The new TPB/HC thread

i just recently purchased "Flash:The Fastest Man Alive" vol 1 & 2 b/c I'm a teen titans fan and I wanted to see what happened to Bart when he was an adult. I knew he died, but that was it. The first volume sucks, the second is much better.
my full tpb/hc list

Ultimate Spider- Man HC vol 1-11
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up HC
Ultimate X-Man HC vol 1-6
Ultimate Fantastic Four HC vol 1-3
The Ultimates HC
The Ultimates 2 HC
Ultimate Galactus Trilogy HC
Essential Amazing Spider-Man vol 1-9
Essential Marvel Team-Up vol 1-3
Essential Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man vol 1-4
Spider-Man: Blue
Spider-Man: The Death of Gwen Stacy
Spider-Man: Son of the Goblin
Spider-Man Vs. Silver Sable
Spider-Man: Birth of Venom
Spider-Man: The Wedding
Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt
Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage
Marvel Knights Spider-Man vol 1-4
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man vol 1 & 2
Amazing Spider-Man By JMS Ultimate Collection Book 1-4
Spider-Man: Return of the Goblin
Sensational Spider-Man: Feral
Civil War: The Amazing Spider-Man
Civil War: Peter Parker, Spider-Man
Spider-Man: Back In Black
Peter Parker, Spider-Man: Back In Black
Amazing Spider-Man: New Ways to Die
Amazing Spider-Man: Crime And Punisher
Amazing Spider-Man:24/7
Amazing Spider-Man: American Son
Amazing Spider-Man: Died In Your Arms Tonight
Amazing Spider-Man: Red-Headed Stranger
Essential Daredevil vol 1-5
Daredevil By Frank Miller & Klaus Janson vol 1-3
Daredevil: Born Again
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
Daredevil: Lone Stranger
Daredevil: Guardian Devil
Essential Luke Cage, Power Man vol 1-2
Essential Iron Fist vol 1
Essential Power Man and Iron Fist vol 1 & 2
Immortal Iron Fist: The Last Iron Fist Story
Immortal Iron Fist: The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven
Immortal Iron Fist: The Book of The Iron Fist
Immortal Iron Fist: The Mortal Iron Fist
Wolverine: Origin
Wolverine: Weapon X (Windsor-Smith)
Wolverine (Claremont, Miller)
Marvel Comics Presents: Wolverine vol 1-4
Wolverine Classic vol 1-4
Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD
Nick Fury: Scorpio
Secret Warriors vol 1 & 2
The Pulse vol 1-3
Essential Avengers vol 1
Avengers: The Kree-Skrull War
Avengers Disassembled
Secret War
New Avengers: Illuminati
New Avengers vol 1-12
Mighty Avengers vol 2-4
Young Avengers vol 1: Sidekicks
Young Avengers vol 2: Family Matters
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways
Young Avengers Presents
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers
Dark Reign: Young Avengers
House of M
House of M: World of M Featuring Wolverine
Captain America: Winter Soldier vol 1 & 2
Captain America: Red Menace vol 1 & 2
Civil War: Captain America
Captain America: The Death of Captain America vol 1-3
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America
Captain America: The Man With No Face
Captain America: Road to Reborn
Captain America Reborn
Civil War: The Road to Civil War
Civil War
Civil War: Iron Man
Civil War: Fantastic Four
The Sentry (Jenkins/Lee)
Thunderbolts: Faith in Monsters
Thunderbolts: Caged Angels
Thunderbolts: Secret Invasion
Dark Avengers vol 1: Assemble
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia
Dark Avengers vol 2: Molecule Man
Secret Invasion

