Ultimate Spider-man: War of the Symbiotes (#123-128) (Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

I got all excited when I saw the description

Then I saw Venom, and then Carnage, and I saw there was more and I got really really excited.

And its Gwen Stacy. BIGGEST! LETDOWN! EVER!
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

For the first time, the loss of bagely really shines for me. His Venom was fearsome. This new one...isn't.

I hope Bendis doesn't go and make this 3 issues of the video game flashback, three issues of new story. That would be a total letdown for those of us who, y'know...bought and played the game.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

hmm didn't realise that the spiderman copycat was the chameleon.....
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

For the first time, the loss of bagely really shines for me. His Venom was fearsome. This new one...isn't.

I hope Bendis doesn't go and make this 3 issues of the video game flashback, three issues of new story. That would be a total letdown for those of us who, y'know...bought and played the game.

Get ready to be disappointed...I'm pretty sure thats exactly what this arc will be.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

123 issues. Jesus.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

This seems like it's going to ok.

But ya, I honestly think it was stupid what they did with Gwen Stacey.

I mean, if your going to kill her off like in the 616, then keep her dead. No one likes seeing their dead girlfriends at their door, then realzing they were deadly symbiotes.

But this should be an interesting arc.

So, is it just going to be between Venom, Carnage, and Gwen..?
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

ha! my first thought was this kinda remains me of Forrest Gump. The old lady sits down and Eddie starts telling her about his story. Then in a different panel it's someone else and he's still going on. Plus, the scene where he eats the jogger is from the game, so it looks like Bendis is finally tying the game with the series that he said he would around 3 years ago.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

we should just have a preview thread

cuz this same link is probably going to be posted in like 15 other threads

preview looks good, jeez it's gonna be a good week next week, Iron Fist, Thor, Thunderbolts, Cap, DD, A:TI, NA, MA

my poor wallet
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

we should just have a preview thread

cuz this same link is probably going to be posted in like 15 other threads

preview looks good, jeez it's gonna be a good week next week, Iron Fist, Thor, Thunderbolts, Cap, DD, A:TI, NA, MA

my poor wallet

We used to, but people stop using it. It might still be around.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

I got the issue today...

Whoever mentioned Forrest Gump was right - this issue ran a lot like that. Only Eddie Brock sat in for Tom Hanks. And eats a person at the end.

This issue was awesome. Very cool issue, definitely. I presume this puts the video game into continuity, although I wouldn't know because I didn't play it. It may have been why I loved this issue too. I can't wait for the rest of the arc.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

I got the issue today...

Whoever mentioned Forrest Gump was right - this issue ran a lot like that. Only Eddie Brock sat in for Tom Hanks. And eats a person at the end.

This issue was awesome. Very cool issue, definitely. I presume this puts the video game into continuity, although I wouldn't know because I didn't play it. It may have been why I loved this issue too. I can't wait for the rest of the arc.

Summary? Only a little one...please? Just wondering how it fits in with the video game continuity (you know, for the timeline's sake).
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)


So, we begin with a despondent Eddie Brock, opening up to a grandmother on a park bench. He begins to explain himself - a college student who, because of his father's failed attempt at curing cancer, became a monster who once fought Spider-Man. He tells the grandma that Peter Parker, a high school student, is Spider-Man. He also tells her he's hungry.

We flash back to the point in the last Venom arc where he was struck by electricity. The entire issue is a narrative of Brock's feelings of what was going on, jumping from flashes to Brock on a park bench talking to a new person each time they jump back to the park bench scene. He says that all he remembers is a flash of light. That he may have died...

When he woke up, he started devouring people to keep himself alive... And that the symbiote lived for Peter Parker. He could feel that. There's a brief scene of Parker fighting the Rhino. Brock is lurking in the background, trying to contend with the suit. Eventually, he becomes Venom, but Spidey flees the scene before he can make a movie.

Then, The Wild Pack and Silver Sable track Eddie down. His narrative begins to explain how he only wants control over the suit, but that can not be achieved... Not at this point anyway. Silver Sable and Wild Pack, who are mercenaries hunting for the suit, attack and Brock becomes Venom. There's a fight and eventually Eddie manages to run away.

In the final flashback Peter Parker is headed to the museum on a field trip. He complains about having a massive migraine, similar to his spidey sense but much different in that it's lasting. Brock comes along and he and Spidey get into it. Sable shows up and seems to take Venom down.

