Box cover:


Heh. I've noticed the coloring of the title matches Shawn's shirt again. S.1 was green and here blue.
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Season premiere episode:

Season 3. Episode 1.

Title: "The Ghost in You"

Synopsis: After Gus' boss demands he quit moonlighting at the Psych agency, Shawn must find a way to keep his partner while solving a haunting case and playing referee to Henry and his recently returned mother. Cybill Shepherd, Todd Stashwick and Christopher McDonald guest star.

Air- Date: 7/18/08

See, Doom, told ya they'd deal with the mother. :wink:

Also, this season's guest stars:

  • Cybill Shepherd (2 appearances in the first two episodes)
  • Todd Stashwick
  • Christopher McDonald
  • Rachel Leigh Cook
  • Jere Burns
  • Pookie
  • Jeff Fahey
  • Steven Weber

Also, besides Shawn's mother, we also get to see:

Shawn's uncle & Chief Vick's sister
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Once again, USA is having a marathon of some of season 2 before premeiring the 3rd season. The marathon will be the day of (July 18th) beginning at 9am and lasts until 4pm.


Psych season 3 promo:

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Okay, time for some thoughts:

Episode 1: "Ghosts" said:
Gus is forced to choose between his pharmaceutical sales job and the Psych agency, so Shawn decides to save both jobs by investigating the home of the company's V.P. (Christopher McDonald), a home that's apparently haunted. In the meantime, Shawn must deal with the return of his mother Madeleine (Cybill Shepherd), a psychiatrist who is in town to evaluate some of Santa Barbera's finest, including Lassiter.
The season premiere was...alright I suppose. I mean, Shawn being behind it all was interesting and something different. But the problem that I've said before is that when Shawn & Gus don't interact with Lassiter, Jules, and Chief Vick- the show seems to lose that extra "umph" that makes it awesomer. Having the detectives and the Chief appear very briefly (a problem that seems to occur a lot so far into these few episodes of the season) sucks major bolas.

On the good part-Cybill as Shawn's mom was really cool. We can see where Shawn gets his sweet side from. I really like Cybill playing his mother, she did a good job.

Episode 2: "Murder? … Anyone? … Anyone? … Bueller?" said:
At first, no one believes Shawn when he claims that a murder took place at his and Gus' high school reunion, mainly because there's no body. As he puts the pieces together, Shawn must also deal with his old flame Abigail (Rachael Leigh Cook), whom he apparently stood up back in high school, and shows a side of himself never seen before. Henry continues to try and reconnect with his ex-wife Madeline (Cybill Shepherd), and in the process show up at the reunion.
A better episode than the premiere, but still not up to the show's standards, IMO. It was cool, but once again we're getting barely any screen time with Lassy or Jules (and you know we can't have barely any Jules!!). Oh yeah, and barely any Chief. What's up with that?

Now, this episode's good: Rachel Leigh Cook. Hot damn was she smoking HOTT!! She also played a very cool character and did it awesomely, if I might add. I still laugh when she puts the finger under her nose and goes (with the funny voice), "Solve crimes?". Heh.

Also, you still gotta love when Gus gets squeamish. It's just downright hysterical. Sometimes I put in the season 1 DVD just to see the bloopers where Gus screams like a baby. It's awesome to the max!!

I actually liked Henry trying to get his ex back. It changed him a little, but in a good way, I think.

Episode 3: "Daredevils!" said:
Shawn suspects sabotage when he sees a daredevil almost die during one of his stunts, so as he and Gus get into his inner circle, they come to realize that there is sabotage involved, but it has nothing to do with someone holding a grudge. Also, Vick tasks O'Hara with a near-impossible task: finding Lassiter a girlfriend.
Season 3 must be "Let's see how different we can do this show now." And while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it is when we're not getting any detective time!! Like I said, recurring problem that sucks major bolas. The show, while still enjoyable, just isn't the same when you have Lass Lass or Jules show up just to you know they're still alive and then poof, like magic, they vanish into thin air!