Secret Origins
JLA: Year One
Batman: Year One
Batman: The Man who Laughs
Batman: The Long Halloween
Batman: Dark Victory
Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet
Robin: Year One
Batgirl: Year One
Nightwing: Year One
Batman: A Death in the Family
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying
Batman: Knightfall Part 1: Broken Bat
Batman: Knightfall Part 2: Who Rules the Knight?
Batman: Knightfall Part 3: Knightsend
Batman & Son
Batman: Black Glove
Batman: RIP
Batman: The Battle for The Cowl
DC Archives Edition: The New Teen Titans vol 1-4
The New Teen Titans: Terra Incognito
The New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
The New Teen Titans: The Terror of Trigon
The New Teen Titans: Who Is Donna Troy?
Teen Titans: A Kid's Game
Teen Titans: Family Lost
Teen Titans: Beast Boys & Girls
Teen Titans: The Future Is Now
Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders
Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Death And Return of Donna Troy
Teen Titans: Life And Death
Teen Titans: Titans Around the World
Teen Titans: Titans East
Teen Titans: Titans of Tomorrow
Teen Titans: On the Clock
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Identity Crisis
JLA: Crisis of Conscience
Infinite Crisis Companion
Infinite Crisis
The Lightning Saga
Superman: Birthright
The Death of Superman
World Without Superman
The Return of Superman
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
Superman: Last Son
Superman: Brainiac
Superman: New Krypton vol 1
The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive: Lightning in a Bottle
The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive: Full Throttle
The Legion of Super-Heroes: Teenage Revolution
The Legion of Super-Heroes: Death of a Dream
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: Strange Visitor from Another Century
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: Adult Education
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes: Dominator War
Supergirl & the Legion of Super Heroes: The Quest for Cosmic Boy
The Legion of Super-Heroes: Enemy Rising
The Legion of Super-Heroes: Enemy Manifest
Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight/New Dawn
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Green Lantern: No Fear
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
Green Lantern: Wanted Hal Jordan
Ion: The Torchbearer
Ion: The Dying Flame
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War vol 1
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War vol 2
Green Lantern: Tales of The Sinestro Corps
Green Lantern: Secret Origin
Green Lantern: Rage of The Red Lanterns
Green Lantern: Agent Orange
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge
Green Lantern Corps: To Be A Lantern
Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side of Green
Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest
Green Lantern Corps: Sins of the Star Sapphire
Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse
Final Crisis
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds
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Got my Absolute Promethea Book 1 in the mail today. I haven't looked to see but I'm pretty sure it includes more than is included in the Book 1 TPB, which I have and have read. So I'm excited to read it.

I've been doing really good with getting things read that have been in my "to read" queue for a long time.
Got my Absolute Promethea Book 1 in the mail today. I haven't looked to see but I'm pretty sure it includes more than is included in the Book 1 TPB, which I have and have read. So I'm excited to read it.

I've been doing really good with getting things read that have been in my "to read" queue for a long time.

Yeah it does. They plan if I remember 3 absolutes.

There are 5 trades.
I just got Geoff John's and Richard Donner's Superman:Last Son

I usually don't care much for Superman, but I really liked this one.

Geoff Johns seems to be systematically working his way through DC's biggest heroes and digging into their mythos and expanding on them.
i just recently purchased "Flash:The Fastest Man Alive" vol 1 & 2 b/c I'm a teen titans fan and I wanted to see what happened to Bart when he was an adult. I knew he died, but that was it. The first volume sucks, the second is much better.

Yeah, that one was a real kick in the balls to read. First the mess that was the TV writers relaunch then the very solid Gugginheim run which pretty unexpectedly ended in his death. Was that one of the times they did fake solicits to keep his death secret? I can't remember...

I'd put my list up but I'm currently reorganizing things and trying to sort out everything I need to send to TOG.
Yeah, that one was a real kick in the balls to read. First the mess that was the TV writers relaunch then the very solid Gugginheim run which pretty unexpectedly ended in his death. Was that one of the times they did fake solicits to keep his death secret? I can't remember...

I'd put my list up but I'm currently reorganizing things and trying to sort out everything I need to send to TOG.

I've read them. I didn't think they were bad. In fact, I'm a total sucker for stories that take a different spin on an existing story like that. The book of Revelation is a fascinating one, whether you are religious and believe it literally or just take it for its literary/historical value. I like the idea of taking a thousands-of-year-old story and applying a modern take to it. They were clever in that regard, if not a little too preachy.

Same idea as Ultimate Nightmare if you think about it - I loved the concept behind that.
I've read them. I didn't think they were bad. In fact, I'm a total sucker for stories that take a different spin on an existing story like that. The book of Revelation is a fascinating one, whether you are religious and believe it literally or just take it for its literary/historical value. I like the idea of taking a thousands-of-year-old story and applying a modern take to it. They were clever in that regard, if not a little too preachy.

Same idea as Ultimate Nightmare if you think about it - I loved the concept behind that.

That's interesting.

:lol:It's kind of weird for me to hear you compare Jesus to Gah Lac Tus, but I can understand where you're coming from.

I've never heard anyone who doesn't take Revelation literally (I assume in your case, maybe I'm wrong) comment on the books. I guess looking back, I found them to be entertaining at the time, but I got tired of them after a while. They really milked the cash cow for everything it was worth. It was originally meant to be a 3 book series and it turned into a franchise. 12 books, 3 movies, then prequels, tie-in kids books, graphic novels, etc. That sort of tainted my memory of them, but I suppose I can't really fault them for being successful.

I'm interested to talk about this further, like how the books influenced your view of Christians and what we believe (the books had some strong statements about those who don't follow Jesus, etc) but this isn't the thread for it.
I agree, as much as I hate religion, I love religion based stories.

I really loved the first book. I think I read part of the 2nd. I remember one scene with the Anti-Christ that was actually creepy.
:lol:It's kind of weird for me to hear you compare Jesus to Gah Lac Tus, but I can understand where you're coming from.