After that, we jump to the park - the final page - where Brock and a black dude are chatting. The black guy recognizes Brock as the guy who attacked the museum, Brock looks at him SWALLOWS him with the Venom suit (incredible last page, by the way. Art was INCREDIBLE in this issue) and he returns to normal, stating, "Yeah, uh... Where was I?" ready to continue his story for the next person to come along.

Bad ***.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)


So, we begin with a despondent Eddie Brock, opening up to a grandmother on a park bench. He begins to explain himself - a college student who, because of his father's failed attempt at curing cancer, became a monster who once fought Spider-Man. He tells the grandma that Peter Parker, a high school student, is Spider-Man. He also tells her he's hungry.

We flash back to the point in the last Venom arc where he was struck by electricity. The entire issue is a narrative of Brock's feelings of what was going on, jumping from flashes to Brock on a park bench talking to a new person each time they jump back to the park bench scene. He says that all he remembers is a flash of light. That he may have died...

When he woke up, he started devouring people to keep himself alive... And that the symbiote lived for Peter Parker. He could feel that. There's a brief scene of Parker fighting the Rhino. Brock is lurking in the background, trying to contend with the suit. Eventually, he becomes Venom, but Spidey flees the scene before he can make a movie.

Then, The Wild Pack and Silver Sable track Eddie down. His narrative begins to explain how he only wants control over the suit, but that can not be achieved... Not at this point anyway. Silver Sable and Wild Pack, who are mercenaries hunting for the suit, attack and Brock becomes Venom. There's a fight and eventually Eddie manages to run away.

In the final flashback Peter Parker is headed to the museum on a field trip. He complains about having a massive migraine, similar to his spidey sense but much different in that it's lasting. Brock comes along and he and Spidey get into it. Sable shows up and seems to take Venom down.

After that, we jump to the park - the final page - where Brock and a black dude are chatting. The black guy recognizes Brock as the guy who attacked the museum, Brock looks at him SWALLOWS him with the Venom suit (incredible last page, by the way. Art was INCREDIBLE in this issue) and he returns to normal, stating, "Yeah, uh... Where was I?" ready to continue his story for the next person to come along.

Bad ***.

Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

Thats encouraging. Not only does that issue sound like a winner, but it seems the video game storyline will be told in flashbacks (thus not ****ing up the Ultimate timeline any more than it already is), as opposed to actually moving the video game story into present day USM continuity (as opposed to around #46 or so).
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)


So, we begin with a despondent Eddie Brock, opening up to a grandmother on a park bench. He begins to explain himself - a college student who, because of his father's failed attempt at curing cancer, became a monster who once fought Spider-Man. He tells the grandma that Peter Parker, a high school student, is Spider-Man. He also tells her he's hungry.

We flash back to the point in the last Venom arc where he was struck by electricity. The entire issue is a narrative of Brock's feelings of what was going on, jumping from flashes to Brock on a park bench talking to a new person each time they jump back to the park bench scene. He says that all he remembers is a flash of light. That he may have died...

When he woke up, he started devouring people to keep himself alive... And that the symbiote lived for Peter Parker. He could feel that. There's a brief scene of Parker fighting the Rhino. Brock is lurking in the background, trying to contend with the suit. Eventually, he becomes Venom, but Spidey flees the scene before he can make a movie.

Then, The Wild Pack and Silver Sable track Eddie down. His narrative begins to explain how he only wants control over the suit, but that can not be achieved... Not at this point anyway. Silver Sable and Wild Pack, who are mercenaries hunting for the suit, attack and Brock becomes Venom. There's a fight and eventually Eddie manages to run away.

In the final flashback Peter Parker is headed to the museum on a field trip. He complains about having a massive migraine, similar to his spidey sense but much different in that it's lasting. Brock comes along and he and Spidey get into it. Sable shows up and seems to take Venom down.

After that, we jump to the park - the final page - where Brock and a black dude are chatting. The black guy recognizes Brock as the guy who attacked the museum, Brock looks at him SWALLOWS him with the Venom suit (incredible last page, by the way. Art was INCREDIBLE in this issue) and he returns to normal, stating, "Yeah, uh... Where was I?" ready to continue his story for the next person to come along.

Bad ***.

Sounds awsome so far, thanks for the review Goodwill.

Hey, since you didn't get to play the game you can always watch it here if you want.

Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

When did the suit become a symbiote? The first Venom arc established the suit as "a suit" not as a living entity. Maybe it changed when it bonded with Pete?

I don't like how it sounds like Ult Venom is becoming 616 Venom.
Re: Ultimate Spider-man #123 Discussion/spoilers (Preview included)

At least Venom isn't Gwen Stacy. Or Aunt May. Put it that way. How Ultimate do you want something?