Pet-Peeve Thread 4: More peeve than you can handle.

- People who can actually leave in complete, utter squalor.

It's one thing to have your bed unmade. If your clothes are strewn across the floor, you're pushing it, but fair enough.

If there is an overflowing bag of trash sitting in the corner of your room, while salad dressing lies on the ground, soaking your filthy clothes while your laptop is still turned on at your desk, buzzing away, melting all of the chocolate bars around it even as the heat of the heater ruins the air in the room...then you are a failure.

Hey that's not nice. I doesn't insult your room
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I have a fantasy... I'm on a planet far,far away on a beautiful beach with two moons on the horizon as a cool breeze flows. Princess Leia is massaging my feet as Queen Amidala sits squarely on my face.

MC Chris is a funny man.