The story was decent. It was cool seeing Frank from Lost on this acting like a maniac. Didn't see coming that it was him trying to kill himself in the stunts and failing. Other than that, eh.

The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable said:
What starts out as a treasure hunt turns into a life or death situation when Shawn's uncle Jack (Steven Weber) arrives in town with a map apparently leading to an ancient Spanish treasure. Gus and Henry get involved, as well as the detectives when all of Jack's ex-partners show up looking for the treasure, and they all have a bone to pick with him.
YES! Finally, the show just about back in form. Shawn's wit vs. the detectives' seriousness. This is what we've been missing! This is what helps the show become that awesometastic awesomeness that makes you gotta get more!

Steve Webber as Uncle Jack- priceless. Especially Shawn using him as his "dad" for Career Day, and then his Henry coming in with his reaction- also priceless. I mean, Henry was all super happy and then BOOM! 'Happy feeling' gets the *****-slap. :lol:

Seeing the commercial for this episode made me feel like it would be good, but we still would be missing the awesome. But we didn't. It took 4 episodes, but we got it. Let's just hope it stays.

The highlight of this episode was definitely while Henry, Shawn, and Gus (in that order from left to right, too!) were in 'custody'. And when it's revealed that Shawn had bumped into Jules to give her a note- seeing "You smell nice." was great. Loved it.

I wasn't sure if Shawn had really given the treasure to his Uncle or not. I was leaning towards that he did, but had my doubts. And I'm glad I did. I'm sure he'll end up selling those coins that he keeps to some collector or something and then buys more stuff for the office.

And now that I've given me thoughts on the current episodes, here's what we can look forward to this Friday:

Season 3, Episode 5

Title: "Disco Didn't Die. It Was Murdered!"

Synopsis: The biggest bust of Henry's career just walked out of jail on a technicality, so Shawn and Gus must revisit the seventies to reinvestigate the case and put the culprit behind bars for good. Jere Burns and Pookie guest star.
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Season 3, Episode 5

Title: "Disco Didn't Die. It Was Murdered!"

Synopsis: The biggest bust of Henry's career just walked out of jail on a technicality, so Shawn and Gus must revisit the seventies to reinvestigate the case and put the culprit behind bars for good. Jere Burns and Pookie guest star.
Pookie was the guy from The Love Boat (black guy, don't know his name, never watched the show).

Anyways, the episode was awesome! They're slowly getting back to more Shawn/Gus & Lassy/Jules/Chief interaction. Still, episode was hilarious. The 70's talking parts were the best. I loved it. And dressing in 70's clothes was a nice touch, even if it really didn't make them "undercover." Especially Henry, heh.

I'm glad the show is getting back up to its usual funny-level that we know and love. I want more of it. This Friday's episode has Vick's sister show up (played by the store manager lady from 40 Year Old Virgin by the looks from the preview).

My favorite lines:

"Ooooh, I am gettin' a vision!"

"I can dig that!"

"A birthday cake!"

"Oh, blow out those candleswhat?"


And now:

Season 3. Episode 6.

Title: "There Might Be Blood."

Synopsis: A death on an offshore oil rig leads to a jurisdictional battle between Vick and her Coast Guard Commander sister, not only over the case but also over the services of Santa Barbara's leading psychic detective.

Airdate: 8/22/08
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The chief's sister episode was pretty good, better than a lot of the other episodes this season. Seasons one and two were much better then season three has been so far. Does anybody else think that season three has been a little off compared to the show's usual greatness?
Season 3 has been hit or miss. The 80s reunion episode was funny...but the one from the 70s episode (aside from Ice's line above) wasn't really that funny.

But it's still better than a lot of crap on TV now.

Also....shame on CBS for making this show. I hope it fails miserably.
I liked the Steven Weber episode and the 80's flashback.

The others, not so much. At least they seem to be rotating the cops back into the show.

I could probably figure this out if I thought for a while, and I will probably feel stupid later, but which cops are you talking about?