Daredevil News

Do you read Daredevil?/Do you want Daredevil in the Ultimate Universe?

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I want them to do an Ultimate Daredevil mini, seeing as how elektra got one...but i don't want it just to be a copy of man without fear...and i can't think of any new innovative take on Daredevil's origin..but then again i'm not a writer...i think it'd be nice if this was a seperate story going from the end of elektra into daredevil in costume with a few flash-backs of how he became blind. But bottom line I don't want it to be the same as 616, I mean ok he's gonna end up blind and his Dad will be a boxer with the mob ties and all, but radioactive chemicals is kinda like the radioactive spider in spiderman, they made it genetically altered instead....and I think i want something more inspired than just he was just born blind. Maybe if they tied his origin to another character in the UU like Punisher or black widow, hell maybe he went to school with nick fury and there was a bully who liked to gouge eyes...maybe that would be silly
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Damn, I totally forgot about that. I wonder if Daredevil's going to get involved?

Wouldn't he have to? If the Hood is becomming the next Kingpin, DD would have to fight him, DD would never tolerate an organized crime that had become as powerful's Fisk's group.

Imagine if the Hood created a super villain mafia group. A super villain group that is run like a business. The Hood would be the CEO, ensuring that things run smoothly in the organization and overseeing the big details of the group, while others would be the board of directors, lieutenants who oversee the day to day operations of different sections of NYC (Harlen, Hell's Kitchen, etc). A super villain co-op if you will. That would truly make the Hood the Kingpin of super villains.
It's just that since The Hood is appearing in New Avengers, I guess they'll be dealing with his most of the time, and I don't think Brubaker (and Daredevil) are the kind of guys who'll mix and match with other comics.
It's just that since The Hood is appearing in New Avengers, I guess they'll be dealing with his most of the time, and I don't think Brubaker (and Daredevil) are the kind of guys who'll mix and match with other comics.

Well if the Hood does create a super villain mafia, DD could have to deal with whomever the Hood puts in charge of Hell's Kitchen. DD fights organized crime and if the Hood takes over the Kingpin's position, DD would have to fight his organization. DD would least to make an effort to keep the Hood's organization of out Hell's Kitchen.

However brubaker could throw a curve ball and not deal with the Hood, doing his own thing and still creating a quality storyline, I just find it odd that a guy would take Kingpin's place and DD wouldn't do anything about it.
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From Lying in the Gutters:

Marvel will announce that the mysterious Bendis/Mack Daredevil project is actually "Daredevil: The End," part of Marvel's run of "final stories" for their characters. LITG already named Bill Sienkiewicz as one artist on the project and I understand Klaus Janson is another. But I understand this will be a big celebratory project for the character, with a lot of ex-Daredevil artists (minus the one everyone is thinking of) getting involved.
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Well. That's about as disappointing an announcement as could have been made.

Um, what? Am I the only one who's already known this? I said it sounded uninteresting a couple of pages back and you all were interested in it... :?
Um, what? Am I the only one who's already known this? I said it sounded uninteresting a couple of pages back and you all were interested in it... :?

It sounded interesting...until I read that it is a "The End" book. I have zero interest in those stories.
The Italian Daredevil/Captain America Crossover was released overseas...

"Devil e Capitan America: Doppia Morte"
Daredevil & Captain America: Dead on Arrival

MWoF.com's Francesco said:
So, long story short. I buy this comic here.
DD & Cap: Dead on Arrival, by Faraci (story), Villa (art), and D'Auria (colors). Cover by Gabriele Dell'Otto and Claudio Villa.

I expected a few more pages. It's barely a few pages more than a regular DD issue.

Basically, the story (its specified that it is set prior to the events of Avengers Disassembled and Secret Wars) deals with the "apparent" return of Philip Wallace Sterling, the infamous Death-Stalker, who longtime DD readers may remember as a formidable DD opponent.

For reasons that I won't spoil you, Sterling reappears alive and well. What's his objective then? Why of course, revenge against Matt Murdock, guilty of um... err... having forced him to...accidentally kill himself (Daredevil #158) by materializing through a gravestone (I know it doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but consider this guy was an obsessed scientist, a guy who creates stuff for time displacement, he surely doesn't have a normal reasoning).
The Death-Stalker, besides the ability to materialize and dematerialize in our plane of existence at will, wears a pair of gloves that grant him a (most of the time) lethal touch.

Sterling reappears in New York, and kidnaps a dozen or so of citizens. He leaves some witnesses with a message: Daredevil will have to meet him at St. Stephen's graveyard, and spontaneously let the villain kill him. Otherwise, Sterling will proceed to kill the hostages.

But there's more. SHIELD, who had previously retrieved the Death-Stalker's gloves, detect the inexplicable return of the villain. They also learn that, because this return has f*cked with time-space continuum, Sterling has to be taken alive. Otherwise, a time paradox will occur, which, as they teach us at school, is no good to integrity of our universe.
Who will Nick Fury choose to face this hard, yet delicate task? Thor? Dr Strange? Iron Man? A task force of level-8 SHIELD agents? No! Steve Rogers, the blue-eyed, ever-loving Sentinel of Liberty. Why? Don't ask me. I would've chosen someone else, given the opportunity, but I've never been a SHIELD director or a Marvel EiC, so what do I know?

