Greg Lantern the Movie


Apr 18, 2007
Are they really coming out with a Greg Lantern movie?
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Re: Green Lantern-the Movie

Shouldn't this be in the comic book movies form?
Re: Green Lantern-the Movie

I had written screenplays for a Green Lantern trilogy back in junior high/early high school, but they've long since been lost. Basically, it was:

Green Lantern - The origin story involving Hal, training under Kilowogg and Sinestro, then finally facing Sinestro and the armies of Qward.

Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight - Five years later, Hal is very stressed due to how long he's had the ring and how often he's used it, and now he's becoming disillusioned with the universe at large. He fights the combined powers of Hector Hammond and Star Sapphire before it's revealed that Mongul was behind the whole thing in an attempt to get back at the Corps, and in the final scene, Coast City is destroyed, leaving a Halo 2/God of War 2 ending.

Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn - In a recap narrated by Ganthet, the bridge between the two films is revealed. Hal attempts to resurrect Coast City, but the Guardians deny him the power. Finally, he snaps and murders all but one of the Guardians and destroys the Corps. Ganthet presents the last power ring to Guy Gardner, a cocky unemployed thirty-year-old who was originally the second choice for Abin Sur's ring. Guy has to overcome his own personal demons to stop Hal Jordan, now known as Parallax, from destroying and rewriting existence. It ended with Hal giving his life to stop a resurrected Sinestro and Guy, overcoming his inferiority complex and his anger, accepts his duty as the last Green Lantern. If I remember correctly, I left the doorway open to Hal returning as the Spectre, but since this was some five years ago, I forgot.
Re: Green Lantern-the Movie

Actually, I first started thinking about a free roaming GL game about a year ago. I think the character's ideal for it. So is Supes, but he just had a game studio that was used to doing football games every single year. Give the license for GL and/or Supes to, say, Activision and you have gold.
Re: Green Lantern-the Movie

Actually, I first started thinking about a free roaming GL game about a year ago. I think the character's ideal for it. So is Supes, but he just had a game studio that was used to doing football games every single year. Give the license for GL and/or Supes to, say, Activision and you have gold.

Image a free roam punisher made by Rockstar. Now that would rule.

i want a free roaming batman game though. Just for driving free roam bat mobile
Re: Green Lantern-the Movie

If they actually do a GL movie, which GL would they use? There were four main GLs-the original Alan Scott, Hal Jordon, Kyle Rayner and now John Stewart. Or would they create a story arc using all four?
Re: Green Lantern-the Movie

free-roam games are never that cool!
the free-roaming part gets boring so quickly...

and GL, oh god I can never get used to DC characters...
Green Lantern-the Movie

There have been rumors floating around the web for years that a Green Lantern movie was in the works-is there any truth to this, or is this just speculation? Will they come with one any time soon in the near future?
Re: Green Lantern-the Movie

That's for the JLA movie that's in the script writing phaze, GJ is not confirmed and its still in early developement
That's a fake fan made trailer, even says so in the description "I edited my butt off people. Stock Footage is the best thing in the world!"

That's 2 years old and its just rumors of GL and nothing solid was given

Again, 2 year old rumors
That was just a fan-casting poll
People trying to get an early jump, nothing official
And just a fan's ideas

Again, there is no active developement of a GL film currently, besides him possibly being in the JLA movie
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