X-Men Origins: Wolverine discussion (Spoilers!)

How would you rate X-Men Origins: Wolverine

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Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

YES! Oh sweet merciful Jesus YES!!!!

Even if the movie sucks, Ryan/Deadpool will make it awesome! Hopefully he doesn't get pushed to the side or overshadowed by Wolverine. Although, I'm pretty sure Ryan will steal every scene he's in. How can he not? He'll be playing Deadpool!

Its kinda hard NOT to get overshadowed by logan...it is HIS movie.

The most important for Deadpool is.....Mask or no Mask?
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

Is not really a cameo if they're part of the plot.

A cameo-e does nothing other than stand there and maybe say one line.

Well deadpool = Cameo and there was a few others but it seems to much. But I meant cameo and charracters. You knew what I meant.:p

Ironically in order to do each one justice there would need to be less Wolverine in the Wolverine movie than in the x-men films :lol:

:shock: This is actually an opinion I agree with... WHO ARE YOU!!!!!

And what sick twisted game are you playing?

Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

This is Reynolds' second Marvel comics movie. Is he a fan?

Yes acttually..he HAS been begging to play deadpool.

Well deadpool = Cameo and there was a few others but it seems to much. But I meant cameo and charracters. You knew what I meant.

Ironically in order to do each one justice there would need to be less Wolverine in the Wolverine movie than in the x-men films

Nooooo, deadpool is part of weapon X and is a charatcer in the movie.
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

Nooooo, deadpool is part of weapon X and is a charatcer in the movie.

Cool. When the site said

another cameo, one that we can officially confirm now, that sounds to me like a set-up for a possible spin-off.

Anyone up for a little DEADPOOL?

I assumed cameo based on them saying cameo.

But it doesn't matter you know what I meant
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

Ryan Reynolds is a huge comic fan. He's been campaigning to play both Deadpool and The Flash for a while now.
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

Since Gambit's in this,
I hope they don't change him too much from his comics counterpart. They'll likely make him a member of Weapon X, even though he wasn't a member in the comics (they made Stryker the head of Weapon X even though he had nothing to do with Weapon X in the comics and was actually a mutant-hating priest, and they basically made his son Mastermind). And I think they're about to cast Blob; he'll probably be a member of Weapon X also (for some reason I remember hearing about an early draft of the script that included Blob, Gambit and Beak as members of Weapon X, or something).
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

Since Gambit's in this,
I hope they don't change him too much from his comics counterpart. They'll likely make him a member of Weapon X, even though he wasn't a member in the comics (they made Stryker the head of Weapon X even though he had nothing to do with Weapon X in the comics and was actually a mutant-hating priest, and they basically made his son Mastermind). And I think they're about to cast Blob; he'll probably be a member of Weapon X also (for some reason I remember hearing about an early draft of the script that included Blob, Gambit and Beak as members of Weapon X, or something).
Why is that in spoiler tags?
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

I wasn't sure if saying that Blob was in the movie was a spoiler or not. But hey, don't ***** when I **** the movie up for you.

Apparently Silver Fox is named "Kayla Silver Fox" in the movie.
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

Awww, post spoiler warnings.

Planet-man, STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is Will.i.am, a Black-Eyed Pea with no acting experience whatsoever, being cast in a role that could just as easily be filled by a much better actor?
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Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

YES! Oh sweet merciful Jesus YES!!!!

Even if the movie sucks, Ryan/Deadpool will make it awesome! Hopefully he doesn't get pushed to the side or overshadowed by Wolverine. Although, I'm pretty sure Ryan will steal every scene he's in. How can he not? He'll be playing Deadpool!

I'm almost positive it will lead into a solo Deadpool movie. Seems like a logical progression at this point.
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.

I just return to the site and I get rick rolled. Planet-Man, you have won my scorn.

Other than that, Bring on the DEADPOOL movie! [I'm not referring to Dirty Harry either]