Re: Ultimate Captian America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

There was a lot of art from Ultimatum that I didn't catch before. That's sort of interesting.

On Ultimatum #2, whos the guy creeping in the background of the Ultimates?

And is he trying to hint that Capt. America is actually Black Panther?
Re: Ultimate Captian America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

There was a lot of art from Ultimatum that I didn't catch before. That's sort of interesting.

On Ultimatum #2, whos the guy creeping in the background of the Ultimates?

And is he trying to hint that Capt. America is actually Black Panther?

... the only one I see in the background is Hawkeye...
Re: Ultimate Captian America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

...who the f*** is Joe Pokaski?
Re: Ultimate Captain America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

He writes for Heroes.

Shouldn't it be: He "writes" for Heroes?


So, like, the entire frickin' Heroes team is taking over the ultimate universe? Eep. Ugh. Bleagh. Pfooey.
Re: Ultimate Captain America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

Just to the left of Hawkeye. Who is that guy?
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Re: Ultimate Captain America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

I... I think it's Ultron. He's going to do, like, a heel face turn or something and be a good guy. :shock:
Re: Ultimate Captain America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

You know the Ultimate Universe is **** when... Bendis is the best writer and the rest of the universe is written by the guys who write Heroes. :roll:
Re: Ultimate Captain America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

Just to the left of Hawkeye. Who is that guy?

Ok, I didn't see him, I think it's Yellowjacket. I'm leaning towards Ultron dressed as Yellowjacket, but I can't get over what Hank said at the end' "He's our son." Since we've had Cable, Bishop, the Fantastic Four from a day in the future, and we're going to have the Fantastic Four and X-Men from after Ultimatum during the annuals. We know that time travel is possible in this world. I don't know maybe he's their actual son. Or I could be just over reaching.

I... I think it's Ultron. He's going to do, like, a heel face turn or something and be a good guy. :shock:

It's possible... this isn't the Marvel U and Loeb is writing it.

Could it be Ant Man?

No I think it's either Ultron or the Pym's son from the future dressed as Yellowjacket.
Re: Ultimate Captain America & Ultimate Hulk Annual??

Just to the left of Hawkeye. Who is that guy?

its Namor, look to the right of Things head on #1, see the gun barrel? place 1 and 2 next to each other, the covers form a sprawling poster.

The gun barrel was pointed out in an other thread, but #2 wasn't available yet to determine who it was.
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Largely, unrelated but ******* Finch can draw a good Sue Storm.

Now, related....I hope Mark Millar has a hand in one of these annuals....a man can hope.