If you could meet any 5 people....


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2005
Toronto, Ontario(by way of the Kepler Verge)
If you could meet any 5 people, presently living or dead, who would they be? The only rule is that they have to have existed in our timeline at some point(i.e. no fictional characters). Other than that, anyone you want. Also, assume you have some sort of Universal Translater so language barriers are not an issue.

I would like to me Jesus Christ, Mr. Rogers, H. G. Wells, Mark Twain, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

Jesus is obvious. I'm not Christian, but I hold him in very high regard as a person, and you know, most famous person of all time and all that.

Mr. Rogers is possibly the greatest person who ever lived, and totally my hero.

H. G. Wells.... one of the fathers of modern Science Fiction. I'd love to have a long conversation with him and show him the ways of the future.

Mark Twain is one of the smartest, wittiest, coolest people ever and the more I read from him the more he reminds me of myself, or who I hope to be someday.

Finally Da Vinci is just all around awesome. I'd love to show him all the wonders of the modern age and learn more about his inventions and ideas on everything.

Runners up include Shakespere, Julius Caesar, Bruce Campbell, Stan Lee, and the members of Stella.

That's who I'd meet. What about you?
Sarah Carter (cause she a Hottie hot hottie with a sexy voice, a kind heart, and brains to boot...)
Jennifer love Hewitt (also a Hottie hot hottie.)
Orson Scott Card (so I could *****slap him for Ultimate Iron Man)
Sam Raimi (to give him a better Ideal of what a Spider-Man movie should be like)
Robin Williams (cause I really could use a laugh right now)
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I agree with Da Vinci and HG Wells. I'm sure they'd be a lot of fun to see what they're thinking about.

I'd like to throw in a comedian or something, especially if we're meeting all of these people at once. John Cleese or Ricky Gervais.

I'd throw in Alan Moore, because he'd be bringing something original to every topic presented and then I can attack him for stealing my ideas.

I don't know anyone else. Maybe Genghis Khan, if he doesn't try to kill me.
You know, I could be a ****head and dispute the "fact" that Jesus Christ is a "real" historical figure, but I don't have the resources to back up any claims, at the moment. And frankly, I have neither the energy nor time to waste on a prolonged debate. Anyway...

Before I go on, a caveat: I'm just doing this off the top of my head, really. Nothing terribly well-considered.

So here's my picks, in no real order:

* Thomas Alva Edison. I seriously want to understand what kind of social circumstances and personality flaws could make such a brilliant, gifted indivdual into such a domineering, cut-throat bastard. He was no doubt a highly intelligent guy, but how could one person be so capable of such apparent greed and selfishness? How could he live with himself? That's what I'd like to find out.

* Jose Rizal. Philippine national hero, world traveller, multi-disciplinary Victorian-era jack-of-all-trades. Lived a life that exemplified cultural globalization, before such a concept even existed. (I'd also really like to know if he came across as gay -- or at least as effeminite as certain present-day historians assess him to be.)

* Drew Barrymore. Because I'd either like to sleep with her, or get her to produce one of my movie ideas. Ideally, both. (Hey, at least i'm honest and open about my intentions.)

* Warren Ellis. But only if we get to spend an appropriate duration of time, as equals (i.e. not a meet-and-greet kind of situation where i'm *just* the fan, and he's the comic creator); and if he's in a good mood. Under the right circumstances, I have no doubt that we'd be able to bounce some fun, interesting concepts off of each other.

* Sex Pistols founder/manager Malcom McLaren, circa the mid-70s. Just to see whether he *really* had any conscious idea about just what kind of change he was about to initiate within pop culture... Was it all part of a grand design? Or was the punk ethic/aesthetic the result of a happy accident?
* Thomas Alva Edison. I seriously want to understand what kind of social circumstances and personality flaws could make such a brilliant, gifted indivdual into such a domineering, cut-throat bastard. He was no doubt a highly intelligent guy, but how could one person be so capable of such apparent greed and selfishness? How could he live with himself? That's what I'd like to find out.

