Cancelled Shows???

Ugh. Awesome shows like Veronica Mars get cancelled.....meanwhile horrible shows like Smallville get to continue to show their ****ty stories.
Personally I think that VM has been on a downhill slide since the end of season one. Which was fantastic. I didn't watch all of season 2 and couldn't be bothered to check out most of season 3, but I think Kristen Bell is talented and I like most of the characters a lot. Dick has always been especially entertaining. Unfortunately, you can't really do a detective show with the same group of characters (outside of the detective{s} themselves) for too long. It just doesn't work that well after a while. How often could you really accuse Logan of various crimes before it became old hat. I'm not all that sad to see it off the air.

Smallville sucks. That is all.
Six years too late. The very fabric of pop culture ether has been permanently scarred.

Ah, but the best part, the CW isn't done raping pop culture or your childhood. They're still in development for a Green Arrow spin off, and even a possible JL spinoff.
Ah, but the best part, the CW isn't done raping pop culture or your childhood. They're still in development for a Green Arrow spin off, and even a possible JL spinoff.
I don't feel particularly raped. I didn't grow up on DC after all. :p
Well, I for one, am on the bandwagon to save Jericho. They sent 2200 pounds of packing foam nuts to CBS today on a truck. If'n yer wondering why that - think Battle of The Bulge and NUTS! (from the finale's plot).

Your Veronica Mars wasn't really cancelled. New name: Veronica Mars: FBI, where she will play a character similar to Clarice in Silence of the Lambs, will be it's repalcement.

Well,it's in development right now I understand.
Your Veronica Mars wasn't really cancelled. New name: Veronica Mars: FBI, where she will play a character similar to Clarice in Silence of the Lambs, will be it's repalcement.

Well,it's in development right now I understand.

Wrong. VM is done.

CW Execs have said that the character is not coming any form.

It's a shame too. It was a damn good show.

And now I'm even a little sadder because FOX's The Loop---even though they're airing season 2 starting in June---has been cancelled since the main character is now involved in a new series on the CW this fall.

I has teh tears.
We need a thread devoted to shows that SHOULD have been cancelled.

Cause GODDAMN, do I hate The Ghost Whisperer.
Maybe not in any form on TV... but I'm still hoping for a DC-published comic, written by series creator Rob Thomas, and illstrated by somebody like Maleev or Andreyko. After all, DC and The CW have the same parent company, if i'm not mistaken.

That way, they could either go with the Veronica Mars: FBI Agent angle, or age the characters appropriately, over the course of their college years (which would have been difficult on TV).

We need a thread devoted to shows that SHOULD have been cancelled.
Then by all means, start one...

Or at least rant in this thread, more extensively.

Personally, I can't wait until Laguna Beach and its various spin-offs (The Hills, etc.) finally get the axe.
Personally, I can't wait until Laguna Beach and its various spin-offs (The Hills, etc.) finally get the axe.
I'm fairly sure Laguna Beach has been cancelled. Of course, its being replaced with Newport Beach.
On want a DVD for Misfits of Science.

That show was Heroes 20 years before Heroes.

(I just thought about it because Willie from ALF is in it, and he was also in The Shadow, which I just watched a couple hours ago)