The Last Airbender movie (watch the cartoon instead)

Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

But see, if you say that they should focus on performance (which they don't seem to be), then that implies that there aren't talented ethnic actors.

I'm not trying to say that's what you meant. It obviously isn't. But if you describe a mostly-white cast for arguably completely non-white characters while talking about talent, that's how it comes out.

Well this shouldn't imply that there aren't any talented ethnic actors, but how many talent actors of these specific races are the right age group and right for the part. I'd be willing to bet that directors would believe that to be a very small number and decide to have the parameters more open. I'm willing to bet they kept auditions opened to all races and that most of the people who came were white, pick your reasons why that may be. So just on average they would be more likely to have a white cast.
Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

I'm familiar with the first two but what's the Butt-Numb-A-Thon?

Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

I met one of the casting girls for this movie the other night at the bar. She was smoking hott. I don't think she even knows what the movie's about. We were messin' with her telling her we were gonna audition and whatnot. She told me I had to go completely bald and shave my facial hair. I told her I wasn't going to compromise myself and would look for a better production to be involved in.

Few days later and she friend requested me on MySpace.
Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

I met one of the casting girls for this movie the other night at the bar. She was smoking hott. I don't think she even knows what the movie's about. We were messin' with her telling her we were gonna audition and whatnot. She told me I had to go completely bald and shave my facial hair. I told her I wasn't going to compromise myself and would look for a better production to be involved in.

Few days later and she friend requested me on MySpace.

High Five!
Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

I can strangely see him as Aang or Sokka but not as Zuko.
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Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

Well this shouldn't imply that there aren't any talented ethnic actors, but how many talent actors of these specific races are the right age group and right for the part. I'd be willing to bet that directors would believe that to be a very small number and decide to have the parameters more open.
If this is going to be a movie based on an existing property, you'd think that keeping an open mind means assuming that there ARE actors of the right ethnicity and age group, rather than thinking that non-Asians be allowed to enter just cause it is believed that keeping the parameters flexible --- something I'd ordinarily endorse in world where Ralph Fiennes can play Polish men and Sandra Oh can play Japanese women --- because it puts an entry barrier against the Asians that could be cast.

What I'm saying is that this is not an accusation that white people are being valorized but that Asians, but that Asians who would be ideal for an explicitly non-white cast must now compete with whites when they really ought not have to do so.

This isn't Memoirs of a Geisha, where marketing considerations permit the flexibility of Chinese playing Japanese in order to guarantee that an expensive arthouse picture draws ticket sales. It's a licensed property in which people have come to see Aang, Zuko, et al.

Additionally, I find it ludicrous to think that no other Asian actors exist that fit these requirements --- they could be supporting actors from other Hollywood films, or Asian-American indie pictures, or Asian-American faces from TV commercial spots or Asian-American models or Asian-Americans in the theater circuit.

There's a much larger Asian-American acting pool out there than this bit of casting suggests, and that includes performers skewing close to the right age group for this, and all this proves is how blind the casting producers have been in recognizing this.

Random said:
So just on average they would be more likely to have a white cast.
That's true. But that statistical fact should have already been thrown out of the casting process because they should be looking for Asian performers. By opening it to a broad race spectrum, they've skewed it in favor of these statistics, which is weird because it's a bunch of non-whites. It's like saying there are more straight actors in Hollywood so it's perfectly okay for gay actors to take a back seat to straight actors in playing gay roles.
Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

So Shyamalan claims he'd be interested in Dev Patel since the start.

Huh. Right.
Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

I find it hard to believe that Dev Patel and Jesse McCartney were on the same casting candidate sheet for this movie.

Shyamalan is talking out of his ***.
Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

This is just me trying to get some discussion out of this that dosen't amount to "Shyamalan sucks," but I figure it's worth a shot.

So, this looks to be an adaptation of the first season, (Aang wakes up and goes to the North Pole so he can learn waterbending for the Seige of the North) so how best to go about putting that into movie form? My thoughts:

-have Bumi, or maybe Haru and Toph show up in a minor role, mostly to show the audience what Earthbending can do. Maybe have Bumi be in sharge of the Kyoshi Warriors.

-use the Blue Spirit for a major subplot, saving the revelation of his identity until around the end

-have Suki formally join the group (by, say, having the Kyoshi Warriors escort the Avatar to the North Pole). Her presence would probably help the Yue subplot that they'll almost certainly use just because it was so integral to Siege of the North

-This is just a matter of opinion, but I'd rather they save Jet for a potential sequel. I think he worked better in Season 2 anyway.
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Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

Zucko... ugh.