The Timeline Guy
It was revealed that Thor has a whole armory of weapons. Seen was his current hammer and Ultimate hammer. Plus some other stuff.
Yep. That sums it up perfectly.
It was revealed that Thor has a whole armory of weapons. Seen was his current hammer and Ultimate hammer. Plus some other stuff.
It was revealed that Thor has a whole armory of weapons. Seen was his current hammer and Ultimate hammer. Plus some other stuff.
"Your *** is equal to or greater than grass!"
"That equation is flawed!"
I love how Namor is desperately trying not to be in the crossover. "We... we're skrulls! Yes, that's it! He loves you!"
now it's just a hammer thats hard to pick up
With all do respect, it's really hard to pick up.![]()
When's #2 coming out?
GREAT JOB JEPH LOEB! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! only instead of destroying 616 and the UU in the same year why don't you go ahead and just destroy your own career please.
I just read this. :|
If I were to do a 4-word review, this would be it:
"God that was horrible."
Or, I could make a it a 5-word review and it would be:
"Oh God, that was horrible."
I don't mean it was horrible because apparently some heroes died and some bad things happen. I mean, that was horrible. Before I read this, I was convinced that the Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate Captain America annuals were the most horrible comics ever written in the history of ever (or at least since the '90s) but now my opinion has changed: THIS is the most horrible comic book ever written in the history of ever.
The story sucks. The dialogue is crap. We're supposed to believe that "It's all connected" but Loeb can't even connect his own damn stories. Magneto has Thor's hammer but for some reason, Thor would rather make jokes and have a sparring match with his girlfriend than GO FIND HIS DAMN HAMMER THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE SOURCE OF HIS POWER.
We get a huge tidal wave out of nowhere, the Baxter Building is flooded and Ben Grimm thinks it's a good idea to make a funny when he climbs to find Reed holding a limp and unconscious Sue on the rooftop. Same with Kitty Pryde. Instead of saying what a teenage girl would say in the midst of such catastrophe (and a teenage girl would probably say something like "HOLY ****ING **** IT'S A HUGE ******* TIDAL WAVE WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE OMG OMG OMG!") she tells Peter to "stop being so cute"... because, you know, Kitty Pryde is pretty hardcore being able to phase through walls. That's a world-saving power right there! Why didn't they just get her to take on Galactus? Warren Ellis could've saved time and made Ultimate Extinction a one-issue event!
And c'mon. I know the Hulk's dialogue isn't the most sophisticated, but really:
Did he forget he was writing Ultimatum and not Red Hulk? I guess he just wants to make Hulk suck in both of the Marvel Universes. If Hulk were real I think he would probably say something like this:
4th Letter already called it perfect on Doom. "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK LATVERIA?" Hey, waitaminute, wasn't Doom trapped in Zombieverse? In this book he looks like his butler forgot to wake him up at 8 sharp and have his armor and his pot of tea ready.
Who dares, Doom? I'm guessin' Jeph Loeb dares. Dares to redefine the words "suck", "horrible", "trainwreck", "WTF", "disaster" and "hack" in the same calendar year.
Seriously. Why Jeph Loeb is still given decent books and allowed to turn them into complete garbage is beyond me. What amazes me even more is the way comics media (Wizard Magazine, et al) still has Loeb on their Top 10 Writers lists, or how guys like Bendis and Quesada among others can give interviews where they actually praise Loeb's work on Marvel books this year... yet the fans are going the opposite way, for the most part, and moreso as the quality of his work just gets worse and worse. Basically, we've gone from people saying "Meh, I'll give it a try" when it was announced he'd be writing U3 to posts like this by yours truly where I'm seriously giving thought to rounding up a posse and putting a sizeable bounty on Loeb's head.
Really, I hate to be this harsh about someone's work on a comic book. I'm sure it's not the easiest job in the world to write x amount of titles per month/week/year but let's be 100% honest about this. From Red Hulk to Ultimates 3 to Ultimatum, Loeb's work is coming off like really BAD fanfic. I'll give him credit for Fallen Son. Everything else I've read from Loeb this year flat-out sucks.
To sum it up, this book is
I won't even rate it on a scale of one to ten because I'm not Reed Richards. I'm not sure what the lowest negative number would be. That's what I'd rate this book though.
GREAT JOB JEPH LOEB! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! only instead of destroying 616 and the UU in the same year why don't you go ahead and just destroy your own career please.
I think he was being sarcastic. I'm pretty sure he wears a "I :heart: Ultimatum" t-shirt over the big tattoo of Loeb on his chest.
See... sarcasm would work if I were to say something like "Preacher is the worst series ever made, bar none. Garth Ennis sucks so bad I had to read this entire series just to figure out how much I hated it."
But this... no. This is hatred. I could join the Red Lanterns with all the hatred I have for Jeph Loeb (or at least, Jeph Loeb's work) right now.
See... sarcasm would work if I were to say something like "Preacher is the worst series ever made, bar none. Garth Ennis sucks so bad I had to read this entire series just to figure out how much I hated it."
But this... no. This is hatred. I could join the Red Lanterns with all the hatred I have for Jeph Loeb (or at least, Jeph Loeb's work) right now.
Methinks you doth protest too much...
Willverine sitting in a tree!
Reading Jeph L-O-E-B!
The anger eventually fades away if you stop reading it.
I'm not going to stop reading it, but I'm definitely not going to pay to read it anymore. That fades the anger a little bit... but just knowing that this is happening is reason enough to be angry.
I'm not going to stop reading it, but I'm definitely not going to pay to read it anymore. That fades the anger a little bit... but just knowing that this is happening is reason enough to be angry.