Dreamcasting # 20: Green Lantern: Intergalactic Law Enforcement


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2005
Your rules, which you will choose to accept because --- *******it, they are rules --- are:

1) The winner of the last round becomes the moderator of the round, and thus gets to choose the property or story in question to be adapted. Winner may also declare whether this property is an animated film, or a live-action one. He must also name the core characters to be cast, which should be at least 4, but no more than 9.

2) You may not use actors who have played the role before in the same medium before. Voice talents may not reprise their role, nor can film ones, regardless of medium.

3) After one week, the round is declared closed. People will vote via PM and send it to the moderator, who will count the votes and declare winner. Like the Ultimatization Game of old, you CANNOT vote for yourself.

4) The winner declared gets to choose the property in the next round.

Enough smarm, let's Dreamcast!

In the intergalactic justice system, the people are defended by two separate yet equally important groups: the extraterrestrial Guardians who seek to create finer worlds, and the interstellar Green Lanterns who enforce this credo. These are their stories.


You must cast:

Hal Jordan - the socially disconnected 'establishment' man. A boy scout who has lost sight of the real issues facing the common man.

John Stewart - the reactionary young rookie. Chosen by the guardians, in spite of the other Lantern's protestations over his belligerent temperament.

Kyle Rayner - the artistically inclined soul with an unpredictable problem solving style.

Sinestro - a veteran of legendary repute who has clashed with others over his tendency to bring peace in a 'might makes right' fashion.

Guy Gardner - the ruthless boorish, ultra-macho chucklehead with a jingoistic attitude.

Kilowog - As a former genetic scientist, his stoic 'tough man' exterior contradicts his keen scientific and technical savvy.

Katma Tui - A tough as nails Lantern who follows the principles of the Guardians to the letter.

Isamot Kol
- A Thannagarian war criminal with a second chance at life.

Abin Sur - Former history professor turned training officer. The old dog of the Corps.


Round ends November 20, 2007. All units sold separately. Batteries not included. Contents may have settled during shipping.
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:lol: As soon as I clicked on the thread, I was going to make a Law and Order joke.

Curse you Ourchair!
Hal Jordan - Nathan Fillion

John Stewart - Chiwetel Ejiofor

Just so nobody can take those.
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:lol: As soon as I clicked on the thread, I was going to make a Law and Order joke.

Curse you Ourchair!
You mean the thread title wasn't a Law & Order joke already?

Law & Order is the Star Trek of the 21st century.


The late 60s had Star Trek ride on the wave of the incoming technological progress zeitgeist of America all into the 70s, and that 'relevancy to the late 20th century' became the fuel that powered spin offs that functioned as a way to continue to tap into that while permitting the changing of the guard i.e., actors.

The end of the 20th century saw Law & Order ride on the fascination with 'realistic' crime --- as opposed to the largely unresearched nonsense that made up Hawaii Five-O, et al. Law & Order didn't invent the police procedural TV drama, but it did arrive at a time at which it could tap into the zeitgeist and use it to fuel spin off after spin off while permitting the changing of the guard i.e., actors.

Okay this is poorly articulated but I think you can see what I'm trying to say.

Hal Jordan – Christopher Lambert – I was after someone for this character who was old but not too old and could pull off the who pull off the Mentor , I say this as I would imagine he would at point pass the torch if you will to John so there fore he needs that BUT He also needs to play the dark loner which Christopher Lambert does really well

John Stewart -Tyrese Gibson – Not quiet as young as I hoped but he looks younger than most his age , He can also play the tough style character that John was in the Justice League cartoon (only way I'm familiar with him)

Kyle Rayner – Freddy Rodríguez – I think he has the right look as he looks sort of like a younger Mexican Johnny Depp , The artist thing I would play up by having him be the senisitive artist which could play well against John Stewart's character

Sinestro – Mads Mikkelsen – I really like this actor and I think he suits the idea of the whole I'm good but deadly Idea where I thought from descriptions he is basically on the path to darkness so we need someone who can play that part of him and this is the best man for the job.

Guy Gardner – John Travolta – I admit I'm not a Travalta fan but from the description it seems like a cross between his comedy roles and his roles as a villain which if he played both at once he seems like this would be perfect for him.

Kilowog - Cgi voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan – The character just looks like that would be the voice he speaks with , the deep powerful voice of Michael Clarke Duncan

Katma Tui – Ziyi Zhang – from films like House of Flying Daggers see seems to have a traditional type feel to her look but can also kick *** as we have seen , As the only female cast that is important to be both hot and *** kicking.

