DreamMOVIE #2 - Whedon's Out, You're In! (closes 4th Dec)


Nexus of the World
Feb 22, 2005
Folkestone, UK
*smokes cigar, puts on rich hollywood exec voice*

That Whedon kid's been off the world for ages, but his dvds sell to teenage whores.

Make me a movie set in that Buffy/Angel universe.

I don't care who. all new continuity, same continuity, I don't care.

Remember, you can't cast the original actors. I hate 'em.

Get to it!
Re: DreamMOVIE #3 - Whedon's Out, You're In! (closes 4th Dec)

Number 3? The Nexus is in error!
Re: DreamMOVIE #3 - Whedon's Out, You're In! (closes 4th Dec)

cool round. :-D

i like the way you premised it.
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The Fanged Four​

Plot : See Angel and Spike back in the day. Before souls , Before Buffy. The Film starts off with William "the Bloody" (Hayden Christensen) in a night that will forever leave him in the dark. He is a failing poet who strikes out with the ladies. He is also something of a "mommy's boy"

On this night William meets Drusilla (Christina Ricci) who soon seduces him and gives an eternal kiss. This is the moment his world is turned upside down. Watch from his prospective and see him have to deal with love , The loss of his innocence and of course been a vampire.

Angelus (Julian McMahon) in a lot ways is both happy and jealous of William. Happy that he has a male friend to teach and to mould . Jealous as William is younger and the women he is with may prefer that. Also he hates sharing.

As the film goes on we the viewer hear a running monologue from William. Showing us him sinking more and more into darkness. Everything he knows is gone forever even his sick mother (Kristy Swanson) turns on him when he trys to heal her by making her a vampire

If all that was not enough the fanged four are hunted across Europe by a relentless vampire hunter by the name of Daniel Holtz (Hugh Jackman). It's here that William learns that even Vampires can be hunted and killed.

Finally the film ends in china during the Boxer Rebellion. William and his girlfriend Drusilla come across the worst and most deadly opponent. The slayer (Ziyi Zhang) and here he takes the final step into darkness and gives in to his vampire nature.

Notes : even though the film plot does seem to concentrate more on William "the Bloody" , This is because he was the last to be turned and he is used a buffer from human to vampire. This film may change certain aspects of the series but mainly recreates the famous scenes and extends the back story to make us really like the vampires and hate the hunters and slayers.. But also feel sadness for William "the Bloody" when he takes the life of the slayer and reaches a place he can never return from (well until he gets a chip in his head and then a soul)

Cast :

Angelus: Julian McMahon – The character of Angel is in many ways just like the character of Cole from Charmed. I am convinced Julian McMahon could convincingly play Angel well , he may not be the original but he'll do well enough.

William "the Bloody": – Hayden Christensen – Perfect to play Spike at this time leading in to when he becomes the bad *** we all now and love. Hayden if he could pull off a English accent more than he did in the star wars prequels is just right.

Drusilla : Christina Ricci – She has the innocent look of Drusilla and can play crazy , For reasons she is my Drusilla in this movie. She might not be quiet what we are use to seeing but she fits the role better than anyone I could thing of.

Darla : Emilie de Ravin – Darla is sexy , manipulative and evil. Emilie de Ravin has played someone a little similar in the character of "Tess" from Roswell. I think it would be intresting seeing her interact with Julian McMahon's Angelus.

Daniel Holtz : Hugh Jackman – The tough vampire hunter who is part Van Helsing part Wolverine , Hugh Jackman played both! So it's just perfect plus I would be interested in seeing him as the bad guy

Anne (William's mom) : Kristy Swanson – A nice heads up to fans of the first film and someone who if you add make and grey hair could play his mother and when bitten play the woman who tries to seduce him.

the Slayer : Ziyi Zhang. The main bad guy of this movie who in the final fight goes one on one with Spike before ultimately loosing her life. She was picked due to her been in a few fighting films. She is mainly a tool in this movie but shall serve her purpose
I don't know much about Buffy/Angel, but that seems pretty cool.
I have an idea for a "Ripper" movie...but I think it's too ambitious for just a movie. It'd be more suited for TV.

Oh well....in the 3 minutes it took me to write my further response, I came up with a totally new and in-continuity idea (kinda). So I had to delete it all so that no one can steal it.

Bass, I love you for doing this. Your Grand Poobah is in awe.

Welcome to the world of the future. A world that saw the last of the demons leave many centuries ago. Welcome to the world of...


It has been centuries since the last Slayer was called. Demons were banished from the Earth at some point in the 21st century by an unnamed Slayer and her friends, and the Watchers' Council has descended into a group of crazed fanatics. The vampires however, now dubbed lurks, have returned and haunt the city. In order to combat this threat a new Slayer is called: a professional thief named Melaka Fray. With the Watchers' Council ineffective, a group of demons send the demon Urkonn to prepare Melaka Fray for the war that is to surely come....


Anna Paquin - Melaka Fray.

Anna, in this picture at least, has the perfect look for Melaka. She is a decent actress so shouldn't find it hard to do the whole "wild thief running from her destiny" that Melaka starts with, drifting into the hardened resolve after the tragedies of the story unfold.

