The Immortal Iron Fist #1-16 discussion [Fraction/Brubaker/Aja] [spoilers]

Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

It is because of Fraction and Brubaker's collabo that I just may check out Uncanny X-Men.

100% agreed - I am not an X-men fan, but this approaches a must-read. (or at least a 'must-try')
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

I've got a sneaking inkling that Brubaker and Fractions is going to be extremely yawn inducing.

I mean seriously Fraction can stay on PWJ for 20+ issue's and they abondon IIF after 16? I call shenanigans

But I'm sure Sweirzcynski's run will be at least an adequete follow-up on Fracbaker's run
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

Their final issue was pretty cool.

So all the Iron Fist died at the age of 33...

Very interesting.
I got the vol 2 TPB today and it's good so far, but WHY THE **** ISN'T ISSUE 7 INCLUDED!?

I *think* (and I don't have the ability to check right now) that it is included in the vol. 3 collection. It wasn't part of the main story for vol. 2.
I *think* (and I don't have the ability to check right now) that it is included in the vol. 3 collection. It wasn't part of the main story for vol. 2.

I hope so, still it's kind of weird that they didn't bother, I would have payed an extra couple of bucks for it in vol 2.
Vol. 1: IIF #1-6
Vol. 2: IIF #8-14 and Annual
Vol. 3: IIF #7, 15-16, Orson Randall and the Green Mist of Death, and The Origin of Danny Rand(Iron fists first appearence recoloured, with a framing sequence by Clay Mann and Matt Fraction)

All good stuff
The Seven Capital Cities of heaven story arc was pretty good. I loved the other weapons.

Vol. 1: IIF #1-6
Vol. 2: IIF #8-14 and Annual
Vol. 3: IIF #7, 15-16, Orson Randall and the Green Mist of Death, and The Origin of Danny Rand(Iron fists first appearence recoloured, with a framing sequence by Clay Mann and Matt Fraction)

All good stuff

The Seven Capital Cities of heaven story arc was pretty good. I loved the other weapons.

I loved it. I've never been big on kung-fu martial arts stories or settings but this was just so good. I need to read it again.
TGO has an irrational hate for Travel Foreman.
The art kills me.
Really? I don't think there is anything wrong with it, the funky digital inking is kinda strange though, they should get Gaudiano or Hollingsworth to ink it.

I flipped through an issue and didn't think it was that bad.
It's not bad at all, it's definitley a step down from Fracbaker's stiff, but it's still quite good

TGO has an irrational hate for Travel Foreman.
What about all the flashbacks in IIF before Sweirczynski took over?

And he loves Chris Bachalo, which makes it more irrational.
I like both artist's, Bachalo's work on X-Men before Messiah CompleX and his recent ASM stuff was great