Marvel: Your Universe Thread

Slott on Mighty Avengers? Epic win. Especially since Bendis's run on it was so... blargh. It'll be cool to see MA go in the "Classic Avengers" territory that it was supposed to go in and yet missed under Bendis's wing.

Also, I hope whatever team Slott picks for the book, they have more than three colors between all the members' costumes.
Whatever it's for, I do like the cover.


Did they get married? It looks like Captain America is carrying Iron man over the threshold.

Once upon a time, Bill Jemas took an ex-cab driver-turned-writer to write an "Ultimate Daredevil" series, concentrating more on legal somersaults that superheroic ones.

Said writer had no experience of law whatsoever and spent weeks watching Court TV to catch up.

Sadly, Jemas found himself unable to sign off any of his proposed scripts and that was the last anyone heard of him.

Until he just popped up writing "Gossip Girl."

A sketch from Paolo Rivera for a Spider-Man story he's working on:


It almost looks like Punisher...
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It might be a random civilian. Gasp!
My money is on Scarlet Witch so that she will be relevant again
My money is on Scarlet Witch so that she will be relevant again
My money is one neither of them.

Every time Marvel has done something like this (someone on this cover could be a father/traitor/etc.!!!), it has never been any of the people shown.