
Re: 137 Sekunden

haven't seen "137 Sekunden" yet, been busy with two jobs (lucky me). can't wait to see it. any thoughts/reviews on it?

I really liked it. Things are picking up. And there was a manipulative Nazi prisoner. I like those guys.

The cliffhanger was interesting. It appears the blackout/flashforward has happened before, in Somalia. And that machine... I'm a lot more excited for this show now.
New info

I've rewatched some of "No More Good Days" and found new info. If you watch Mark's flashforward in slo-mo, you'll find more stuff: photographs, people of interest, date of births, etc. I'll try my best to rewatch the episodes and try to put it into my first post of this thread. Only problem is I've set the DVR to record the series on the family TV. I need to get my own place.

And there was a manipulative Nazi prisoner. I like those guys.

I actually felt sorry for Rudolf (the look on his face) when Mark got into his face the way he did. Haha
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So, are we to understand that the flash forward that we saw take place in Somalia was only confined to that area of the world? This time it's different because the entire world blacks out, right?

Anyway, that was a very good way to keep this show from becoming cliche. So far, it has been pretty forthcoming in terms of why this is occuring. Especially now that we've got this machine... Apparently spewing some sort of fog? I thought that was cool, but puzzling.
Black Swan

Did anyone watch "Black Swan" last night? I still haven't seen it. I got two jobs, so I only get a day and a half to myself
I got to see it. Finally, Dom Monaghan is involved... Although in last night's episode he was extremely minor. He'll mean something down the line, though.

I thought it was cool. Gave characters a little time to grow on me.
Obvious the autistic kids father was going to be involved. Really thinkin' he's Suspect Zero.

Did anyone else catch that before the flashforwards Olivia was saying she had to take care of "two penises"? At the time she's taking care of one and her little girl. Wonder what that was about in ep. 1.

The Babysitter, Nicole (I think), I bet she's being baptized in her Flashforward.
Lloyd couldn't be Suspect Zero -- the most recent episode let us know what he saw. Or, rather, we just saw Olivia's flash forward from Lloyd's perspective. In terms of his involvement, I really hope he doesn't have anything huge to do with it. I don't like his character at all right now... He's just annoying whenever he is speaking to Olivia.
Lloyd couldn't be Suspect Zero -- the most recent episode let us know what he saw. Or, rather, we just saw Olivia's flash forward from Lloyd's perspective. In terms of his involvement, I really hope he doesn't have anything huge to do with it. I don't like his character at all right now... He's just annoying whenever he is speaking to Olivia.

Yeah. You're right I guess I just took the vibe from him too far.
I still think Simon (or Charlie as I shall call him forever) is Suspect Zero. I'm not sure how Lloyd is involved though. Perhaps he's one of the ones that organized it.

And if she's being baptized, that's one violent baptism.
Nicole Kirby

Added some of Nicole's info in my first post. Also, I dunno if anyone knew this already, but Joseph Fiennes is contracted to play Mark Benford for seven years. I wonder how they'll keep us into this show for seven seasons. Hopefully these guys have a clear ending in mind and know the in-between on how to get to that end.
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Flash Ahead

The FlashForward event that shook the world goes from global to mobile with Flash Ahead, sponsored by Sprint. Go beyond the GBO to access bonus features that may include videos, photos or text messages.

Mark Benford isn't the only one trying to piece together a complex puzzle. Now, FlashForward fans can take matters into their own hands as they explore and investigate this worldwide phenomenon.

A keyword will appear briefly within the trailer that runs during the end credits of each episode. Sprint customers can text the keyword to 22288 to access the bonus content.

Look for a keyword each week beginning with the FlashForward premiere on September 24, 2009 and continuing throughout the fall. Anyone who misses the keyword during the Thursday airings can head over to ABC.com on Fridays to see the weekly keyword.

All keywords will be posted on this page in the order that they are revealed on-air. Unscramble the keywords and you may uncover a sentence that adds a surprising twist to the mystery!

Message and data charges may apply.

The Keywords:
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Last night's episode took quite a turn. It may the episode to prove me right and Bass wrong, actually. Getting the government involved was good in that it helped to convey how major this event is. I dig it.
"Gimme Some Truth" Flash Ahead word

The new word in "Gimme Some Truth" is "
." Check out my first post on page one for more info.
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That senator ***** was a huge ****. Everything she said was condescending and annoying.

The shootout at the end to the Bob Dylan song is such a strange scene. I hope the chick isn't dead. I liked her.

This episode suffered from a lack of Dominic Monaghan. Luckily he becomes a regular next episode.
lol. I like that this main character has sense of humor. The show wouldn't be as good without a couple of laughs here and there.

I thought Dom Monaghan plays a mad, evil scientist pretty well. I can't wait to see more of his character.
This show just took a very grim turn. I hope they start answering some questions soon because now I'm lost. I was actually hoping they would make Gough and Vreede main characters in the following seasons. Now that they
killed off Gough
, uuuhhhh... I dunno. The show is following the novel somewhat. In the novel, some people were
so depressed by their visions that they killed themselves

But I do understand what Gough was trying to say. Like I said before, and I'm referring to the movie Next and maybe even Paycheck, if you see your own future, you change it because you saw it. Put yourself in that position, if you were to see your future and you knew the exact date of when that future was going to happen, even if you didn't wanna prevent it, you'd do something different.

Now say you didn't know the exact date, you just saw a vision, then one day that exact vision happens and you say to yourself "Have I been here before? Have I done this?" That's more like déjà vu.

Have you ever had a déjà vu where you say out loud or in your head "Hey, I'm having déjà vu" and then you realize you saying "Hey, I'm having déjà vu" was actually part of that déjà vu? I have. It's really cool.
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I thought the Gough thing was sad and quite well done. I didn't even think that they would connect it back to the woman at the start.

I think the best part of this show is how unpredictable it can be, which is kind of suitable for a show where the main characters are trying to figure out what is going to happen.
I was wondering what would happen with Gough as the actor is also on Scrubs, and was thinking which show he wouldn't be on anymore. Well, that's answered now.

But it was nicely done for something grim. It was sad and I'll actually miss him as I thought he was a good character on the show with the others.
Last night's episode was good, but not as good as the one before it.

I like Dom Monaghan best in this show. His character has a lot of importance, it seems, which is probably a welcome change for him after playing Charlie. As Charlie he was pretty much a bench warmer and didn't contribute much to the show's progression, but now he's in the driver seat.

What I'm wondering about are the tattoos and the rings. The rings had me scratching my head because I'm not sure where they fit into the show at this point. It reminded me too much of, I dunno, something... but I thought it was pretty out of place. We'll see in the future though.