Speed Racer - The Movie Discussion **Spoilers**

How would you rate Speed Racer?

  • *****

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • ****

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • ***

    Votes: 1 12.5%
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    Votes: 1 12.5%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Victor Von Doom

Fist of teh Internets.
Oct 19, 2005
On The Edge
Go Speed Racer Go!!!!!

Holy Bellyflopping Buddha this was amazing!!!!!!!

What I'm about to say, I say with the utmost seriousness......this was the greatest cinematic experience I've had all year. I really can't believe it. I was against this film at first when I heard about it....but the more I saw of it, the more I began to want to see it. And now that I've seen it....I wanna see it again.

Car fu is awesome and I think I went into epileptic seizure at least 3 times during this film. Maybe it was the IMAX. But wow.

Anyone else aside me and Ice see this yet?
Go Speed Racer Go!!!!!

Holy Bellyflopping Buddha this was amazing!!!!!!!

What I'm about to say, I say with the utmost seriousness......this was the greatest cinematic experience I've had all year. I really can't believe it. I was against this film at first when I heard about it....but the more I saw of it, the more I began to want to see it. And now that I've seen it....I wanna see it again.

Car fu is awesome and I think I went into epileptic seizure at least 3 times during this film. Maybe it was the IMAX. But wow.

Anyone else aside me and Ice see this yet?

I JUST got home.

I completely forgive the Wichowskis for the Matrix sequels and V for Vendetta because of how trippy cool Speed Racer was.

Granted, I was busy staring at the hotness that is Christina Ricci, but seriously, as weird and trippy as it was, I can honestly say, I had fun watching it. It was like... Hot Wheels brought to life.
:shock: :cry: now I wished I had gone and seen this. Doom almost never says anything like that about any film. Which mean it is good.
I've been totally endorsing this movie since the first teaser, and everyone around me gives me a resounding "meh."

But with Doom's endorsement, I know now that I am not wrong.
I thought April Fool's Day was over?
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This was incredibly awesome!!!

I enjoyed this a hell of a lot. I wish I could've seen it in IMAX.

And HOTT DAMN Ricci was friggin hot. I don't think ever seen her looking so hot before :drooling:
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I want to see this to experience some kind of weird trippy psychedelic experience, but no one will go with me. :(
The psychedelic stuff started at the opening WB logo....but I was totally unprepared for how bright and colorful the movie was. When they did that outside shot of Speed's house and when they flew thru the city.....if I was on acid I would've OD'ed.

The best part about this, is going in not expecting any real great acting and for people to ham it up.....and then when they do it's so great.

Also....why is Susan Sarandon so hot at her age. It's just not right.

This film even had ninjas!!!!!
And Matthew Fox as Racer X!
ok, so i have like never seen the show, and my son wanted me to take him to the IMAX (both of us have never been there)

Two words: HOLY CANNOLI!!!

I LOVED IT, the colors, the story everything was just so friggen awesome, and this is a movie i thought i would HATE!
In fact, some of you will call me INSANE, I think I had more fun here than at Iron Man...
Eh.......it wasn't great......it wasn't good at all.

Good thing i didn't have to pay to see it.
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I'm trying to get a group together for the IMAX experience. This looks stupid and awful as hell but I know it'll be a visual rapestorm of plastic greased gandie legs.
+102 Ourchair Points for coining the word 'rapestorm' which is my new favorite word now.
For those that have seen it - is it something a 5-year old would like? Or is it geared more toward adults who grew up watching the cartoon?
A 5 year old would definitely like it. Although they do drop the *** word a lot. And one "Holy ****!" (but that's bleeped out in the movie).