Avengers Avengers: The Initiative (Discussion Spoilers)

That's the one big thing that interests me. The govt drafts these people because they have powers....but then if they wash out of the training course---the govt takes their powers so they're not unregistered combatants.

How can they do that? Not from an ethical standpoint mind you.....but how can they take someone's powers?

Now from there you could pose a question on ethics. Is is right for them to take individuals' powers? Say you have powers---you register---they throw you into the boot camp---you wash out.....at that point should they be given a mandated choice? As in:

War Machine: You failed to meet our predescribed goals. You're done here. You can now sign this document stating that you will never use your powers again to fight crime or you will be arrested and have your powers taken from you......or you can not sign and we'll just take your powers now.
The issue would have been a total loss if it weren't for the frame where MVP gets half his head blown off. That was pure awesome. It really helped drive home the point that people die when training and precautions aren't set in place.

Otherwise it was pretty unremarkable.
The issue would have been a total loss if it weren't for the frame where MVP gets half his head blown off. That was pure awesome. It really helped drive home the point that people die when training and precautions aren't set in place.

Otherwise it was pretty unremarkable.

Yeah, those guys are morons. They just put her next to a guy who they should've known was going to turn into her worst nightmare, didn't warn her, and let the other kids watch without any protection. Morons.
Yeah, those guys are morons. They just put her next to a guy who they should've known was going to turn into her worst nightmare, didn't warn her, and let the other kids watch without any protection. Morons.

I don't think they actually knew what his powers were. Just that he had them.
I don't think they actually knew what his powers were. Just that he had them.

Well, why not? It's not like he was "Nyah nyah, not gonna tell you", it just hadn't come up. And if he was refusing to tell them, they shouldn't have let him do anything or eat until he told. They've spent months yelling at the top of their lungs about how dangerous untrained heroes are, and then they just throw them into a room to fight with the others standing right there.
You have a point. I think I'm just disappointed in this in general. It was only the first issue and already I have gripes.
I thought it was enough to read the second issue.

i agree... not great, but enough to keep me going

the thing in MVP's blood is going to be the key to unlocking the super soldier serum, i guarentee it...

one more thing... I want a decent adult gay male superhero. Not hoity toity never-had-a-boyfriend Northstar... Not teen angst ridden superkids... like a positive gay rolemodel...

pfft. like that'll happen.
the thing in MVP's blood is going to be the key to unlocking the super soldier serum, i guarentee it...

Yeah, that seems obvious. We'll see though.

one more thing... I want a decent adult gay male superhero. Not hoity toity never-had-a-boyfriend Northstar... Not teen angst ridden superkids... like a positive gay rolemodel...

pfft. like that'll happen.

This is probably not the best thread for this (was there a gay character in Initiative? I don't remember), but. . .

The best I can think of is in Top Ten, with an old gay couple that have been together for decades. I'm trying to think of others, but they're all either teenagers or lesbians. Or teenage lesbians.
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there wasnt in the initiative, but the only other mainstream marvel superheroes i can think of at the moment are Phat and Vivisector from Alred and Milligan's x-force/statix
there wasnt in the initiative, but the only other mainstream marvel superheroes i can think of at the moment are Phat and Vivisector from Alred and Milligan's x-force/statix

Yeah, but weren't they just manipulating the media into thinking they were gay to become more popular? I didn't read the whole series.
After reading the first issue again, I have to say, it's much better on a second read. Like, a lot. If I could, I'd upgrade my grade from 3.5/5 to 4/5, but I won't.
Am i the onlyone who finds Teen heroes used a soldiers given pulse rifles disturbing?

Also Could 9 and the others arent that well trained..isnt that what the whole SHRA was against?

Hence my post. Not to mention the fact that a president who disrupts the entire chain of command and slows America's reaction time during a disaster would probably be forced to come with them, if someone that stupid could even get the job in the first place. (I'm not making a political commentary--this isn't even fictional Bush, it's fake fictional Bush, because this is either a simulated scenario they wanted the kids to practice in, or so stupid it will be retconned out within a matter of days.)