Edison is one of the few people that if I ever met him I would immeadiately and savagely beat him to death. What a ****.

Good list, btw. And for mine, yeah, I am just making the assumption Jesus existed.
Stan Lee - Duh, its Stan Lee. 'Nuff said.

Ozzy Osbourne - Along with the rest of Sabbath he pretty much started the whole heavy metal music genre. He rocks.

Samuel L Jackson - He is the greatest actor alive.

Hayden Panettiere - Shes such a pretty lady. She makes me happy in pants.

Ewe Boll - So I could kick him in the nuts and get my £4 and an hour and a half of my life back for watching that piece of ****ing **** cinematic abortion he called House of the Dead.
My 5

Cleopatra - She is often referred to been amazingly beautiful. So I figure I would try and hit that.

Mark Calaway - Wrestling is a huge deal for me. He is my favourite wrestler of all time (He's the undertaker incase you didn't know)

Steven Spielberg - I've entered film festivals (won one) and It was all from been inspired by a lot of things. One of them was him. As far I'm concerned a movie making god!

Vlad the Impaler - This may be a silly a reason but I want to see if their any truth to people who say vampires are real. He is the most famous one "Dracula " so this could be interesting

Stan Lee - I think that would be interesting as hell.
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In no praticular order...

Zach Snyder: As much as I loved Dawn of the Dead and 300, that's not what I'd like to talk to him about. I need to make sure that he's not ****ing around with this Watchmen movie that he's making. I'd ask him to describe for me, his vision for the film, and how he plans to pull everything off. If I didn't like what I heard, I'd kill him. Really, it would be for the best.

Bruce Lee: Anyone who knows me, knows why he's here. I freely admit the hero worship that I have for this man. Literally, I could just sit with him for hours and listen to him talk about about his marital arts philosophies. He IS the geatest martial artist of, if not all time, the 20th century, and it's seriously criminal that he died so young, never really having the chance to finish his art. More than anything, I'd like to be a student of his. If I had millions, or even billions of dollars, I would give it all away to study with Bruce Lee. JKD FTW!

Natalie Portman: :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: I think this one is self-explanitory. A fantastic actress and um...yeah...she's a good actress...

Abraham Lincoln: No, I do not think he was our "Greatest President". In fact, I think quite the opposite. This bastard was about to make the "United States of America" into the "United States of whatever Abraham Lincoln wants". Luckily, we were saved from his tyranical rule by James Wilkes Booth, an honest man of democracy, who has unfairly been crucified by history. Everyone else has someone on their list that they just want to punch, so why can't I have someone?

Garth Ennis: I'm a terrible Ennis fanboy. I love everything he writes. I know I should have a "Stan Lee" or an "Alan Moore" or "Grant Morrison" on here somewhere, but Ennis interests me more. I loves me some Religious satire.
And now for my trite list....

Alan Moore or Warren Ellis - Either or....they're both the same person. Like Ourchair and Compund. Ice and Joe Q. E and That One Guy. But seriously----just sitting down with them and listening to them talk would be enough. I know I should say something like Jack Kirby or Stan Lee.....but we've all heard Stan Lee's thoughts on all his characters and whatnot before.

Quentin Tarantino - I kid you not when I say that if I could quit the military and apprentice under Tarantino for a few years living off $100 a week....I would. I'm 100000% serious. His films are brilliant homages to styles of cinema that have shaped the landscape for movies today.

Robert DeNiro - I think anyone who wants to meet an actor would arguably have either DeNiro or Brando atop the list. I'm opting for the one who won't look at me like I'm a cookie.

Yuen Woo Ping - Everyone here knows I'm a big fan of the fighting. I'm a little more mellow nowadays than before....but still. I pick Yuen Woo Ping because of his accomplishments in fighting cinema. He shaped onscreen fighting to what it is today. People---real life fights are not as pretty as they are on screen. A real martial arts fight is nt gonna look like a beautiful choreographed fight from Crouching Tiger. It's kinda sloppy. There is grace in the true martial arts form.....but not as pretty as Yuen can make it.

