OC discussion *spoilers*

Gamma Man

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2006
The Place wedged inbtween Reality and my Bookshelf
Well everyone, the fox drama OC is back for a new season! It started last Thursday on Fox. Okay, let me tell you about it:

Last season, Marissa died, and Ryan left the Cohens. He leaves for a rundown appartment in a bar. Seth leaves a long message to Summer about what is happening. Big shock, Summer is now....A HIPPIE! Julie, Marissa's mom, starts to lose it....badly. Seth leaves another message to Summer, saying him and Ryan are in trouble. He does this because he saw Ryan fighting in a cage. Summer comes home, and makes Ryan come with her. She takes him to a comic shop, where Seth works, and shows him a special issue of Atomic County, the comic Seth wrote about the OC. It is an origin. Katlyn, Marissa's sister, sees Dr. Roberts, Summer's mom, cheat on her mom, then tells her mom, and she loses it even more. It gets more complicated. All in all, Ryan comes back, so it's all good. Now, they are gonna have a special two-day back-to-back thing. On Wensday, Steve-O guest stars. Then, on Thursday, Taylor, a weird girl that has this facination about being friends with the group, comes back. She ends up scaring Summer when she comes back to college. Hey, I would be too if some girl was in my bed and asked me to snuggel{well....}. I think everybody can guess the secret already. So, the OC is geared up for another great, thrilling season!:D
The OC is a steaming pile of ****.
Okay, i'm going to (shock! horror!) side with Gamma Man here and ensure this thread remains active... that is, after i've downloaded torrents of the first two episodes of season 4.

Beyond its status as a guilty pleasure (and yes, Summer/Rachel Bilson *is* hott, and i'm not ashamed to say it), The O.C. is a fairly relaible pop barometer of current fixations within youth culture, writ large, in terms of attitudes towards gender, sexuality (e.g. the chracterization of bisexual Alex in season 2), class mobility, wealth, technology, and so forth.

So if you're a hater, just ignore the thread. But I insist that we leave it open for those of us who *do* want to discuss the show.
I can honestly and proudly say---I have never seen a single episode of The O.C. And I never will. Not even 10-15 minutes of it.

Any show that serves as the inspiration of Laguna Beach must be destroyed.
i watched the OC once and only once.
They said it was like dawson's creek but they lied. Dawson's creek was very enjoyable but the OC made me want to kill myself.
rachel Bilson is hot. I still wouldn't watch the show but it's interesting to hear about. how did Marisa die?
I can honestly and proudly say---I have never seen a single episode of The O.C. And I never will. Not even 10-15 minutes of it.

You know who you are? You're ME two years ago. But all that ended on fateful night.:(

My High School was doing a fundraiser for World Hunger called the 30-Hour Famine. Bascially, you go a whole day without eating anything, sleep-over at the school that night, and then the next day there's a huge barbeque(the money comes from people sponsoring you).

So, about 200 people signed up...until they realized that the sleep-over was going to be on an "OC Night" (also known as a "Thursday"). The obvious solution was to have someone who lived near the school tape the show, then run home, bring the tape to the school and project it on the big screen in the auditorium for all to see.

There was almost no way around it, because everyone else was going to watch, so I figured what the heck, I'll go and watch it with everyone. It can't possibly be as bad as I've built it up to be.

Wrong. It's one of the single worst, dumbest, most boring 45 minutes of television I've ever seen in my life. The only thing that stopped me from losing it completely was that my friend was playing Fifa Soccer on his PSP and I watched it over his shoulder when I could.

The OC is a steaming pile of ****.

Well put.

i watched the OC once and only once.
They said it was like dawson's creek but they lied. Dawson's creek was very enjoyable but the OC made me want to kill myself.

Also well put.

No dude that was Marty on teen angel. oh wait ..... that was a a six month old hamburger.

is it sad that I remember that show?

I can say, without hyperbole, than Teen Angel is two hundred million times better than The O.C.
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:lol: i honestly thought no one here would of watched teen angel

Despite the fact that both shows had maybe 15 episodes each that got played over and over, I enjoyed both Teen Angel and You Wish a lot, and would watch them back-to-back every Sunday morning on Family.

Kind of guilty pleasures, but they were always amusing and had more than a few moments of true hilarity.
Despite the fact that both shows had maybe 15 episodes each that got played over and over, I enjoyed both Teen Angel and You Wish a lot, and would watch them back-to-back every Sunday morning on Family.

Kind of guilty pleasures, but they were always amusing and had more than a few moments of true hilarity.

I watched teen angel over here on disney channle in a block of shows that were on in this order

smart guy
teen angel
boy meets world

then over to trouble for

saved by the bell

then nickaloden for
sabrina the teenage witch

I miss those shows they were so cheesy they were good! :lol:
Bolshock, this douche she went out with, got jealous and rammed into her car with Ryan in it. He met to kill them both, but Ryan wouldn't die.

Wow. You couldn't have spelled his name any more wrong. Volchok. He's been in an entire season and you've misheard it every time? :?


Just to clear things up, guys other than Gamma Man and compound, I don't watch The O.C. .... anymore.
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Just to clear things up, guys other than Gamma Man and compound, I don't watch The O.C. .... anymore.
Why? Because of Marissa's death? I think it's the best thing that's happened to the show.

I'm generally not in favor of the trend within ALL kinds of pop culture (comics, TV, movies) to dishing out the harshest fates to its prominent women characters, but Marissa was just bland.

And if the first two episodes of season 4 are any indication, her death has opened up a number of interesting, refreshing character arcs for the remainder of the cast, who are dealing with the after effects of her passing.

Honestly, the sense of grief has been just a little overwhelming, to the point that it feels like Ed Brubaker or Greg Rucka has taken over writing duties on the show. And while it's resulted in some interesting first episodes, i'm hoping that some kind of 'new normal' will be established soon enough, with characters in a new status quo, as a result of the transition to college life.

I think Kaitlin has been a superb addition to the cast; it's nice to have a "little Julie Cooper". It's not as easy as it seems to write a convincing, well rounded delinquent character, but so far, both the screenwriters and the actress have managed to pull it off. Let's see if they can keep pace.
Why? Because of Marissa's death? I think it's the best thing that's happened to the show.

Well for one reason, it used to be on during Earl and The Office and I didn't have a DVR or VCR player (still don't). Secondly, I really disliked what I saw of the third season. But I've heard that S4 is its best since S1 so far, so who knows? Maybe I'll end up renting the current season on DVD.