Have You Been Rick Roll'd?


i had to click out. it wouldnt let me.

therefore, force quit.

i feel something truly evil was waiting for me at the end of it.
I'm going to ban Doom soon.
:lol: That was quite funny, not being able to quit. Kinda like having a tarantula down in your joy department. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I hate you so much, Doom.

I have it stuck in my head now.
I posted that as a MySpace bulletin. I had 4 friends send me a message saying they were dropping me as a friend.

They did.

Then they sent me requests to be friends again.

I posted that as a MySpace bulletin. I had 4 friends send me a message saying they were dropping me as a friend.

They did.

Then they sent me requests to be friends again.

