Batman: Under The Hood DTV


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
Dublin, Ireland
Judd Winick to pen script for Batman: Under The Red Hood

I'm interested to see how they approach it.

It's going to be weird, considering they've never explored the Red Hood as being part of Joker's origin, not to mention they've never even had Jason Todd in a cartoon, before (assuming that it is Jason Todd in the film). They can't really just expect that casual fans will know exactly who he is, unless they do a recap of "A Death in the Family" at the start, and that's just giving the ending away.

Either way, I hope Kevin Conroy's in it. They haven't given him any real, meaty character moments since "Epilogue" in JLU (even Arkham Asylum just seemed like another day in the life of Batman).
Re: Batman: Under The Red Hood DTV

Wasn't Red X in the Teen Titans toon Jason?
Re: Batman: Under The Red Hood DTV

I am looking forward to Winnick being able to write this story without having to use Superboy Prime punching reality as his way back to life, and without ending it with the dropping of Chemo on Bludhaven.

Winnick is the only guy who's really had a handle on Jason since his return. I'm optimistic this could make for a good story.

They should definitely keep it close to the DCUA, though... Heck, the art in the book actually seemed entirely derived from the DCUA style.
Re: Batman: Under The Red Hood DTV

Anyway, I would wager that most of the people that will see this DTV aren't fans of that sub-par toon.

The Teen Titans cartoon was awesome!

It is better than all of DC's DTVs so far.
Re: Batman: Under The Red Hood DTV

There were certain aspects to Teen Titans that was entertaining. Once you got past the fact that this wasn't your usual Timmverse was ok to watch. But overall I wasn't impressed.

Red X and Slade were probably the best parts of the show.

So with that said, I'm not sure of what to think about the Red Hood idea yet. It seems too obscure to just turn to a DTV. If anything I'd like more of the Superman/Batman DTVs. Their format is perfect for DTV. A self-contained story that also has continuity. It doesn't even have to look the same as the McGuiness versions. They could try to mimic each artist's style. Another 2 Superman/Batman DTVs based on the Supergirl arc and Absolute Power would be awesome, as well as a DC marketing dream. Maybe not so much with the With A Vengance arc.
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Re: Batman: Under The Red Hood DTV

So with that said, I'm not sure of what to think about the Red Hood idea yet. It seems too obscure to just turn to a DTV. If anything I'd like more of the Superman/Batman DTVs. Their format is perfect for DTV. A self-contained story that also has continuity. It doesn't even have to look the same as the McGuiness versions. They could try to mimic each artist's style. Another 2 Superman/Batman DTVs based on the Supergirl arc and Absolute Power would be awesome, as well as a DC marketing dream. Maybe not so much with the With A Vengance arc.

"Supergirl" would be pretty good, I'm not sure I'd like "Absolute Power". I think generally though, the Superman/Batman format is a grand one, even if there aren't enough good stories to make movies out of.
Re: Batman: Under The Red Hood DTV

"Supergirl" would be pretty good, I'm not sure I'd like "Absolute Power". I think generally though, the Superman/Batman format is a grand one, even if there aren't enough good stories to make movies out of.

I'm really dying to see a Superman/Batman: Supergirl. I think Absolute Power would work as well.

Admittedly, I stopped reading Superman/Batman after Loeb left, so I don't know ALL the stories. But I don't believe all the stories should be adapted. DC could really get away with just those 3 Superman/Batman DTVs and be done with it and then one day just bundle the 3 DVDs together in a "World's Finest" collector set.
Re: Batman: Under The Red Hood DTV

I'm really dying to see a Superman/Batman: Supergirl. I think Absolute Power would work as well.

Wait now, was Absolute Power the one with the alternate history where Batman and Superman were despots or something? Because if so, that's been done to death at this point (they're already doing The Crime Syndicate now), so I really wouldn't want to see it.
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Batman's voice in this sounds like Wolverine to me.

I never read the comic, but bringing Jason back just seems like such a stupid move. I heard once that there used to be an unwritten rule of comics book deaths, anyone could come back except Bucky, Jason, and Uncle Ben. Bringing Bucky back was really well executed, so I can't complain, and like I said, I've never read the stuff dealing with Jason's return, but it just seems like a really bad idea.
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I liked Jason's return (mainly because he went to do what Bruce never could - kill Joker)... and the story ended with Batman, Joker and the Red Hood all confronting each other and an explosion... and then they never showed what happened. Then he just appeared in every single comic Winick wrote for some reason. **** that ****.

Since then, nothing interesting has really been done with the character (though the arc in Batman and Robin was pretty good). He seems like a character with a lot of potential but no one knows what to do with him.