Batman: The Brave and the Bold (series discussion)

My problem with show isn't that its silly ect.. like I mentioned in other thread i just don't think it's a good show. I hate the art , the voices the stories it just doesn't do it for me. I did not like "the batman" much but that was 100X better than this IMO.
My problem with show isn't that its silly ect.. like I mentioned in other thread i just don't think it's a good show. I hate the art , the voices the stories it just doesn't do it for me.


I got over the fact that it was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek show and I was ready to embrace it, but the fact is that it's just not that entertaining. The voice-acting is instantly forgettable and the designs look less like Silver Age designs and more like the stuff you'd see in any random Saturday morning cartoon. Fairly Odd Parents has far better superhero-spoof episodes than anything in this show.

I did not like "the batman" much but that was 100X better than this IMO.

To be fair though, as much as I don't like either show, I think The Brave and the Bold has more of a right to existence. The Batman couldn't decide whether it was its own show, a Batman Begins spin-off or just a sad DCAU knock-off (which it most definitely was, towards the end). It was one of the most pointless superhero shows, ever (right up there with Avengers: United We Stand and the MTV Spider-Man show).

At least The Brave and the Bold is an inventive, definite idea for a Batman show and something that hasn't really been done before. For that, I respect it.

But still...meh.
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Oh lord.

They made a musical episode.

With Neil Patrick Harris as the Music Meister.

It's incredible. It's the most ridiculous thing ever and it's incredible.
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Mayhem of the Music Meister is the greatest thing in the history of things.

Neil Patrick Harris and Grey DeLisle singing about Batman is why god gave us ears. Watch it or be forever damned to a life without awesome.
Mayhem of the Music Meister is the greatest thing in the history of things.

Neil Patrick Harris and Grey DeLisle singing about Batman is why god gave us ears. Watch it or be forever damned to a life without awesome.

Batman: There's something you don't see every day.

*camera pulls back to show Bats riding an incredibly goofy looking gyrocopter*

That was so completely the best thing I have ever seen. I love that this show exists.

The only problem was, when they did the song, "He really drives us bats", I was hoping the thing would go deeper into Batman and he'd snap and properly sing, not just do scales.

But that was so much fun!
I'm still listening to "Drives Us Bats" again and again.

If anyone ever asks, "which produces better cartoons, Marvel or DC?" I will sing this song at them to prove that Marvel has never had a chance.
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I'm still listening to "Drives Us Bats" again and again.

If anyone ever asks, "which produces better cartoons, Marvel or DC?" I will sing this song at them to prove that Marvel has never had a chance.

I dunno, Spectacular Spider-Man is pretty awesome.

But yeah, DC's cartoons overall hits Marvel out of the park.

Drives us Bats was my favorite as well.

I liked the Deathtrap one too.

I liked the opener just for Aquaman waltzing with Gorilla Grodd.

But yeah, Drives Us Bats was the best. They brought up the Bat-usi!
You know, the episode was good but I just don't like the style and tone of the show, I just can't get into it. So... not a fan but approve of it's exsistence.