Dreamteaming Round 14: For the Demon's Head


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2005
Okay, you're an assistant editor at the comic book publisher of your choice. You're boss comes in and tells you to drum up some roster ideas for a team-book they'd like to set-up for a future creative team to write. He asks for a proposal including: The roster of the team, The driving idea, explanations for character choices, and the creative team you'd like to see.

THE RULES------------------------

1) The winner of the last round becomes the moderator of the round, and thus gets to choose the team in question to be built. He must also name the roster to be filled, which should be at least 4, but no more than 9.

2) You may not use more than 4 characters common in anyone else's team in the round, as in if team one has characters a,b,c,d,e, team two can have characters a,b,c,d in common, but cannot use character e. The team posted first takes priority.

3) You must write a brief two or three sentence plot summary, an explanation for each team member, and the creative team you'd like to see on the book.

4) After TEN DAYS, the round is declared closed. People will vote via PM and send it to the moderator, who will count the votes and declare winner. Like the Ultimatization Game, you CANNOT vote for yourself.

5) The winner declared gets to choose the team in the next round.

This Round:

The League of Assassins



Your job is to create a deadly cartel of the DC Universe's greatest killers.
Okay as i can see this went badly. I'm much better at playing these rounds than making them so who has some suggestions for a better team? I thought Global Guardians would be fun but its up to you guys now.
Sorry, I had nothing for this. Plus, I have a final next week so I probably wouldn't have gotten to it anyway.
I'm not a huge DC guy, so actually had to look up the League.

I don't think it's works well as a multi-character team. One main leader....thousands of foot soldiers.
Remember when everyone thought Batgirl was a villain and leading the League of Assassins and then it turned out that she was being drugged by Deathstroke? I always thought that had potential because I realized that if Deathstroke was controlling Batgirl, that also meant he was controlling the League of Assassins. And that is ****ing scary.

If I had remembered to do this I would have done something with that: Deathstroke's League of Assassins.
Remember when everyone thought Batgirl was a villain and leading the League of Assassins and then it turned out that she was being drugged by Deathstroke? I always thought that had potential because I realized that if Deathstroke was controlling Batgirl, that also meant he was controlling the League of Assassins. And that is ****ing scary.

If I had remembered to do this I would have done something with that: Deathstroke's League of Assassins.

To be fair you still can do something with that.
I vote the next round be something big name, everything we've done so far has been B-teams

Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, something that might draw some more attention

anywho, I was going to write a synopsis that was basically a dusting off of the Assassin's Guild of Gambit fame, but I'm going to pass on this round.
I vote the next round be something big name, everything we've done so far has been B-teams

Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, something that might draw some more attention

anywho, I was going to write a synopsis that was basically a dusting off of the Assassin's Guild of Gambit fame, but I'm going to pass on this round.

I think the problem with that is nobody wants to make the round and not participate in a round of that caliber. thats why i was so thrown about making a Fantastic Four round in the first place. I do have teams down for all three of those though and they're all epic.
Deathstroke and the League of Assassins

Robin contacts Batman shortly after his encounter with Batgirl. He informs Batman that Batgirl has gone "rogue" - she's acting differently and was leading the League of Assassins. Batman immediately knows something is up and begins investigating.

He tracks down Talia Al Ghul, only to find that she is no longer affiliated with the League. "I was bored," she says, "so I let Deathstroke play with them."

Deathstroke the Terminator. Wade Wilson. A formidable enemy, one that Batman is glad not to have encountered too frequently. While Batman begins to formulate a plan to take Deathstroke down, Talia contacts the assassin and tells him that the Batman is after him. Deathstroke sees the opportunity for a bit of fun and puts a bounty on Batman's head.

The bounty brings a lot of villains out of hiding - villains that are no match for Batman. Killer Frost. Deadshot. Onomatopoeia. Sportsmaster. They all try to defeat Batman and they all fail.

Batman discovers Deathstroke's location and springs into action. He jumps out of a jet flying over a mountain in Tibet, the current home to this incarnation of the League of Asssassins. Upon landing, he is immediately engaged in battle by ninjas - hundreds of them swarm upon Batman but he is prepared and after a short battle, manages to defeat all of them.

He enters the major chamber of the hideout only to find a drugged and barely alive Batgirl. He approaches her but Deathstroke fires at his feet. "I corrupted your little Batgirl," he taunts, "you should have seen the kind of things I have done to her."

The two master fights battle. It is long and tough and at one point Batman is unsure if he can win. However, he manages to get the upper hand and breaks Deathstroke's arm.

