Christmas 2008, Houde Style

That song annoys me to no end.
I like it, mainly because it's so corny and obviously half-assed.
I MUST find this. Awesome.
It's great. It's like the glam Christmas anthem.

It's worth listening to just for the chorus of "Christmaaas! T.Rexmaaas!"
For this year's family Christmas party, it was suggested that the "adults" do a secret santa type gift exchange, with the stipulation that all gifts chosen have to be "Stupid". Being an expert on Stupid, I put a large amount of thought into my gift.

I decided on this bizarre and horrifying dog fashion book (described by the eBay seller as "RARE", found by me in the clearance section at Borders for $3.99) and the Rosie O'Donnell all-star Christmas CD, circa 1999. It was suggested that we wrap our gifts in "stupid paper". I too this as more of a challenge, a challenge that I just completed and documented.

So without further ado, moonmaster's guide to properly wrapping your Christmas gifts:

First, search out an appropriate card.


Then, personalize. Make sure to give a little bit of cash, because everyone loves cash.


Neatly wrap your gift once. (Not visible: use two different types of paper, one long strip going one way around and then another going the other way around. The sense of variety will surely be appreciated)


Put it in a plastic bag, so that everyone can see where you bought it. Tape the bag down and then wrap it around another time, to add to the festiveness.


Wrap the whole thing up one more time in the shiniest paper you can find, staple and tape it shut, and make sure to cover any gaping holes with more paper, or brown cardboard material. Write your name on it as many times as possible in big letters so that everyone knows it's from you. Cover in bows (Not visible: fourth bow on back) and scotch tape your enveloped card to the front of it.


Place it in an appropriate bag.


Stuff the bag with tissue paper, ribbon, and bubble wrap. (For insulation.) Make sure to cover the top with more wrapping paper and tape it all shut, so no one can peak! Personalize the bag.

(Fun fact: altered Hannah Montana types pictured on bag -

Jesus Hannah Montana
Devil Hannah Montana
Santa Hannah Montana
Zombie Hannah Montana
Pirate Hannah Montana
Bowie Hannah Montana
Laser Eyes Hannah Montana
Laser Eyes Victim Hannah Montana
Spider Jerusalem Hannah Montana)

Finally, place your name on the bag, once again so that the recipient can tell who it's from.


I think, for whoever gets this gift, it shall be a very merry Christmas indeed.
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It's great. It's like the glam Christmas anthem.

Found it, love it. I found it on a compilation called Christmas Hits - 80 Festive Favourites.

Note the British spelling. I didn't know they had Christmas over there, or that they spelled it correctly.

For this year's family Christmas party, it was suggested that the "adults" do a secret santa type gift exchange, with the stipulation that all gifts chosen have to be "Stupid". Being an expert on Stupid, I put a large amount of thought into my gift.

That. Is. AWESOME.

I wish my family was fun enough to do something like that.
So tomorrow I am cooking a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs with bacon with a side order of sandwiches. For dinner, we're going to have Rice with pigeon peas, potato salad, and pork.

Then of course we have church at 10pm. And I still have to go to the comic shop as well in the afternoon.

Fun time tomorrow.
My gift from Houde arrived yesterday. It is not wearable, but it is readable: an anthology of Christmas short stories.


Thank you, Nathan. I sent your gift out last week, but I'm not certain I have your latest address, so it may be delayed. If you don't see it shortly, let me know.
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In my gift giving this year, I wanted to do something special for my grandfather because - I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before - he's very sick (pulmonary fibrosis, if I'm not mistaken) and this will very likely be his last Christmas. The two main things he loves are baseball and fishing so I decided to draw him an appropriate picture:


(The picture was taken in my living room but for some reason came out looking like it was taken in the void of space.)

This is probably the gift that I'll be most excited to see someone open.
I'm going be a bit theatric here for a moment...

*taps conductor baton on music stand*

Be you Christian, Jew, Muslim, secular, Skrull or Loeb, feel free to join in.

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Christ by highest heav'n adored
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold Him come
Offspring of a Virgin's womb
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Merry Christmas.
So I gave out a majority of the Houde Chili Dog Shack hats today. For some reason I was nervous about them, I didn't think anyone would like it, but they all put them on as son as they got them. Made me feel good.

Sexynurse gave me alot of good stuff this year, including an Axis and Allies Game, which is a game I've been searching for about twenty years now, and she also got me a Crock Pot that can serve six, along with a cookbook for it. And there was a myriad of other DVD's and items that I wanted.

Her family gave me a scratch ticket, and I won sixty bucks off of it.

So tomorrow is the family. I'm excited.

In my gift giving this year, I wanted to do something special for my grandfather because - I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before - he's very sick (pulmonary fibrosis, if I'm not mistaken) and this will very likely be his last Christmas. The two main things he loves are baseball and fishing so I decided to draw him an appropriate picture:


(The picture was taken in my living room but for some reason came out looking like it was taken in the void of space.)

This is probably the gift that I'll be most excited to see someone open.

Moonie, that is beautiful.

We should do a manga together.

I just got Houde's gift in the mail, my only regret is that I left the shirt at school


I'm glad you got it. I was worried that people wouldn't like em.

My gift from Houde arrived yesterday. It is not wearable, but it is readable: an anthology of Christmas short stories.


Thank you, Nathan. I sent your gift out last week, but I'm not certain I have your latest address, so it may be delayed. If you don't see it shortly, let me know.

I'm glad you like it. I haven't received yours yet. I'm sure it will show up after Christmas. I'll keep you informed.
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Happy Festival of Mithra! Happy Yule! Happy Festivus!! The reasons for the season ^_^
It is 4:15pm on Christmas Day and I have survived my last Christmas in NZ. There were some creepy people here who are distantly related to us. They were creepy. And distantly related to us.


I think my aunt tried to take advantage of me by giving me these odd Vodka milkshakes over and over again.

I'm bored now.
Here in the future, Christmas Eve hangovers are kicking in.

Why don't I get a Chili Dog shack hat?!

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