
Check out the link to wicca. It too, is as impartial as one could really hope anything could be. Certainly, both of these are far better done than the homosexuality article. Kudos to whoever wrote them.

Except, the whole mission statement of the encyclopedia is that it's intended to be biased.

skotti-chan said:
Join the club....join the club

and I don't even believe in the Devil -.-

good. That makes it even easier to be a Satanist. ;)
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Check out the link to wicca. It too, is as impartial as one could really hope anything could be. Certainly, both of these are far better done than the homosexuality article. Kudos to whoever wrote them.

Oh, that's just bizarre. I'm guessing they just assume that, because it's pagan and, supposedly, pagan=bad in Christianity, they don't need to actually explain that its bad? :roll:

What a dumb website. Can't even make up its mind whether to have a skewed viewpoint or not.
First, the Wiki article on what I'm talking about:

Then, the thing that I'm talking about:

Then, a "randomly" selected page just for fun:

I think I'm going to be sick. All I can say is that I'm glad Mavericker's banned during this discussion.

Those pages aren't even coming up for me.

I'm assuming that it's because my computer is installed with Anti-Stupidity© Software.
Um, I hate to say this - but this is what free speech is about. People saying things you don't like to hear. And it shouldn't surprise you to hear it.

People will have views you find bizarre or offensive. Part of the problem of political correctness is that it tries to drive this kind of thought underground through ostracizing rather than trying to integrate them into society (which is ironic, because PC means 'everyone is equal - except bigots. you must hate them without question'). I for one, find it somewhat abhorrent that these people think that there is a moral judgement upon homosexual acts that is somehow different to that of heterosexual acts, but at the same time, I understand that those same people feel, in a bizarre way, that their beliefs and way of life are being ridiculed and attacked in the same way homosexuals have for so long (and still are).

It's a rather ugly part of society from any angle. :?
I think it's funny that this site was done in response to the "extreme liberal bias" of Wikipedia.

Ignoring the already stupid idea that Wikipedia has some glaring, overall bias towards any particular side of the political spectrum, why would you respond to that by being just as biased in the opposite direction? "We want a site that tells the truth! long as it's our truth."
Oh, that's just bizarre. I'm guessing they just assume that, because it's pagan and, supposedly, pagan=bad in Christianity, they don't need to actually explain that its bad? :roll:

What a dumb website. Can't even make up its mind whether to have a skewed viewpoint or not.
Let's edit the site and correct it to be more politically accurate.

"Wicca is the third of the ten Satanic religions, after Mormonism and Buddhism. Wiccans are known primarily for their love of consuming the flesh of children as they urinate and defecate simultaneously on both the Cross and the American Flag and their belief in the Devil, who they refer to under the names of various gods and goddesses (These gods and goddesses were concocted in order to confuse good Christians into only stoning them to death instead of stoning them until their corpse is unrecognizable.)"
Hmph, worth a laugh. Don't agree with what they say, but I'll let them say it and believe it, because I believe it's their right. If they want to get rowdy, I also believe it's my right to bear a Glock 32. It all works out in the end ;).
"Wicca is the third of the ten Satanic religions, after Mormonism and Buddhism. Wiccans are known primarily for their love of consuming the flesh of children as they urinate and defecate simultaneously on both the Cross and the American Flag and their belief in the Devil, who they refer to under the names of various gods and goddesses (These gods and goddesses were concocted in order to confuse good Christians into only stoning them to death instead of stoning them until their corpse is unrecognizable.)"

I fully endorse the decision to make this article far more idiotic. You edit Wicca, I'll edit Potter.

There is a subsection under the page for Democrats... "Homosexual Agenda"


"Democrats reject the idea of a Homosexual agenda preferring to speak in terms of "gay rights" when this issue is raised; the Democratic Party is the recipient and beneficiary of funding from homosexual lobbying groups and can be seen by their positions as the United States' largest and most powerful de facto supporter of the Homosexual Agenda"


They have a point by point outline of the Homosexual Agenda!!

  1. "Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible."
  2. "Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers."
  3. "Give homosexual protectors a just cause."
  4. "Make gays look good."
  5. "Make the victimizers look bad."
  6. "Get funds from corporate America."

They also have the specific goals of said Agenda laid out...

  1. censoring biblical condemnations of homosexuality
  2. establishing affirmative action for homosexuals
  3. expand hate crimes legislation to include sexual orientation
  4. ending the military's and Boy Scout's restrictions on homosexuality
  5. promote homosexuality in schools
    (in places like Massachusetts and California — where the gay lobby is the strongest — it starts as early as pre-school. They tell seven- or eight-year-old boys — "If you only like boys, there's a chance you may be homosexual." Or — "If you only like girls, maybe you are lesbian." Well, at that age, all members of the opposite sex "have cooties.")
  6. promote science that legitimizes homosexuality, such as claims of a never-identified gay gene
  7. force businesses to accommodate their lifestyle
  8. getting more rights in prison

I can't decide whether I should be offended or amused...
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This is why I gave up on conspiracy theories. The idea that the people with the agenda have such incredibly complex, well thought out plans for every contingency and have everyone backing them... yeah. Sure. These guys can't even manage their own private lives, let alone the lives of millions of people.


Did no one remember the poem? "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley".

So fret not, liberal fighters of the Illuminati and conservatives struggling against ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government) and their gay agenda! Their schemes are best laid, and thus, are sure to gang aft agley!

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Y'know, as much as I hate their message, and how much it pisses me off. They have every right to be ignorant. It just upsets me that they're spreading this ignorance to kids.
Y'know, as much as I hate their message, and how much it pisses me off. They have every right to be ignorant. It just upsets me that they're spreading this ignorance to kids.

The kind of kids that are reading this are generally the kind of kids who are getting earfuls of it everywhere else anyway.

But yeah, I agree. It's their right. They aren't breaking the law.
When I first saw the title of this thread, I thought, "What a great idea to have a whole wiki devoted to conservation of the environment."

Talk about a let-down.... :?
I just heard about this site from The Daily Show this past week. Great place for a teen to get their news, huh? :)

Oh noes!! Not the Daily Show, now yer learnin everything thos commie, pinko, jews wancha to kno!
I have nothing important to contribute.

Except this