Jesus - So I can give him a Freeze-Frame High Five for being awesome.
John Lennon- just cause i'd be curious, and would want to know what he thinks of the world today.

Mark Twain- i think he'd be an amazing guy to have a beer with.

Lee Harvey Oswald- just, you know, to ask him a few questions.

Mary Magdelene- a different perspective on the whole "jesus" thing.

Jim Henson- a true and unique visionary, possibly the celebrity death that most affected me. i'd love to just shake his hand and hear his opinion on things like education. he was the first artist to teach children with his characters by being clever, warm, and pure without being cloying.
Christopher Reeve - Just an inspiration in every sense of the word. He played a hero, then he faced great adversity and then he became a hero, to so many people. Nothing, not even death, could stop the positive effect he has had on people all around the world.

Johnny Cash - Probably my favourite musician. I'm not really into 'bands' per se, I just like songs when I hear them. He's the only musician who's songs I pretty much always like. I read his autobiography last year and it was just amazing. Not to mention 'Walk The Line' is one of my favourite films.

Mark Hamill - He's pretty much everything I ever want to be. He's the comic-book geek who got to live the dream. He got to be the main character in one the most successful fantasy films of all time, he got to play the greatest supervillain of all time, he got to play a minor supervillain in live-action. And he owns a comic shop. What more could you ask for?

Stan 'The Man' Lee - The man who made Marvel comics. 'Nuff said.

Parker Johnston
- In a completely non-stalkerish way, this guy is pretty much my online best-friend and it would be really cool to meet him in real life.
Well here we go.

Alexander the Great - Conquered the known world by the age of 32. Inspired most of history's greatest figures. Including one Julius Ceasar, who is said to have broken into tears when he saw a statue of Alexander and realized how little he had accomplished in his own life by comparison.

Hannibal of Carthage - Took elephants over the Alps and brought Rome to its knees. One of the greatest military minds of all time. For centuries after his death Roman mothers would tell their children to "Go to bed or Hannibal will come and get you." It takes a badass mother****er to put that kind of fear into people. Let alone the most powerful country in existance.

William Shakespeare - Anyone who has ever wanted to put pen to paper has wanted to talk to the bard. I'm no different.

Bruce Campbell - The definition of cool. I know you all feel me on this one, so there's no reason for me to elaborate.

Kevin Smith - Love his movies. So much so that when I first went to college it was to become a writer/director like him. Later I realized I wasn't a huge fan of the director part and focused on the writing, but I'm still a huge fan of this huge man. Especially after watching An Evening With Kevin Smith which showed he's a really down to earth, funny guy.
Sarah Carter (cause she a Hottie hot hottie with a sexy voice, a kind heart, and brains to boot...)
Jennifer love Hewitt (also a Hottie hot hottie.)
Orson Scott Card (so I could *****slap him for Ultimate Iron Man)
Sam Raimi (to give him a better Ideal of what a Spider-Man movie should be like)
Robin Williams (cause I really could use a laugh right now)

I'm surpised there is no Kristin Kreuk on there.

Jessica Alba
Christina Aquilera
Kate Beckinsale
Elisha Cuthbert
Carmen Electra
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Kevin Smith - Love his movies. So much so that when I first went to college it was to become a writer/director like him. Later I realized I wasn't a huge fan of the director part and focused on the writing, but I'm still a huge fan of this huge man. Especially after watching An Evening With Kevin Smith which showed he's a really down to earth, funny guy.

I love Kevin Smith! View Askew is the best. Seriously, he's one of my favorite directors. I should have put him on my list.
I'm surpised there is no Kristin Kreuk on there.
The joke that never dies.
Jessica Alba
Christina Aquilera
Kate Beckinsale
Elisha Cuthbert
Carmen Electra
Shocking. TOG went with 5 girls he couldn't bang with 10 feet of rope and a bottle of chloroform.
I love Kevin Smith! View Askew is the best. Seriously, he's one of my favorite directors. I should have put him on my list.
Do it. Flip-flop on your list flip-flopper.
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