Ourchair's Awesome Anime Thread

So... my Bakemonogatari import Blu-Rays came, and I noticed something. They did quite a bit of "reshooting" some scenes are entirely different, and I'm not sure how it was possible, but the animation quality is even better than the original broadcast.
what's it about?

It's about a high school kid, who used to be a vampire, and the storm of weirdness that surrounds him. He basically hooks up with a series of girls (platonically) each one of them is cursed, and they deal with said curses, in one way or another. What's amazing is, it's like FLCL, in how it uses unconventional animation styles and techniques. It's definitely one of my favorites of recent years.

PS: the girl with the violet hair in the pictures, Hitagi, has an issue with gravity.
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SOLD! Out of all my friends, I seem to be the only person to enjoy that show. and the verying animation styles were my favorite part. secondly the music. Thanks for the info. :)


Do your friends smoke crack?? FLCL is one of the all time best animes, EVER.

Oh yeah, BTW, the music in Bakemonogatari is pretty great too. I LOVE the OP.

BTW: Here's a link to the Blu-Ray fansubs, sadly there's no news on it getting picked up in the US.
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Apparently the new Highschool of the Dead anime is directed by the guy who directed Death Note, I think he needs to tone down the fanservice personally. Also, right now I'm watching Shiki which is basically the Japanese version of Salem's Lot. Man, between these two and Occult Academy there is a lot of horror themed anime this summer.

Do your friends smoke crack?? FLCL is one of the all time best animes, EVER.

Oh yeah, BTW, the music in Bakemonogatari is pretty great too. I LOVE the OP.

BTW: Here's a link to the Blu-Ray fansubs, sadly there's no news on it getting picked up in the US.

Sweet, thanks for the link. I enjoyed your Xam'di recommendation. I'm sure I'll enjoy this too.
I actually didn't think Bakemonogatari was very good. The visual style made it worth watching, but the unashamedly straight-faced character archetypes really annoyed me. I was occasionally bored by the drawn out nonsensical conversations, as well. The lack of subtlety was practically a deal-breaker; having supernatural ailments be metaphors for emotional insecurities is a pretty bland plot device.

That said, Hitagi saves the show by being a total babe. All of the time. Tsundere girls just do it for me, I guess.
Apparently the new Highschool of the Dead anime is directed by the guy who directed Death Note, I think he needs to tone down the fanservice personally. Also, right now I'm watching Shiki which is basically the Japanese version of Salem's Lot. Man, between these two and Occult Academy there is a lot of horror themed anime this summer.

Yeah, I caught the first episode of High School of the Dead, I'm kinda hoping that all the fanservice is leading to more of a Shaun of the Dead vibe .

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