Shark series discussion *spoilers*


Nexus of the World
Feb 22, 2005
Folkestone, UK
Anyone else watch this show? It just started on Five here in the UK and it's quite a little bit of fun. It is House MD - but lawyers. It's exactly the same show, different profession.
Anyone else watch this show? It just started on Five here in the UK and it's quite a little bit of fun. It is House MD - but lawyers. It's exactly the same show, different profession.

I'm a few behind on the DVR, but yes, I'm watching and it is a good show. Pretty much Trial House, but Shark has a kid, which twists things up to some extent.
I saw the season finale tonight, and despite the stupid title of "WAYNE'S WORLD 2: REVENGE OF THE SHARK" (because the villain is called "Wayne" I suppose) it was an unbelievably kick *** episode with a superb ending.
Anyone else watch this show? It just started on Five here in the UK and it's quite a little bit of fun. It is House MD - but lawyers. It's exactly the same show, different profession.

I watched two episodes and decided I didn't like it. Too much of James Woods being an ******* until it mattered then growing a heart. I want ******* 24/7 damnit!
Anyone else watch this show? It just started on Five here in the UK and it's quite a little bit of fun. It is House MD - but lawyers. It's exactly the same show, different profession.

Yeah, I watch this. I started watching this mainly because my favorite actress is in it... Sarah Carter. But since then I've come to enjoy it for it's plots and tune in every Sunday.
I watched two episodes and decided I didn't like it. Too much of James Woods being an ******* until it mattered then growing a heart. I want ******* 24/7 damnit!

Watch the finale.

Yeah, I watch this. I started watching this mainly because my favorite actress is in it... Sarah Carter. But since then I've come to enjoy it for it's plots and tune in every Sunday.

I began watching it because I like Woods and Jeri Ryan is so very fine. I loved also the potential for changing Ryan and Woods professional relationship in season 2. That could be a lot of fun.
I started watching this before I left for Europe, I'll try to pick it up on DVD soon.

And I don't think it's James Woods playing 'Attorney House'.

I think it's James Woods playing James Woods.

Except he's now a lawyer not the Greek God of the Underworld or the mayor of New York.
This show is great.

Not exactly great as in the 'greatest EVAR' in the manner which people seem to use to describe How I Met Your Mother, but it's still rather good, even if I think it has a few niggling problems.

My main beef at the moment, is that whenever they need a pop rock song to put in --- usually towards the end at an appropriately sappy moment --- they usually choose a pretty crap one that's utter ****e. Maybe NBC Universal doesn't own any good record labels? :p

Baxter said:
I watched two episodes and decided I didn't like it. Too much of James Woods being an ******* until it mattered then growing a heart. I want ******* 24/7 damnit!
It gets better.

It's growing pains, and they resolve the idea of how moral outrage can exist in a hardass like Sebastian in a much more nuanced manner later on. They resolve those sides of the character without lessening either.

I prefer to call Sebastian's virtuous side the 'morally outraged' one rather than the 'bleeding heart' one. Pay attention and you'll notice that he gets incensed at the defendants more than he experiences softie sympathy for the victims.

I haven't been watching it in a linear fashion... I saw the middle episodes before I left for Europe, and am catching the last few episodes on cable, while I watch the first bunch of episodes on hi-res torrents.

I'm beginning to find that this is a pretty good way to experience new TV shows if you find yourself unable to bind yourself to the cable schedule and DON'T have TiVo.

First of all, I get past some of the growing pains of the shows formula. Of course, this is only reasonable if it's a show that stands up to an episodic schedule and NOT if it's a serialized drama like Dexter, 24 or Heroes.

Second, watching the final third of the episodes while watching the first third intermittently allows me to enjoy how later plot points reflect on earlier established themes.