Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes (spoilers)

Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

... You don't think this looks like DC animated stuff? It really does to me. :?
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

... You don't think this looks like DC animated stuff? It really does to me. :?

I disagree, sure it has some of the boxy, sharp corners look of Bruce Timm, but the style is totally different
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

"If this be Doomsday!"

Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

I like how the costumes are mostly classic and they aren't trying to hard to make them modern.
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

I like how the costumes are mostly classic and they aren't trying to hard to make them modern.

Well Hydra has a more modern costume(Except for the version in the past, they have the classic costume), but yeah for the most part the have the classic costumes.
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

A couple random thoughts about the series:

I like the fact that the Hulk isn't an idiot. He's most like the Green Scar here, only without Greg Pak's fanboying. I also like the idea of him trying to be a hero in his own right.

I'm not sure how I feel about Iron Man being the leader. It's pretty blantantly playing to the fact that Iron Man is the most popular Avenger right now. But I can think of much worse things to fanboy rage about.

According to Wikipedia, the mini-sodes will be shown on TV shortly after the premiere, combined so that 4 mini-sodes can form a full episode. It's a nessacary thing, since there's a crapload of material in these things. The problem is that I think they're ultimately going to suffer for it. While several of the episodes are interconnnected, they don't flow very well when played back-to-back. I mean, take Iron Man's episodes. You've got fifteen minutes of Iron Man fighting HYDRA, where he fights HYDRA Big Daddies using his technology, then he has a standoff with SHIELD over potential leaks in their organization. That's a good, solid adventure story, and makes for a decent episode on it's own...but wait! The whole thing was a scheme to free Baron Strucker, and now we have to see Nick Fury singlehandedly fight the Grim Reaper and Baron Strucker while fighting the effects of Strucker draining his life force! It's just awkward to watch, and I'm not sure how to get around that when you're showing them back-to-back. By my count, the only webisode series with good narative flow is Thor's. Though I admit that's unfair to say since the webisodes aren't done airing.

Finally, did anyone cry when Bucky died? Seriously, every forum I go to is like "BAAAAAAAW" and I'm just like "Bwa?" I admit that the episode certainly made the famous exploding rocket scene more tragic, but I couldn't really feel sad about it. It just seemed to fast, and I'm pretty confident they want to use Bucky again as the Winter Soldier. Then again, I cry pretty infrequenntly, so maybe I'm just too harsh? I dunno.
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

I'm not sure how I feel about Iron Man being the leader. It's pretty blantantly playing to the fact that Iron Man is the most popular Avenger right now. But I can think of much worse things to fanboy rage about.

No, Iron Man is the leader because he was the original leader of the Avengers. Remember, they are starting with the original line up and Cap won't join until a few episodes later anyway.
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

I have been consistently impressed with these microsodes, and for those of us aching for new material, they are going to run the microsode material as a one-day marathon, not as four weeks worth of stories, after the premiere. So the new stuff will keep flowing out. I think they just want as many episodes at their disposal from the get go for re-runs.
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

"Welcome to Wakanda"

Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

"Lo the shall come a conqueror"

Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

Beware the Widow's bite!

The Big House!
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

Awesome, I love that they're going with the Big House Prison from She-Hulk.
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

I'm watching all of the shorts on TV right now, and I just noticed in the Nick Fury vs Grim Reaper and Baron Strucker one there is a SHIELD agent named "Woo" I wonder if this is supposed to be Jimmy Woo from Agents of Atlas?
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

:D I love the use of Kirby dots in the first Ant-Man episode.
Re: Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

The first two episodes were aesome, anyone else here see it?