No no no - what I'm saying is that I like the concept of a story that builds on an existing, unrelated story. Left Behind did it with Revelation. Warren Ellis used the Tunguska Event and made a story out of it with the arrival of Vision and the whole Galactus thing. Ellis used the same concept a couple of times in Planetary as well. I'm sure a lot of other writers have done it a lot of other times, but that was just the first idea that popped into my head...I wasn't comparing the people/characters of the story, just the background behind the construction of the story.

I found them to be entertaining at the time, but I got tired of them after a while.

Yeah...I think I read through the first 8 or so and got tired of them. Years later I happened on a download of the entire series on CD (unabridged - about 10 discs for each book!) and listened to them while we painted our house. I've also heard the radio drama they did for the whole series and thought it was pretty good.
I agree, as much as I hate religion, I love religion based stories.
you just like supernatural stuff?
I really loved the first book. I think I read part of the 2nd. I remember one scene with the Anti-Christ that was actually creepy.
yeah, he did pray to Satan and all.

No no no - what I'm saying is that I like the concept of a story that builds on an existing, unrelated story. Left Behind did it with Revelation. Warren Ellis used the Tunguska Event and made a story out of it with the arrival of Vision and the whole Galactus thing. Ellis used the same concept a couple of times in Planetary as well. I'm sure a lot of other writers have done it a lot of other times, but that was just the first idea that popped into my head...I wasn't comparing the people/characters of the story, just the background behind the construction of the story.
okay, i understand now.

There's another unrelated movie series based on Revelation. One of the movies in the series (entitled 'Judgement') has Mr T in it. It's pretty hilarious.
you just like supernatural stuff?

I think he means religous stories can be used for basis for interesting new stories, however he doesn't find the idea of following a religon as a way of life appealing.

One of those things where being a spectator is more interesting than a practitioner.
updated my list for
Thunderbolts: Secret Invasion
Dark Avengers Volume 1: Assemble
New Avengers: Search for the Sorcerer Supreme
Trade Paperbacks
The Amaglam Comics: DC Collection
Authority Book 1
Authority Book 2
Bone: Complete Collection
Captain Britian and MI13: Secret Invasion
Captain Britian and MI13: Hell Comes To Birmingham
Chew: Taster's Choice
Earth X
Exalted: The Comic Series
Fables: Legends of Exile
Fables: Animal Farm
Fables: Storybook Love
Fables: March of the Wooden Soldiers
Fables: Mean Seasons
Fables: Homelands
Fables: Arabian Nights (and Days)
Fables: Wolves
Fables: Sons of the Empire
Fables: The Good Prince
Fables: War and Peace
Fables: The Dark Ages
Fell: Feral City
Five Fists of Science, The
Hatter M: The Looking Glass Wars
Hatter M: Mad with Wonder
JLA: One Million
Mage: The Hero Defined
Marvel Comics vs. DC Comics
Nightly News. The
Northlanders: Sven the Returned
Northlanders: The Cross and the Hammer
Planetary: All over the World and Other Stories
Planetary: The Fourth Man
Planetary: Leaving the 20th Century
Promethea: Book 1
Promethea: Book 2
Return of Superman, The
Rising Star Compendium
Serenity: Those Left Behind
Serenity: Better Days
Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 1
Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 2
Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 3
Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 4
Sword, The: Fire
Top 10
Top 10 Book 2
Ultimates, The
Ultimate Galactus Book 1: Nightmare
Ultimate Galactus Book 2: Secret
Ultimate Galactus Book 3: Extinction
Ultra: Seven Days
Umbrella Academy, The: Apocalyspe Suite
Umbrella Academy, The: Dallas
Y: The Last Man - Unmanned
Y: The Last Man - Cycles
Y: The Last Man - One Small Step
Y: The Last Man - Safeword
Y: The Last Man - Ring of Truth
Y: The Last Man - Girl on Girl
Y: The Last Man - Paper Dolls
Y: The Last Man - Kimono Dragons
Y: The Last Man - Motherland
Y: The Last Man - Whys and Wherefores
Annihilation Volume 1
Annihilation Volume 2
Annihilation Volume 3
Annihiliation: Conquest Volume 1
Annihiliation: Conquest Volume 2
Booster Gold: 52 Pick up
Booster Gold: Blue and Gold
Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle
Girls: Complete Collection
Guardians of the Galaxy: Legacy
Guardians of the Galaxy: War of Kings I
Gunnerkrigg Court: Orientation
Hood, The
Mouse Guard: Fall 1152
Mouse Guard: Winter 1152
Newuniversal: Everything Went White
Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil
Starman Omnibus, The: Volume 1
Starman Omnibus, The: Volume 2
Starman Omnibus, The: Volume 3
Saga of the Swamp Thing Volume 1
Tellos Colossal: Volume 1

Recently Added
Hatter M: Mad with Wonder
Mouse Guard Winter 1152
Top Ten book one
Top Ten book two.
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