Cancelled Shows???

ultimatedjf said:
I won't miss Four Kings. It wasn't that good. And besides, it had a laugh track. Laugh tracks have setting back our country for 5000 years.
That's cuz you have no soul. :noway:
Victor Von Doom said:
"Orange Chicken" episodes. :lol:
That's the only one i ever saw and I thought it was pretty funny. I've also seen several episodes of Earl and I have no idea why people like that crap. O well... it doesn't matter, i'm a big UPN supporter anyway.
Synch said:
I've also seen several episodes of Earl and I have no idea why people like that crap.

I'd like to say it'd help if you were real country or dirtneck......but it's not a requirement. Its just one of the smarter comedies out there. Kinda like "Arrested Development"

Synch said:
i'm a big UPN supporter anyway.

Worst. Network. Ever. Seriously.

Aside from "Everybody Hates Chris".....there is absolutely no show on UPN worth airing. Not now....and not in the networks history. Maybe the first couple seasons of Moesha---but nothing else.
Victor Von Doom said:
I'd like to say it'd help if you were real country or dirtneck......but it's not a requirement. Its just one of the smarter comedies out there. Kinda like "Arrested Development"

Worst. Network. Ever. Seriously.

Aside from "Everybody Hates Chris".....there is absolutely no show on UPN worth airing. Not now....and not in the networks history. Maybe the first couple seasons of Moesha---but nothing else.
The only time I actually put on this so called "UPN" is to watch the New York Yankees on Fridays.

Other than that, this network does not exist to me.
Planet-man said:
Life With Louie. Louie Anderson did the voice of both his childhood self and his dad. I watched this show every morning before school, it was hilarious.

Ha, I remember that.

Firefly, Invader Zim and Justice League Unlimited were all good shows that got cancelled. :(
ultimatedjf said:
Laugh tracks have setting back our country for 5000 years.

You are so right.

Laugh tracks are to TV what thought balloons are to comics.
I love laugh tracks on bland, ridiculously un-funny network sitcoms.
moonmaster said:
I love laugh tracks on bland, ridiculously un-funny network sitcoms.

I love the laugh track on "The Planet's Funniest Animals" on Animal Planet (my son loves that show). It's so obvious that there is no studio audience, yet they keep playing the laugh track. And the jokes are soooo stupid.
E said:
I love the laugh track on "The Planet's Funniest Animals" on Animal Planet (my son loves that show). It's so obvious that there is no studio audience, yet they keep playing the laugh track. And the jokes are soooo stupid.
What?! There's not actually an audience for "The Planet's Funniest Animals"!? My naive perceptions of the World have forever been shattered!
E said:
You are so right.

Laugh tracks are to TV what thought balloons are to comics.

They're half of the reason why I can't watch new episodes of That 70's Show(the other half being how sh***y it is with Eric and Kelso gone).

For the past couple seasons of the show, the laugh tracks have been getting more and more exagerated to the point where they're absolutley out-of-control. We had to do a project in Media Class where we had to watch two sitcom episodes and tally down the number of laugh tracks in each one. The episode of Seinfeld I watched had around 80. The episode of That 70's Show had something like 155.
What exactly is 'cancelled' anyway?

Justice League Unlimited got its fair run before it was 'cancelled' and even then it wasn't exactly an unceremonious decision nor was it anything that resulted in acrimony between Radomski/Timm/Dini/Murakami and the higher ups of WB.
Cancelled is more along the lines of not getting a chance to tell their story properly.

If a show's had it's run and obviously had a chance to go somewhere and it gets cancelled...that's fine.

I guess my hang-ups lay with cliffhangers.