Deathstroke's not finished - "Always have a Plan B when dealing with the Batman, they say," - and he pulls out a small device and presses a button. Suddenly (Batman's warning systems notify him just in time), Black Adam shoots through the hideout, ripping it in half. Chaos erupts. Explosions. Screams. Bodies of fallen ninjas shoot into the sky as Black Adam begins to destroy the entire building. Deathstroke disappears and Batgirl is nowhere to be found. Batman can't fight Black Adam - he's not prepared to defeat a God and he doesn't know if he actually could. He escapes... hoping that Batgirl has also managed to.

Deathstroke, with Batgirl in tow, meets with the Titans East and prepares to attack the Teen Titans, while Talia reclaims leadership of the League of Assassins. Batman begins formulating a plan to take out Black Adam...
That is such a Deathstroke plot, and it's awesome. Here's my team. I'll have their actual plot up soon.

Jason Todd wants to be the Batman. The only way to do so is to kill every single successor to the thrown that is above him. Picking individuals who are finely tuned to kill every successor the Dark Knight could have picked after Dick Grayson, Jason seeks to put himself in the title and become the world's greatest hero. He has picked the successors to the role, but will they succeed their heroic counterparts.

Jason Todd- Red Hood

Certifiably insane after his years as the example other Robins try to avoid, Jason is pissed offed. Jason knows the lieutenants in the Bat-army that Bruce Wayne built, and he knows how you defeat this army. Picking the people that drive and bite at their personalities, Jason is going to claim his place as the Batman, whether it kills him or not.

Noah Kuttler- Calculator

The information man. Calculator has no personal obligations against the Bat family like the rest but still hates Oracle. Seen as second fiddle to her, Calculator wants to be the only one in charge but finds no weakness in her cause. This is until Jason Todd tells him that he's been losing to a cripple the entire time, and he only feels contempt for this. Now Calculator is ready to give his people any weakness his enemies could have.

Sandra Wu-San- Lady Shiva

Cassandra Cain's mother, Lady Shiva has become a bit of a joke in recent times. She's been trounced by Batman, turned around by her daughter and even shocked by Tim Drake. Shiva is losing her status, and this does not sit well with a master assassin. She is now in the League for blood, ready to kill anyone who has defeated her in the past.

David Cain

Cassandra Cain's father, David will forgo any prejudice he has against her mother to kill his own daughter. Daiv is fierce and unwilling to lose a fight. One of the only members of the league willing to use firearms David is ready to kill anyone in his way. Even his own daughter.

Arthur Brown- Cluemaster

Cluemaster is such a joke that he makes the Riddler look like the Picasso of Super Villains. Cluemaster is only in this because his daughter is the new Batgirl. All he needs to do is convince her to leave. Whether this means killing her allies or not he will get his point across despite his inequalities to his fellow assassins.

Thomas Dorrance- Bane

The lynchpin to Todd's plan, Bane is the secret to the heroes' success. Bane no longer wishes to commit evil, only to fix his past wrongs. Hearing Jason's offer, he jumps at the chance to prove himself to Batman. Using his amazing strength to steal and fake his way in to the League of Assassins, Bane chooses to work with the Bat Family instead. Finally choosing to be a force for good instead of evil Bane realizes his true fate.

*Note I want this to tie into an eventual JLA title so if anyone wants to do that next I'm just saying.
Bluebeast said:
I think the problem with that is nobody wants to make the round and not participate in a round of that caliber. thats why i was so thrown about making a Fantastic Four round in the first place. I do have teams down for all three of those though and they're all epic.

Well the victor of the round is allowed to make a team in the next round, he's just not elligible for votes
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Lately the game's died down and I think it may be time to rework things a bit.

How does a reboot and some rule changes strike everyone? We could take suggestions and try and come up with a better system for picking ideas to Dreamteam since some of the picks have had so much trouble gaining traction. Also we may kick around the idea of some basic rule changes. More or less characters, more or less plot details, longer or shorter deadlines, etc.

What does everyone think?
Lately the game's died down and I think it may be time to rework things a bit.

How does a reboot and some rule changes strike everyone? We could take suggestions and try and come up with a better system for picking ideas to Dreamteam since some of the picks have had so much trouble gaining traction. Also we may kick around the idea of some basic rule changes. More or less characters, more or less plot details, longer or shorter deadlines, etc.

What does everyone think?

A pool!
I'd also be happier with a broader expansion of the game that allows for more flexibility. "Design a new cosmic book for the DCU", or "a year-long monthly for Marvel" or "revive a Kirby concept".

Or even broaden it to encompass a line of books. "Reinvigorate the Batman/Avengers/Justice League/Superman/what-have-you editorial line". Dreameditor?
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