Hugo Weaving - Urkonn

Urkonn would be a CGI demon, but with the voice of Hugo. Hugo has the perfect voice to play this sinister mentor of Frays.

Loo - Abigail Breslin

The little innocent mutant girl, caught up in the struggle. Abigail proved in Little Miss Sunshine how good an actress she was, and she can play the innocent little child easily.

Icarus - Zachary Quinto

Icarus was a sinister, brutal monster. I'm sure the man who played one of the greatest TV villains in years, Heroes' Sylar, could pull off that role..

Harth Fray - Elijah Wood


This is all I could think of to play Harth who might be able to pull off the geeky brother
who turns pure evil especially after is role in Sin City

Erin Fray - Elizabeth Rohm

Erin's character in the book reminded me so much of Kate from Angel I had to use Rohm as Erin.
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Hellsbuttmonkey, I can see all of the casts you've done (well, at least the last two) being actual movies.

Hellsbuttmonkey, I can see all of the casts you've done (well, at least the last two) being actual movies.

Thanks dude. This is the one I have been waiting for... the chance to make something in my favourite universe.

Mole, I like your Darla, Dru and Holtz.
A serious take on 1992's
Directed by LANGSTA
Written by J.J. Abrams
Produced by Bad Robot Productions
Based on a treatment by Joss Whedon

TAGLINE: "The stakes have been raised."

Buffy is a popular alumna of Hemery High School in modern-day Los Angeles when she is approached by a man named Merrick. He informs her that she is the Slayer - a young woman born with special strength and skill and a destiny to fight vampires. After brief training, she is drawn into conflict with the recently awakened vampire lord Lothos, who chooses L.A. as his first feeding ground.

Buffy Summers - Julie Benz or Kristen Bell
Benz is a little old for the part (35). However, she looks about 20-something, and could probably pull off a recently-graduated young woman (if you've noticed, I've made the characters a little older). I also think that cult star Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars and Heroes has the youth (27 years old), experience, and girl-next-door quality to play Buffy.


Oliver Pike - Zachary Quinto
Luke Perry, the original Pike, had a very distinct look to him. I'm not going to waste my time trying to find an actor who looks just like him. I am, however, going to use the same formula they used in the original by casting an outsider in the role - Zachary Quinto, who will not only fulfill the dark, badassicity required for the role, but also bring a .... certain "uniqueness" to the role. Yup.

Merrick Jamison-Smythe - Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman can play the mentor-type. As we've seen in 99% of his movies. So I'm confident that he'll bring some awesomeness to the role and, when filling Donald Sutherland's shoes, request a larger pair. Or something.

Lothos - Gabriel Byrne
Since my take on Buffy will be more scares than laughs, Lothos will be a much darker character than he was in the original film.

Amy-Lynn - Gina Holden or Summer Glau
This is an original character based on Paul Reubens' character Amilyn from the original movie. She was conceived because I thought that Buffy should have a female vampire counterpart. She's the female Renfield. Holden has recently starred in the "Flash Gordon" reboot series, and I think she can bring the dark edge required for this role. Summer Glau is my other choice. I think she has a mysterious quality to her, and she was in Firefly and Serenity.

Buffy's Posse - Missy Peregrym, Amy Adams, Zoë Saldaña
These four vixens (one of whom, Ladd, starred in Grindhouse, and another, Saldaña, will play Uhura in J.J. Abram's Star Trek) will play Buffy's close friends who, throughout the movie, become vampires. Peregrym, who stars in The CW's "Reaper," will play Hillary Swank's role from the original film. Think of them as Dracula's three brides, even though that's not how they were portrayed in the original Buffy.


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Bass, I love you for doing this. Your Grand Poobah is in awe.

Welcome to the world of the future. A world that saw the last of the demons leave many centuries ago. Welcome to the world of...


I was surprised by this.

I was expecting you to make it based on "The Angel Chronicles" as 1) it would be easier as you have story figured out and 2) it promotes your fanfiction.
I was surprised by this.

I was expecting you to make it based on "The Angel Chronicles" as 1) it would be easier as you have story figured out and 2) it promotes your fanfiction.

It crossed my mind, but would I feel like someone crossing out paragraphs in the Bible if I started recasting existing Whedon actors. Its like some kind of heresy. But I loved Fray, and it kinda just hit me to do the film of that.

And the story of Fray is also done for me as well...
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It crossed my mind, but would I feel like someone crossing out paragraphs in the Bible if I started recasting existing Whedon actors. Its like some kind of heresy. But I loved Fray, and it kinda just hit me to do the film of that.

And the story of Fray is also done for me as well...

That's cool dude. Yeah I had a hard time casting people to play them too. So instead I opted for an era with most flexibility and also changed the character of spike a bit at the first (he'll him at the end) and wanted a more serious / darker version.

My idea was pretty much like an interview with a vampire but buffy. I had even at first opted for giles to be in it so Spike could tell him his story from the start for a more complete watchers guide but then I thought "No that's TOO Interview with a vampire" so I changed it a bit so I could keep the feel but not make it a direct rip-off.

:lol: I say this is a cool round bass , so far everyone has done completely diffrent things despite how hard it is.