Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume 7


He Sees You When You're Sleeping. He Knows When Yo
Oct 24, 2004
New York, NY
After a slight change in our scheduled line-up, we have our dear friend Ultimate Houde bringing us back to the regular series of
Ultimate Central: The Fanfic!!!!

This series, an intregal and unique aspect of this Message Board, began a few short years ago... Our heroes, the Avatars, assembled forces after being forever changed by the otherworldly being who called himself UltimateE... He was recently revealed to have been always working towards the higher cause of world domination, dubbing himself The Emperor as he crushed the Avatars and united his forces from a parallel universe to recreate the world in his image. He rules this world, and the shattered remains of the Brotherhood and the Avatars are lost and leaderless, and God only knows what will happen next (and he's not showing up in the series for another 25 issues!)

After many months of hiatus climaxing in the epic Issue Fifty by the great and powerful Bass, we have returned to the series with plans to see it through to Issue 100 and beyond....

Prepare yourselves to reemerse yourselves in this complex and terrible world written and created by your fellow board members, as we begin the next era of...

Ultimate Central: The Fanfic!

For those of you unfamiliar with the series, I beg you to read through our archives (soon to be updated through the massive issue 50 itself).

Check our the Ultimate Central Trade Paperback HERE!
Damn i need to catch up with Bass's and Houdes issues so i can update the TPB and character status threads. Big big BIG thanks to Strangefate for carrying this for me while i been playing silly buggers
I really like that E won't appear again until #75. I was hoping he'd remain in charge of the world for quite some time... :rockon:
Yeah. I'm sorry about mucking the schedule for this up even more but I've had a lot going on anymore. It'll only get worse for me when I go back to work in a few weeks...

Considering I never missed a deadline and released my issues in a timely fashion, I find you a disgusting human being.
So you say, but there has been little praise of late! I direct you to the so-called "Greatest" member of UC competition.
So you say, but there has been little praise of late! I direct you to the so-called "Greatest" member of UC competition.

Okay, just because you're not the greatest doesn't mean you're not a god. Besides, you always win. I wanna' see somebody else win.

That, and what Random said.
You, Hibiki, have ruined everything. Every time I see your avatar I just hear Master Shake yelling, "I got cancer because of you!"

In regards to the inflammatory defamation of my impeccable character, I refuse to be baited into telling you Godless, heathen ********ers what I think of you.

I have iocane powder. I can kill you all with fluid.
You, Hibiki, have ruined everything. Every time I see your avatar I just hear Master Shake yelling, "I got cancer because of you!"

In regards to the inflammatory defamation of my impeccable character, I refuse to be baited into telling you Godless, heathen ********ers what I think of you.

I have iocane powder. I can kill you all with fluid.

I will destroy you with my rain power.