyway, so it might not be as financially devastating as it might seem.
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Re: DC Nation

I will laugh if it gets delayed.
Re: DC Nation

There was that skip week in December 2009 where one issue of Blackest Night came out, right?
Re: DC Nation

No I was yelling cause I was going to go research, not telling you too. I know you old people don't do much.
Re: DC Nation

Did they reboot EVERYTHING though? It looks like even Action Comics is going back to #1.

What? Speak up.

If I remember correctly, there was no Action Comics after Crisis for the first couple years. The main Superman book was Superman: Man of Steel. I'll do some research to see if they did a reboot, then later renumber (akin to Avengers, Wonder Woman, etc.) or if they just took a break and came back with the regular numbering.

Huh, I remembered wrong, Action was completely uneffected by Crisis. It seemed to have told a lot of Silver Age style stories, well into 1991.
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Re: DC Nation

from tpbwiki (ie I did this research a while back)
In 1986, after Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC Comics revamped the history of Superman (as well as most of their other heroes) and retold his origin in the miniseries The Man of Steel.

At the same time, Superman (vol. 1) was renamed Adventures of Superman with issue #423, and continued with the original numbering. Superman (vol. 2) was launched with a new #1, and World's Finest Comics was cancelled with issue #323.

In 1991 a fourth ongoing Superman title was launched: Superman: Man of Steel (not to be confused with the previously mentioned miniseries with a similar name). It ran concurrently with Action Comics, Superman (vol. 2), and Adventures of Superman for 136 issues before being cancelled in 2003. Shortly after its cancellation, Superman's origin was updated once again in a 12-issue miniseries Superman: Birthright.

Action Comics wasn't rebooted after Crisis on Infinite Earths, nor was Superman (although it was renamed Adventures of Superman)
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Re: DC Nation

from tpbwiki (ie I did this research a while back)

Action Comics wasn't rebooted after Crisis on Infinite Earths, nor was Superman (although it was renamed Adventures of Superman)

Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for. I, sadly, didn't check TPBWiki. Thanks for the thorough research.

This leads to the question, how long will the new numbering last?
Re: DC Nation

So, uh, why are we assuming everything is getting renumbered? Because a Bleeding Cool article speculated about it? Forgive me for being skeptical.

Clearly DC is using the end of the event as some sort of jumping off point for their books, but I'd be surprised if they renumbered all their books back to #1. We might get a month of #1's after which they revert back to regular numbering, or perhaps dual numbering, with new numbers in big font and the old numbering smaller. I think it's unlikely we'll see a line-wide reboot.
Re: DC Nation

I just started reading Crisis On Infinite Earths.

Or, I should say I'm trying to read it. Hopefully something happens soon because if it doesn't I'm going to give up.
Re: DC Nation

Lord knows why, but I'm keeping with Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Supergirl and Flash deaths were pretty anticlimactic and it seems like more care was taken into shoving EVERY DC CHARACTER EVAR into the story than was into moving the plot along. I'm about 7 issues in and I feel like what I've read could have been effectively condensed into 3 or 4.
Re: DC Nation

At last, DC Comics has shown their hand after weeks of speculation. The rumors of a massive DC Universe reboot have been confirmed. In September, comic fans will be the recipients of 52 #1 issues as the entire line of DC Universe titles gets a relaunch. Everyone from Superman to Booster Gold will be getting a revamp, which includes redesigns and a "younger" continuity.

DC Comics co-publisher Dan Didio told USA Today, "We looked at what was going on in the marketplace and felt we really want to inject new life in our characters and line. This was a chance to start, not at the beginning, but at a point where our characters are younger and the stories are being told for today's audience."

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