Guess who's having Brain Surgery!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2004
Washington, PA
I AM! :D

So I know many of you know about my migraines I've been having and how I've been dicked around by the Neurologist I was referred to. Well today I got to see a Neurosurgeon, one I found on my own, and he confirmed everything I'd expected. I'll have to have brain surgery at the end of February. Its a fairly simple operation where they remove part of my skull and replace it with a patch to give more room for my brain.

And the MRI? It was awesome. My brain is so far out of the skull it reaches my first vert on my spine. Almost to the second. This particular part of the brain isn't supposed to leave the skull.

So I guess after the 22nd I won't be on very much for a while. Atleast not until I can sit upright again.
I hope everything works out fine, man.

And if it doesn't... maybe you'll end up with unlocking some potential and you'll be able to fart out light or something.
anyway you can post a picture of the MRI? sounds interesting. Good luck, i know ive had my share of surgeries and there not fun. Hope all goes well.
Good luck. I hope everything goes well and if you get a scar, it looks cool.

If I get a scar I will never stop shaving my head. Its the perfect conversation starter. Oh that? Its from when I had brain surgery. Yeah, it's no big deal.
Good luck Crab Man.

Why is your brain so big? Are you developing superpowers of some sort? Superbrain tele-something powers or what have you?
Good luck Crab Man.

Why is your brain so big? Are you developing superpowers of some sort? Superbrain tele-something powers or what have you?

Congenital defect. Its kind of surprising that it doesn't fit my skull since my head is two friggin feet around. Its huge. I can't buy hats in normal stores. :cry:
Congenital defect. Its kind of surprising that it doesn't fit my skull since my head is two friggin feet around. Its huge. I can't buy hats in normal stores. :cry:
Freakishly large head can't contain your freakishly large brain. You have all the luck. Seriously though, try lifting stuff with your brain or blowing them up just by staring at them.

Welcome to the club, sort of.

I had chranial surgery as an infant in order to fix a chraniofacial condition that caused my "soft spot" to close up too fast, resulting in an overly soft skull that could allow brain damage at the slightest knock.

So, enjoy your labotom-...I mean, um, perfectly normal brain surgery procedure...

Here, takes some of these white pills.
Wow, well I hope this fixes the problem. I have yet to hear of someone who's brain was too big until now. That's actually kind of a cool reason to have brain surgery.
Welcome to the club, sort of.

I had chranial surgery as an infant in order to fix a chraniofacial condition that caused my "soft spot" to close up too fast, resulting in an overly soft skull that could allow brain damage at the slightest knock.

So, enjoy your labotom-...I mean, um, perfectly normal brain surgery procedure...

Here, takes some of these white pills.

I'm going to finally start understanding you after this aren't I?

Oh god...
On the Recent Threads bar on the main page, the title reads "Guess who's having Brain...", which I misread as "Guess who's having Brian...", and my initial thought was that the thread was called "Guess who's having Brian Michael Bendis over for dinner!".

Huh. Brain surgery doesn't seem so bad now, does it?:wink:
On the Recent Threads bar on the main page, the title reads "Guess who's having Brain...", which I misread as "Guess who's having Brian...", and my initial thought was that the thread was called "Guess who's having Brian Michael Bendis over for dinner!".

Huh. Brain surgery doesn't seem so bad now, does it?:wink:

I dunno. I'm a big fan of some of his stuff.