Isamot Kol - Cgi – voiced by David Kaye , I think his Megatron voice if altered slightly would be perfect and so I cast him

Abin Sur – Patrick Stewart , He has the quality of been the right age for the part BUT also having that voice that would suit a professor so we can tell he is intelligent and the young one can learn from him if need be.
Mole, the only two that I have a problem with are your Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner. Both actors are a little too old IMO. Captain Picard as Abin Sur, however, is ****ing brilliant.
Interesting choices Mole. Some are very iffy for me but I have to say I was considering Stewart to play Abin Sur so good choice.
I don't really know what a GREEN LANTERN movie could be like. Part of me thinks it would be a space opera version of CHINATOWN, but everytime I think about it, I find the entire situation absurd and would rather it just be normal cops. I think it's because I find the DCU alien nations so ridiculously uninspired I can't begin to care. Also, I think the Power Ring is crap. Because it can 'do anything', it's too much like the T-X from TERMINATOR 3; it's not creative or smart. Let me explain quickly; one of the reasons I knew T3 would suck was when I heard the T-X could make 'anything' because it was made of energy. What made the T-1000 so brilliant was that it couldn't do anything. It had all this rules: it had to retain the same mass, couldn't form chemicals, moving parts. It could only make stabbing weapons – and it was terrifying. The T-X on the other hand, could do anything and became banal: why doesn't she just turn into a bomb and explode and kill John Connor? She can. Why not shoot him with a grenade launcher? She can. She's too powerful and too dull. This is how I feel about the Power Ring. It can make anything it wants. So no matter what situation you come up with, the most boring, simple construct is the correct one and you never, ever, have to tax yourself as a writer to come up with something good. So it sucks. Plus, the most banal plot seems to be GL's schtick: "It's not about the ring, but who wears it." :sick:

The property sucks.

But a superhuman police force? I can get into that.

In my head, I'm casting a darker, film noir version of THE UNTOUCHABLES, similar to LA CONFIDENTIAL. A sprawling, underground corruption in the most powerful police force bubbles and boils to an irrevocable moment that defines history, and the crème of the Corps is caught within the cataclysm.

With big green lasers. :|

Mel Gibson is HAL JORDAN.
He may be a bit old to be an action hero, but Mel Gibson is not only a very good actor, but he's particularly adept at straddling the blurring line between fearlessness and suicidal tendencies, all while being charming. That daring nature is absolutely key to Hal Jordan's character.

Samuel L Jackson is JOHN STEWART.
While it would be bizarrely appropriate to cast Danny Glover, Samuel L Jackson is much more of an action hero. Samuel L Jackson's incredible style will elevate this secondary character to a much more prominent and engaging role by making him so much more fun. John Stewart is a very by-the-book Green Lantern, in contrast with Hal and Kyle. Such a trait though is generally very boring, but Samuel L Jackson can take the stoic leader and turn him into a complete badass. He already turned a boring character like this into gold: Mace Windu. Mace Windu isn't cool. He doesn't do or say anything cool. But Samuel L Jackson just turned him into an icon that feels at home with 30 years of continuity.

Simon Pegg is KYLE RAYNER.
I almost went for Ewan McGregor, but I disliked having two STAR WARS guys in the main trio. Simon Pegg however, is still a wonderful Kyle Rayner. In SPACED he played an aspiring comics penciller, much like Rayner. What's more, Pegg's seeming trademark is to take the mundane and the outrageous and combine them flawlessly; SPACED, HOT FUZZ, and SHAUN OF THE DEAD all do this. In this film, he would very much bring it down to Earth, continually being overwhelmed and amazed at the expansive universe and awesome powers he's met with, as well as the only Green Lantern to use popular culture as inspiration for his light constructs.

Bruce Willis is GUY GARDENER.
Bruce Willis has made a career of playing snarky macho men who enjoy killing bad guys as much as saying one-liners at their corpse. He would be perfect as Guy Gardener because while he can easily play the macho jackass, unlike many others, he can make it so much fun and do so with such charm, he can turn it into a franchise character. He's hardcore and a big mouth. He's perfect.

Clint Eastwood is KILOWOG.
Clint Eastwood has made a career of being the "tough guy". Kilowog is obviously a CGI construct, but its voiced by Clint Eastwood, who's gravely voice is unmistakably authoritative. The other aspect to Kilowog, his intelligence, is also an underrated part of Eastwood's character. He's quietly having one of the best careers in movie history, currently helming hit after hit with an acclaimed reputation.

Sandra Bullock is KATMA TUI.
Sandra Bullock is one of the first actresses to hold her own as an action hero. She also possesses enough range to play a fugitive, detective, clown, and hopeless romantic. While the romantic part won't really be necessary for the film, her ability to really take the spotlight will allow Katma Tui to be an equal in the Corps, instead of a token girl. Sandra Bullock is good enough that I can imagine at the end of this film, people wanted a Katma Tui spin-off.

