The Sarah Silverman Program


Without him, all of you would be lost souls roamin
Feb 23, 2005
Has anyone else been watching this? Because if you aren't, you need to.

They had Zack Galifinackis on last night as Sarah's new homeless friend, who was driven insane by his mother's embarassing tendency to constantly "queef". Brian Posehn is also on the show. He and another guy play the world's most inconspicuous gay couple.

I laugh hysterically everytime I see the commercial for next week's episode.

"If we can put a man on the Moon, why can't we put a man with AIDs on the Moon?

And pretty soon, we can put everyone with AIDs on the Moon."
I hate the commercials for this, it makes me not want to watch. According to those the show is about a chick yelling boogers or something childish. But Zack Galifinackis is the man and I did see a part where a dead chick was trying to warn her, it was funny.
Sarah Silverman is very funny. I've seen a few clips and they were great. I downloaded the 1st episode for free on XBox Live but haven't watched it yet.
Has anyone else been watching this? Because if you aren't, you need to.

They had Zack Galifinackis on last night as Sarah's new homeless friend, who was driven insane by his mother's embarassing tendency to constantly "queef". Brian Posehn is also on the show. He and another guy play the world's most inconspicuous gay couple.

I laugh hysterically everytime I see the commercial for next week's episode.

"If we can put a man on the Moon, why can't we put a man with AIDs on the Moon?

And pretty soon, we can put everyone with AIDs on the Moon."

If someone is more obnoxious than me, then they need a reality check.

I have never found Sarah Silverman funny because of this.
She is the sole reason to watch Way of the Gun.

Good thing she's only in the first five minutes.

Actually, now that I thought about it, I really did like this movie overall. It has kind of a Hitman vibe. Everyone go watch it.
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She is the sole reason to watch Way of the Gun.

Good thing she's only in the first five minutes.
I've only ever seen the five minutes, which are indeed great. After that, I got bored.

Ya know, I'd always heard people say that Sarah Silverman was hot and never really agreed, but I have to say that she looks very good on this show.
Sarah Silverman's funny as hell, and I've always found her hot.... Then again, I generally find Jewish girls and most people don't so, different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I haven't had a chance to catch the show yet, and it's not on On Demand, but I want to.
She is the sole reason to watch Way of the Gun.

Good thing she's only in the first five minutes.

Actually, now that I thought about it, I really did like this movie overall. It has kind of a Hitman vibe. Everyone go watch it.

I liked Way of the Gun. It tried to hard to be a post-terintino action/quip flick, but it was still enjoyable. Of course the first 5 minutes are the best part.

I've only ever seen the five minutes, which are indeed great. After that, I got bored.

Ya know, I'd always heard people say that Sarah Silverman was hot and never really agreed, but I have to say that she looks very good on this show.

I too think she's pretty cute. Yes Sarah, two random people on the internet think you're good lookin. Boost that ego babe.
The show is that Sarah Silverman kinda way. That's neither a good or bad thing.

I find myself laughing at this show for really dumb reasons. Like when her neighbor saved her by using karate and they played the song from "The Last Dragon". I laughed my *** off at that. And when the ghost mom queefed her way outta the room.

It's funny and worth a look.....but it's no Chappelle Show.........but it's better than Mencia. Sarah Silverman is the female Jimmy Kimmel or Dane Cook---you either like her or don't. There is no middle ground.
I agree with VVD"s statement, not about the show, but about whether you like her or don't.

I can't stand her. She's not even that pleasing to look at to me. Granted, I'd hit it, but afterwards, I'd leave before she could start talking and ruin the whole thing.
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Funny because they got together, I remember them making jokes about it on some comedy central thing. The image of Kimmel getting it on sickened me.

Kimmel divorced his wife for her, then they seperated as far as I know.

This was during the Man Show I think, or right afterwards.
I tried watching that show...I swear to god I lost IQ points.

I'm thinking about suing her for those 22 minutes I'll never get back.
I agree with VVD"s statement, not about the show, but about whether you like her or don't.

I can't stand her. She's not even that pleasing to look at to me. Granted, I'd hit it, but afterwards, I'd leave before she could start talking and ruin the whole thing.

We must be related.....

Because she's not really that hot. And while she can be funny----you just know that at some point after 15 minutes of being with her---she's gonna do something annoyingly embarassingly in public.

Like say.........


I take the show as is and don't expect anything more from her. If you've seen "The Aristocrats" or "Jesus Is Magic"....then you've seen everything you need to see from her.
I like her and i think she's cute. I don't like Chapelle or Mencia as much as most would. Her show just reminds me of ATHF and I love that show.Chapelle was too silly and Mencia is just not doing it for me. Sarah Silverman is hilarious though and the "gay" couple is hilarious. That magazine was funny to see.
It's funny and worth a look.....but it's no Chappelle Show.........but it's better than Mencia.
Anything is better than Carlos Mencia. I would rather claw my eyes out with a spork than watch anything with that idiot.
Anything is better than Carlos Mencia. I would rather claw my eyes out with a spork than watch anything with that idiot.


He's barely funnier than Robin Williams.

I just assume that, actually. My kitchen table is funnier than Robin Williams.