DC Elseworlds Help


Active Member
Aug 12, 2006
I'm looking for a Batman Elseworld comic,but I can't remember the title. All I remember about it was that the Joker and Batman both were much darker characters, the Joker was set up as some sort of ruler in Gotham, although he only wore a loincloth and had much longer hair. And I remember Batman slaughtering lots of Jokers underlings and the comic being much bloodier than any of the Bat titles of the time, which I believe was mid to late 90's. Any help would be appreciated. I did check out a Elseworlds checklist but could not determine which one it was from there.
Sounds to me like one of the Batman: Dracula elseworlds titles. The story is pretty much about the Joker becoming a vampire and creating an army of vamps, and Batman being unable to stop him. Batman decides that the only way to defeat them is to become a vampire himself.

I've never actually read it, but there was loads of stuff about it in 'Batman: A Complete Guide To The Dark Knight'.
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Sounds to me like one of the Batman: Dracula elseworlds titles. The story is pretty much about the Joker becoming a vampire and creating an army of vamps, and Batman being unable to stop him. Batman decides that the only way to defeat them is to become a vampire himself.

I've never actually read it, but there was loads of stuff about it in 'Batman: A Complete Guide To The Dark Knight'.

Its going to have a massive collection soon of all three minis in one volume. I've read the first one and it was pretty good, so I'd wait for that before buying.

I would flip through it first though, jst to make sure its the one you're thinking of.