Faraci's writing is good, especially in the part where he neatly recaps the past story of the DS (including his early past as the Exterminator, and his mother's successive attempt to avenge him in Daredevil #208). The story adds something new, and fits perfectly in the continuity (which, is not everything, but always adds a nice touch). Good job also with his handling of the personalities of DD and the DS. I wish I could say the same for Cap, who on the contrary was depicted with very little psychological depth.
The narration, for a good part, is told in captions, showing the thoughts of the heroes and of the antagonist.

What's disappointing about the writing is that the story is too much straightforward. Also a bit cornish is the resort to device like the mess in the time-space continuumTM and the even more cornish obligatory fight the good guys always have when they meet TM. That's right. DD and Cap meet and fight each other in this book. Oh, well.
A couple of errors also in the description of their respective powers and abilities (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that you can take down Cap if he blocks you with his vibranium shield).

The art is great. Claudio Villa's pencils provide the bodies with a plasticity reminding that of Colan's art. A way of depicting figures which, we DD readers, accustomed with Maleev's and Lark's art, could find a bit unusual. Great depiction of different scenes, too.
The colors, by Fabio D'Auria, make Villa's art even more amazing and realistic. Together, they also managed to create some intriguing ways of depicting particular effects, like DD's vision through radar sense, the misty setting of the cemetery, the hallucinations and Sterling's memories of his past.

Is DoA worth buying?
Well, overall it is, if not for the story or the writing (which are nothing exceptional after all, having their pros and cons), for the magistral art.

That's all folks, sorry for my macaronique english.
New Joe Fridays:

NRAMA: All right, let's walk through some of your news, and give us whatever thoughts you have on each?

Daredevil: End of Days?

JQ: This is one of those no-brainers. When you have this many great Daredevil creators come to you and say that they want to do a Daredevil project, well, it makes my job as E-i-C pretty darn easy.

NRAMA: Any regrets you can't be a part of this project creatively?

JQ: Absolutely, but to be honest with you, I've done a lot of DD and Father really was pretty tough on me from an emotional standpoint. So, in many ways, I don't think I'm ready to come back to DD and probably won't be for some time. Besides, why would you want a C-list DD guy in the middle of all those A-listers.

Also, let me add, that there might be some more surprise guests showing up to do a little somethin' somethin'.
Apparently that Daredevil/Captain America book is going to be translated and collected with some other foreign language Marvel books in a trade that may only be available in the UK.

But, it should be easy enough to get for the impatient at Amazon.uk.

Just remember, the price is doubled when converted!
Q: Since Danny-as-DD was involved in the #7 fight, does one of the mentioned pardons extend to Murdock himself? He was, if I get my timeline right, out of country during the war.

TB: Presumably. It all depends on whether people believe that Murdock was ever Daredevil, and that he was the Daredevil involved in the war. Over in DAREDEVIL, Matt's name and reputation have been publicly cleared for the most part, so that takes some of this away. Also, Tony Stark is aware that the Daredevil who was in CIVIL WAR was really Danny Rand—there was a version of the scene in issue #5 where he takes Danny to the Negative Zone prison in an earlier draft that made this clear, but again we needed to compress things for space, and bringing in all of this outside continuity from DAREDEVIL into the main CIVIL WAR book would have been a lot for the more casual reader to choke down when he read it as a collection, so we streamlined the scene. But just for fun, here it is:

Page Twenty-One

1/ Cut to an establishing shot of the prison compound where the New York 42-complex can be reached. I understand this was accidentally shown in one of the other books before us, but just draw your own version. The name's all that matters.


2/ Cut to inside and we see Tony and a cuffed Danny Rand (unmasked) walking down a platform with SHIELD guards all around them. This is a huge, Kubrick-style wide-open space here inside the prison.

TONY STARK: You have to understand why we're doing this, Danny. We don't take any pleasure in hunting you guys down.

TONY STARK: We've been friends with you for years. This is horrible for us, but it's saving people's lives.

3/ Pull back for a wider shot and we see a portal on the wall through to the Negative Zone with a big NUMBER 42 above it. This should be above every one of these doorways. Tony, etc, are just little figures down below.

TONY STARK: Public support is over ninety per cent right now. Crime is down to record lows and that's before we even roll out THE INITIATIVE program. You HEAR about this?

TONY STARK: We're going to put a licensed hero in every state in America and the public are ECSTATIC about it.

4/ Close on the guys as they step through the portal and we get an effect as they head into the Negative Zone.

TONY STARK: We're taking the very CONCEPT of superheroes into the twenty-first century.

Page Twenty-Two

1/ Pull back for a huge shot of the Negative Zone here. It's the first time most of the readers will have seen this (even with the schedule goof) so really go nuts here and have fun with the idea of a superhero containment area. Villains should be here too, of course. Tony, etc, are just tiny figures as the landscape steals the show here.


2/ Close on Tony showing Danny around. Just head-shots.

TONY STARK: Nobody gets to wear a mask without being cleared by the authorities. EVERY state gets superhero protection, not just New York and the surrounding areas.

TONY STARK: Rogue superheroes get captured and kept here in Reed's 42- Complex until we can be absolutely sure they'll comply with the law.

Page Twenty-Three

1/ Tony talks to Danny, trying to explain.

TONY STARK: We're not EVIL, Danny. We're only trying to do the right thing. Just like you tried to do by pretending you're DAREDEVIL to help MATT MURDOCK.

2/ Close as tony whispers in Danny's ear.

TONY STARK: I'll never tell them, you know. Matt was a friend of mine and he's already got ENOUGH problems. You have my word this is just between us.

Now that's something you want to know. So no one is going after Matt?

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