Kevin Costner is ISAMOT KOL.
All I know about Isamot Kol is that he's a war criminal in dire need of redemption. One of Kevin Costner's most famous roles was in DANCES WITH WOLVES where he played a guilt-riddled American soldier. Also, having a character asking for a second chance seems quite appropriate for Kevin Costner who's out of favour with Hollywood (for whatever reasons). Kevin Costner became a movie star for good reason: he's a strong, commanding presence on screen. He can inject real raw emotion into very complex or kinetic plots, as he does in ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES and JFK. Isamot Kol could be CGI, but I personally, would want to have Kevin Costner on screen.

Tommy Lee Jones is ABIN SUR.
The old timer of the group, Tommy Lee Jones is of the same calibre as the rest of this cast, and once again, will be a huge draw to every scene he's in. He also is a somewhat playful actor, having been in MEN IN BLACK as well as being surprisingly comic in THE FUGITIVE. That's a nice element to add to the old timer – that cackling grin, a trait none of the other Lanterns possess.

Tom Selleck is SINESTRO.
Sinestro is the villain of the film, and in classic film noir murder mystery style, that's got to be a secret. Tome Selleck is never a villain. Or at least, never an evil one. But here he is, that smiling, charming, handsome man who everyone loves, and he turns out to be the most corrupt Lantern in the history of the Corps. He's also so charming you can immediately see why others would join him – and he'd sell the scenes where the other Lanterns are offered a place at his side. Hell, I'd join his Corps. It's Tom ****ing Selleck.

Peter Weller is THE MANHUNTERS.
The Manhunters could be completely CGI, but I'd prefer that maybe half a dozen proper extras are Manhunters and then CGI is used to inflate their number where required. Regardless, the actual Manhunters' faces would be CGI rotoscoped onto those extras, and that face (and it's voice) is Peter Weller. His face is incredibly distinctive, even when its covered in prosthetics, and his voice is authoritarian – you will do whatever the **** Peter Weller tells you too. Plus, his cowboy charm as seen in ODYSSEY 5 can elevate the Manhunters from automatons to the sports car equivalent of Storm Troopers. They're red after all.

Sir Ian McDiarmid, Michael Moriarty, Peter Falk, David Suchet, and Yaphet Kotto as THE GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE.
Apparently, the Guardians don't have names. Fine with me – but this council would be ****ing awesome. They're as different from each other as the main cast is, each instantly recognisable, and all very talented actors. So much so, that the scene where Sinestro kills them would really be heart-wrenching because – dammit – they should have their own damn film.

There's my cast. I should get bonus points because every one of them has played a cop (or law enforcement agent) – except for Sir Ian McDiramid. But then, he's too damn good as a Guardian to remove.
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I actually have a few ideas and will participate.
I don't really know what a GREEN LANTERN movie could be like. Part of me thinks it would be a space opera version of CHINATOWN, but everytime I think about it, I find the entire situation absurd and would rather it just be normal cops. I think it's because I find the DCU alien nations so ridiculously uninspired I can't begin to care. Also, I think the Power Ring is crap. Because it can 'do anything', it's too much like the T-X from TERMINATOR 3; it's not creative or smart. Let me explain quickly; one of the reasons I knew T3 would suck was when I heard the T-X could make 'anything' because it was made of energy. What made the T-1000 so brilliant was that it couldn't do anything. It had all this rules: it had to retain the same mass, couldn't form chemicals, moving parts. It could only make stabbing weapons – and it was terrifying. The T-X on the other hand, could do anything and became banal: why doesn't she just turn into a bomb and explode and kill John Connor? She can. Why not shoot him with a grenade launcher? She can. She's too powerful and too dull. This is how I feel about the Power Ring. It can make anything it wants. So no matter what situation you come up with, the most boring, simple construct is the correct one and you never, ever, have to tax yourself as a writer to come up with something good. So it sucks. Plus, the most banal plot seems to be GL's schtick: "It's not about the ring, but who wears it." :sick:

The property sucks.
That's an easy fix, limit the ability of the ring to force fields and energy blast, much like in the JLU. Theoretically its limitless, but still body to the concept the wearer has.
I should get bonus points because every one of them has played a cop (or law enforcement agent) – except for Sir Ian McDiramid. But then, he's too damn good as a Guardian to remove.
You should
I'm not feeling Bass' cast of his reasoning as to why he doesn't like Green Lantern.

Crazy arab.
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