Cancelled Shows???

Have I mentioned how much I miss "The Black Donnelys" and "Andy Barker PI"?

I love the Black Donnelys! I can't believe it was canceled. I was never really very interested in Andy Barker, but I heard it was pretty good.

The fact that shows like...oh say...Will and Grace got 8 seasons, and Donnelys was canceled before they even finished one makes really depresses me.
Never watched the show myself, the concept seemed to silly for me. Sea Monster Conspiracy?
Basically, over the course of the first (and only) season, the mystery plays out like this:

* Random Weird **** happens in various locations (South Carolina, South Africa, Texas, Japan): "stars" fall from the sky, into the water; entire boats are consumed whole by Sea Monster

* Dutiful Single Mom, who is also Intrepid Marine Biologist, has near-fatal encounter with Sea Monster; her private employers cover it up; Shady Government Operatives comandeer the company she works for; she loses job

* Soulful Office Worker loses brother on a fishing trip when the sibling is dragged into the deep sea by another Sea Monster; he begins Obsessive Quest to find truth about his brother's killer

* Precocious Teen sees Baby Sea Monster after wakeboarding mishap; curiosity leads him to discover entire floating nest of Sea Monster Eggs; he inadvisedly brings one home; it hatches into Havoc-Wreaking Cute Sea Infant Monster

* Shady Government Operatives hire Russian Expert to help them unravel mystery; Russian Expert discovers that the Sea Monsters are basically Failed Cold War Era Experiment from the Moon (hence the "falling stars" effect)

* Dead Sea Monster washes up on shore of Small Town; FEMA quarantines and evacuates town, causing much Soap Operatics; Main Characters all converge there to get to the bottom of the mystery

It's straightforward, and not quite as clever as it thinks it is, but it's entertaining enough, for what it's worth. The plot is a very convincing example of how ordinary people would respond to a patently ridiculous situation. And it worked, to a certain extent.

Just not enough to save the show's ratings, apparently.
I loved Surface. I bought the series on DVD for my wife for X-mas last year. She loved it, too, obviously, lol. It was a great little show. Sci-Fi Channel (which is owned by NBC) needs to do a movie wrapping it up.

Now for you Veronica Mars fans:

Start yer support. We saved Jericho (well, at least partially, lol). Now it's up to you all to save Rob Thomas' baby.
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I don't wanna soil what we had by cheapening it with some tawdry online petition.

Crap...I just said tawdry.

I guess the kids are saying that. :? :lol:
From a brief Op/Ed essay entitled, "Remember when FOX used to give shows a chance?":

TVSquad's Paul Goebel said:
I will never forget being in high school and hearing the news that a new network would soon be premiering. It was only going to be on a couple nights a week, but instead of airing reruns and crappy local shows, it would air all new programs; it was unprecedented.

That network was called FOX, and while many of the programs were of no interest to me, I was really impressed at how they followed through with their promises. Specifically, cutting edge programming and big budgets. I watched Al & Peg Bundy say things that my parents didn't want me to hear. I watched George C. Scott in the only sitcom he ever starred in. Most importantly, I was witness to the phenomenon that became The Simpsons.

Click the above link for the full article.
I've been watching both Alias and Carnivale and they're awesome. Alias is almsot on par with Lost and Carnivale gives me a creepy Stephen King vibe.
I've been watching both Alias and Carnivale and they're awesome. Alias is almsot on par with Lost and Carnivale gives me a creepy Stephen King vibe.

Carnivale was SOOO awesome. But be aware, the series got canceled after a season with a cliffhanger.
I've been watching both Alias and Carnivale and they're awesome. Alias is almsot on par with Lost and Carnivale gives me a creepy Stephen King vibe.

God, did I loathe Alias. I had a friend that was obsessed with it and I could never understand why.

Carnivale, though, was excellent. I was very sad when it was canceled. :(
I've got halfway through season one of CARNIVALE. Very intriguing. Kinda like a good X-FILES.
What irks me most about cancelled shows is networks inability to put these TV shows on DVD.

Why not transfer these shows to DVD? Even if you leave out all the special commentary or behind the scenes stuff...they'd still sell!

Granted, I realize that it's not really cost effective to print 50,000 copies of a DVD if only 10,000 are gonna sell.....but right now I feel very bratty when it comes to the fact that there's like 5 or 6 TV shows that I loved watching and still have yet to put any of them on DVD.

Four Kings
Knights of Prosperity
Andy Barker PI

I've got halfway through season one of CARNIVALE. Very intriguing. Kinda like a good X-FILES.

Carnivale was quite good, though I'm a bit perplexed by the X-Files comparison.

What irks me most about cancelled shows is networks inability to put these TV shows on DVD.

Why not transfer these shows to DVD? Even if you leave out all the special commentary or behind the scenes stuff...they'd still sell!

Granted, I realize that it's not really cost effective to print 50,000 copies of a DVD if only 10,000 are gonna sell.....but right now I feel very bratty when it comes to the fact that there's like 5 or 6 TV shows that I loved watching and still have yet to put any of them on DVD.

Four Kings
Knights of Prosperity
Andy Barker PI


BitTorrent is your friend.
Clone High
Greg the Bunny
Bromwell High
a few others

and this quote just put Moral Orel on my list (NSFW)

Clay Puffington said:
You know. The pain. Of you. Day in, day out, being there. With that face. Not knowing what to say. Not caring anymore. Not even knowing that you'll probably only care about her when it's finally too late. Forgetting about all those desperate- those desperate years you spent alone, your barren years when no woman would even consider resting her tired head on your shaky little shoulder. Stinking of belly semen. Why even wipe? And when you finally get one of these-- hum-buh-da-daa!-- coveted pieces of tail that have been built up as the grand trophy in your nothing life, you try desperately to keep it. Not to protect it! But to hoard it. To keep it away from the other wolves and jackals circling your territory! And you realize, all too soon, that you're not good enough! That maybe there was a jerk-off called Darwin after all. And that you never acknowledged his existence because you knew deep inside that you were really what you feared you were-- weak. And passive. And ultimately, broken by the ones who were made the fittest. And that through your weaknesses, you built up a poison that poisoned others around you. That you love. And the only true justice was to let those dominant jackals feed on you. Survive off you.